
Chapter 2

After that, I then went and walked to my room and into my bathroom, got my pyjamas and took a shower. After my shower, I then got dressed into my pyjamas that I had set aside for me on the sink bench and I then turned off the lights and then went to bed.

The next morning, I then woke up and I checked the time on my clock and saw that it was 6:30 I then got up and got ready for the day. After I got ready I then went downstairs to the kitchen to make breakfast for Wonho and me, I decided on pancakes and after I made them I then also decided to make hot chocolate because it was winter and get FREEZING in Korean winters. After a while Wonho came down and greeted me with a big hug, I then hugged him back and my smile grew when I saw that he was completely ready and dressed unlike yesterday when I had to drag him out of bed to go to school. After our little cuddle session, we then ate breakfast together.

"Wonho dear, what do you have for school today?" I asked breaking the silence, Wonho instantly stopped stuffing his mouth with pancake bits and then swallowed and replied, "I think I have…um, music!" I then nodded and we then continued eating.

We then finished breakfast and I told Wonho to go and get all of his stuff for school, after 7 minutes he then came down with all of his stuff and I walked him to the school bus stop, I don't have a car and I don't drive so it's not like I can just drive him to school plus this helps him to always be on time and beat the time. We waited for about 13 minutes for the bus to arrive, I then hugged Wonho as we said goodbye to each other and I then walked back to our house and got the stuff ready for Wonho's birthday.

I entered our house and went to the living room and turned on the TV and once again, another child found the second golden ticket

News lady: and here we are now in England with the second finder of Willy Wonka's golden tickets: Miss. Veruca Salt.

*Time skip after Veruca*

News lady: and now there are only 4 more golden tickets to be found

'Wow, only 4 left, guess I better go and buy some for Wonho, I know how much he wants one of the golden tickets' so I turned off the TV, locked the door and walked to the closest candy store to me. Once I arrived at the store I opened the door and went to the cashier man, "5 Willy Wonka chocolate bars please" I asked with a smile as I handed him the amount of money that it cost, "and who are these for, Miss? Your son?" the cashier asked with a polite smile as he handed him the resit, "oh, no, they're for my little brother" I replied as I took the resit and picked out 2 marshmallows, 2 cookie n' cream and 1 strawberry fudge Wonka chocolate bars, I then thanked the cashier and then walked back home.

I turned on the TV and saw that another kid had found the third chocolate bar.

News lady: here we are now in Montana with Miss. Violet Beauregarde, the third finder of Willy Wonka's golden tickets

*Time ship after Violet*

I then turned off the TV, 'like mother like daughter, wow talk about pride' I then got up and went to go and sit at the kitchen counter. 4 hours later I then walked to the bus stop and waited for Wonho to come back from school.

After a while, Wonho's school bus pulled up and Wonho then came off the bus waving goodbye to his friends and ran up and hugged me, "Noona! I missed you so much!" "I missed you too Wonho!" I then hugged him back and carried him and walked back home. When we reached home I then opened the door and then let Wonho down, we took off our shoes and he then ran up to his room "HOME I MISSED YOU!!!!" and he then was out of sight. I sighed and then began to cook dinner for us.

*Time skip to after dinner*

Wonho and I were sitting on the couch watching Kumamon until I felt something fall on my lap, I looked down and saw the Wonho had fallen asleep so I turned off the TV and carefully picked him up and brought him to his room and laid him down on his bed, "goodnight Wonho" I kissed his head and then left his room and went to my room to sleep. I opened my door and closed it once I went inside, I looked at my calendar and saw that it was only 4 more days until Wonho's birthday. I then sighed and got ready for bed.