
the world of magical dragons

In the vast continent of Asbenia, where magic and dragons exist, humans rule thanks to magical contracts with these powerful and wise creatures. For millennia, this continent has guarded mysteries and secrets yet to be discovered.

carlos_durte_caliz · Fantasy
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14 Chs

The tragedy

The Tragedy

The past still haunts us. Here with my mother, by the coast, watching the sun slowly set, giving way to a cold and melancholic night. My mother, with red eyes and tears streaming down, remembers that it has been a year since the loss. Who am I kidding? I feel the same, recalling the few moments I had with my father, sighing and staring into the distance, wondering what my life would be like if he hadn't left that day. Who could I blame? I just resign myself and accept that it has already happened, and there is no turning back.

As we sat alone, remembering, and with the strong wind blowing around us, we heard the angry roar of Olwen's dragon and the immediate response of another dragon. That snapped us out of our nostalgia, and we saw, far on the horizon, four ships sailing toward us. Although they bore the flags of the Kingdom of Hukyn, we knew they were pirates trying to deceive us. Who knows if they made a mistake or what their reasons were?

The only thing my mother thought of was to go home. Normally, no ship of theirs would come to our area; they would go directly to the island's main port, which provided everything, not to a poor village. But who in their right mind would question anything when their life is at stake?

As we ran, my mother didn't waste a second. Many people go to bed early due to lighting issues and after a long day of work, almost everyone thinks about resting and sleeping. The roar made them alert, but my mother's next words made them tremble.

"Pirates are coming, pirates are coming, help!"

Although pirates in the Northern Sea are not uncommon, it's different in the South. So, whether they wanted to admit it or not, the roars and my mother's cry put them on high alert.

Then Olwen, the only one in the village with a dragon, spoke, and his voice resonated throughout the village.

"All men capable of fighting, get out of your hovels, and let the women help in the defense by throwing stones and setting fires!"

If some people had doubts before, they now knew it was true.

After giving instructions, Olwen headed towards the ships mounted on his dragon, like the riders in the stories my mother and father used to read to me every night. Powerful individuals who earned the recognition of a dragon, regardless of whether they were of high or low class. As long as you found a powerful dragon as your companion, you earned your place in the world.

Olwen directed his cold gaze and declared, "Pirate scum, how dare you use flags that are not of the Kingdom of Hukyn? I, Olwen, a former knight of the Brown Mountain Legion, warn you to leave this village or face my wrath."

Just as I was getting excited by old Olwen's proclamation, a mocking laugh was heard from the other side.

"Since we're making introductions, then listen up. I am Commander Luke, under the banner of the Pirate King of the North, here to claim the title of King of the Southern Seas. Old man, since you know we are pirates, why haven't you fled yet?"

Olwen, with a disdainful look, though still worried deep down, responded, "If you think that's enough to scare me, know that I swore to protect this village with my life. My knight's pride does not allow me to leave, even if I wanted to. Since you refuse to retreat, then let's fight."