
the world of magical dragons

In the vast continent of Asbenia, where magic and dragons exist, humans rule thanks to magical contracts with these powerful and wise creatures. For millennia, this continent has guarded mysteries and secrets yet to be discovered.

carlos_durte_caliz · Fantasy
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14 Chs

The Funeral

The Funeral

All night, my mother and I couldn't sleep, still clinging to the faint hope that he might return. But as the first rays of the sun broke over the horizon, signaling the start of a new day, our hope faded.

In the small and humble house of stone and wood, Markus's widow, Lara, struggled against her illness and the pain of losing her husband. Her seven-year-old son, Kerin, watched the world with eyes full of sadness, his young heartbroken by the loss of his father.

Lara, a woman of strong spirit but weakened by illness, spent most of her days in bed, gazing out the window in the hope of seeing Markus's figure returning home. With each day that passed, hope faded a little more, replaced by deep and overwhelming sadness. Kerin, always by her side, tried to console her, but he too was devastated by his father's absence.

"Mama, do you think Papa will come back?" Kerin asked one night, his voice trembling as he snuggled close to her.

Lara, with tears in her eyes, stroked her son's hair and kissed his forehead.

Silence filled the house.

The community of Elden, though small and poor, was united and supportive. When the neighbors heard of the tragedy, they began to visit Lara and Kerin to offer their help and condolences. They brought food, offered to take care of Kerin, and helped with household chores. It was a comfort to know that even though Markus was gone, his family was not alone.

On the day of the funeral, all the inhabitants of Elden gathered on the beach. According to the island's tradition, the funeral consisted of engraving the deceased's name on a slab and then casting it into the sea, a symbolic way of returning the departed to the waters they loved so much.

The sun began to set, painting the sky in shades of orange and pink. Kerin held his mother's hand as they approached the shore. One of the oldest and most respected neighbors, Olwen, who owned a dragon of common rank with dual elements of earth and metal, took on the task of engraving Markus's name on a beautiful stone slab he had carved specially for the occasion with the help of his dragon.

"Markus, a brave man, and a good friend," Olwen said solemnly as he finished engraving the name. "May the waters carry you to your eternal rest."

Lara, with Kerin by her side, stepped closer to the water. With trembling hands, they held the stone slab together.

"Goodbye, Markus," Lara said, her voice breaking. "You will always be in our hearts."

With a final sigh, they cast the slab into the sea. The neighbors stood in silence, respecting the family's grief.

Lara and Kerin returned home, knowing that although Markus was not physically with them, his spirit and love would always accompany them. The community of Elden continued to offer their support, although limited, as everyone in the village was poor and had their struggles, helping Lara with her illness and caring for Kerin as if he were one of their own.

But fate spares no one, neither peasants nor nobles, neither the fortunate nor the unfortunate. And a year after the tragedy, another event would occur.