
Chapter 1

I sat in my living room with a bowl of delicious Willy Wonka candy, oh how much I loved his candy, it was the best candy that I have ever tasted! My name is Sooyoung, Sooyoung Kim, but in my country, the last name always goes first. I was born in South Korea in Busan and I live in Seoul with my beloved little brother Wonho. I was really excited for a 1-week time because that was when it was going to be Wonho's 10th birthday and I was planning to give him a whole lot of sweets and food and even take him to his favourite amusement park.

I was enjoying my bowl of candy when Wonho came into the room and attacked me with a huge bear hug "Noona!!!" he shouted full of happiness, "hahaha! What are you so happy about Wonho?" I asked him as I hugged him back and he then replied "oh nothing! I'm just so happy to see you!" oh how much I love him. Wonho was the only one in my family that cared about me, you see, our parents are back in Busan with our older sister Sana, mother had hated me since I was born as well as Sana and as for our father well, he's barely ever home because he's always away on business trips because he's the CEO of a worldwide gaming company. About 2 or 3 years after Wonho was born our father had to go on a 3-month business trip and he knew that he couldn't leave Wonho with those two monsters so he asked me to take care and raise Wonho for him, father also did the same with me when I was 5 years old except I had to live with my uncle in Daegu, I still remember the reason why he sent me there and I will never ever forget it.


Today was the day that Mr Park was going to come and visit us again, Mr Park was Appa's childhood friend and also another CEO except for a fashion company. I was really excited to see him because I was apparently his favourite and every time he visits us he brings me a lollipop and always tells me a funny story about him and appa. When he arrived today instead of giving me a lollipop he got me a Kumamon plushie which was pretty big compared to my size. He told me another funny story of appa when he was in high school that once he was hiding from a teacher so he ran and hid into the first room he saw, so he hid into a room and when he turned around he realised that he had run into the girls changing room… while some were changing. I couldn't stop laughing at the story and I then hugged him and he hugged me back and then he went to go and chat with eomma and appa while went and played with my new Kumamon plushie. After when it was time for him to go he jokingly said that he would not leave unless he married me and eomma immediately said yes happily like if he didn't she would die and only after he said that he was joking she also horribly pretended that she was joking when we all knew that she wasn't. And it at that moment that appa knew that he couldn't leave me with eomma and Sana so after Mr Park left that night he sent me to go and live with my uncle Hanbin in Daegu.

*End of flashback*

We then stopped hugging and Wonho then sat next to me on the couch, I put the bowl of candy on the table in front of us and Wonho then reached out and grabbed some. I then reached the remote and turned on the TV. It turned on to the news and what the newsman said had made both us

S H O O K.

News Lady: Breaking news. The chocolatier Mr Willy Wonka had decided to open up the gates to his factory in London to 6 children by putting 6 golden tickets in 6 random ordinary Wonka chocolate bars around the world and so far 1 golden ticket has found by a boy in Germany named Augustus Gloop.

*time skip after Augustus because I'm lazy*

… "OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Wonho screamed as he began to jump up and down and he then ran around like a mad man and then asked me, "Noona can we go PLEASE???????????" he was so despite to go while I was just left there in shock, I had always wanted to go into the factory let alone meet the one and only Willy Wonka, he's always been my idol I fell in love with his chocolate so this became a huge shocker for me. "a-alright Wonho ok I'll get you some chocolate…" he then began to suffocate me in a huge tight hug and then started running around the house again screaming out thank you over and over again. I then turned off the TV and went to the kitchen to cook dinner.\

After we finished dinner I packed up the table and washed the dishes. I walked upstairs to Wonho's room to see if he was asleep. I opened his door quietly and walked up to his bed and saw that his eyes were closed, I slowly leaned down and kissed his forehead and stroked his soft fluffy hair. After a while, Wonho opened his eyes and looked at me, "Noona?" "yes, Wonho?" I asked "I can't sleep… can you sing to me?" I looked into his eyes, they showed only love, innocence and sadness, I wasn't sure why they were sad but I just ignored it "ok dear, any requests?" I asked as I sat on the chair next to the bed. "Senbonzakura? The ballad version" he asked, I remember when I first sand that to him. I first sang it to him when I first started taking care of him when he kept on crying so I decided to sing him that because my uncle always sang that to me whenever I cried like a child. "ok dear, ok…" I then got comfortable on the chair and sang the song while I was stroking his hair to make him fall asleep faster

After I finished the song Wonho had finally fallen asleep, he looked so peaceful "how could eomma not want Wonho?" he was the sweetest boy ever like an angel, my little angel. I this kissed his forehead again and then stood up, turned off the lights and then left and closed the door.