
Chapter 3

I woke up and then got ready for the day and then went down to make breakfast after I made breakfast I went to the living room and turned on the TV. A while later Wonho came down and brought his breakfast to the living room so he could eat his breakfast with me, and once again, another child had found the fourth golden ticket.

News lady: here we are once again in Arizona with the fourth golden ticket winner: Mike Teevee. Mike, would you care to tell us how you found the fourth golden ticket?

*Time skip after Mike*

At the corner of my eye I could see Wonho with a sad expression, I could tell that he was sad, he then turned to me and asked, "Noona, who were the other two winners after the German kid?" he was obviously sad. I wasn't sure if I should tell him or lie and say that I don't know, but I decided to tell him because I knew he was gonna find out sooner or later, "first as we already know it was Augustus from Germany, second was a girl named Veruca Salt from England, next was another girl named Violet Beauregarde from Arizona and we already know who got the fourth one" I could see his face getting sadder and sadder as I told him that. I then decided to hug him when I noticed his eyes starting to water, "shhhh it's okay Wonho, you'll get a ticket" I tried to comfort him "but what if I don't?" I could tell he was starting to cry so in order to stop it I told him that I bought him 5 Wonka chocolate bars, he then instantly jumped up and down wildly filled with joy "REALLY?" I then chuckled and then stood up to get the 5 bars of heavenly goodness.

I went into the kitchen and opened the cabinet that I had put the chocolate in and came back to the living room and put them all on the table. Wonho's eyes lightened up just at the sight of them, "go on dear, pick any" I said to him as I put my hand out to the chocolate, he then instantly reached to one of the marshmallow ones and opened it to find no golden ticket but that didn't stop him from devouring the chocolate.

He then grabbed the second and last marshmallow chocolate bar and was about to eat it but stopped and handed it to me, he obviously wanted to eat it and I could tell because when I took it from him to hold onto it for a bit so I decided to break it in half and give the bigger piece to him and you could easily see the joy in his eyes, we both ate our halves of the chocolate bar and watched Kumamon for the rest of the day. And once again, I put Wonho to bed and went to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up and made breakfast, I was trying to focus on the food but all that I could've thought about was how I was going to tell Wonho about the last two golden tickets


After I left Wonho's room I then cleaned up the kitchen and living room, before I went to my room I decided to watch a bit more of the TV so I went back to the living room and to the couch and turned on the TV again. And what I watched left me sad for not only myself, but for Wonho.

News lady: and now everyone, we have now been told that the final two Willy Wonka golden tickets have now been found by two girls in Russia. Now all 6 of the golden tickets have now been found-

I turned off the TV, 'how am I going to tell this to Wonho…" I then went to my bed and slept.

*End of flashback*

When I finished to food and set it all out on the table I sat on my seat eating while dreading the moment when Wonho comes down that stairs because I know that he would ask me about the golden tickets. So I sat there absolutely terrified for my dear, innocent little brother's dreams and happiness to be crushed when I have to tell him that the final two tickets are already gone. I can just see it, his small, bright, happy face slowly fading into a face of sadness and emptiness as I tell him that the last and final two golden tickets that are the only way to go into THE Mr Willy Wonka's factory that has been closed to the people of years, have been found to two sisters in Russia while he was asleep as his heart gets crushed and shattered to tiny micro little pieces and that he will never meet Willy Wonka, that I would never meet Willy Wonka.

After some time, I finished eating I began to clean up a bit and waited for Wonho to come to eat his breakfast and soon he came running down the stairs and tackled me into a hug, "GOOD MORNING NOONA" he said as he embraced me, I then greeted him and he then went to eat breakfast which he finished fast. He then ran up the stairs again and after a while he came back down with a big bunny plushie and sat on the couch next to me, we then started to watch more Kumamon and we were having a great time, that was until Wonho asked me the one thing that I didn't want him to ask.

"Noona, do you think that I'll find a golden ticket?" my heart stopped, I actually forgot about it when he hugged me and now I have to tell him the cold harsh truth, I turned my body to face him and I took hold of his small hand and looked at him in his eyes, I then breathed in and then out and told him "Wonho, dear, the last two golden tickets were already found…" I could see his smile disappearing as I told him this "b-but wh-when? A-and b-by who?" he asked, he was about to cry "last night when you were asleep but to sisters in Russia..." he then started to cry, I let him cry onto my chest as he let it all out, it pained me so much to see his like this. "shhhh it's okay Wonho, it's okay…" I started to stock his head as he continued to cry.

After a while he stopped crying and hugged the plushie that he brought from his room earlier, I just killed me inside to see him like this so I decided to try and cheer him up, "Wonho dear, do you want to finish off the Wonka chocolate that I bought yesterday?" he then looked at me and nodded, I then got up and went to the kitchen to get the remaining Wonk bars, I looked into the bag and saw that there were only the 2 marshmallow flavoured ones left.

I walked back into the kitchen and gave then to Wonho, he opened the first one and what we saw made us scream, "OH MA GAWD!!!!!!!!!!!" the chocolate bar had one of the golden tickets inside it "I WON I WON I WON I WON!!!!!!!" he then tackled me into the biggest bear hug ever "but didn't two girls in Russia win the last two?" I asked myself, Wonho then grabbed the remote and turned on the TV

News lady: -t has just been confirmed that final two Willy Wonka golden tickets that were found by the two girls in Russia were as a matter of fact, fake and that the REAL final two are still out there.

We both jumped up and down, we were so happy, Wonho then began to read what it said and after that, we then booked a flight to America to go to the chocolate factory.