
the world of magical dragons

In the vast continent of Asbenia, where magic and dragons exist, humans rule thanks to magical contracts with these powerful and wise creatures. For millennia, this continent has guarded mysteries and secrets yet to be discovered.

carlos_durte_caliz · Fantasy
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14 Chs


On the island, to the south of the continent of Asbenia, lived a man named Markus. He was a dedicated fisherman, a strong man with a noble heart, known for his skill at sea and his devotion to his family. Markus had a sick wife and a young son, Kerin, whom he loved deeply. The family had fallen on hard times, and money was scarce. Despite the risks, Markus decided to set sail once more, hoping for a good catch that could alleviate their financial situation.

It was a clear and bright morning when Markus prepared to set sail. The sea breeze blew gently, and the sun began to rise over the horizon, bathing the island in warm golden light. Markus checked his nets and gear, making sure everything was in order. Nearby, his seven-year-old son, Kerin, watched him with eyes full of admiration and worry.

"Dad, do you have to go today?" asked Kerin, his voice trembling slightly.

Markus knelt at his son's level and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Yes, my son. I must go. We need the money and a good catch. But I promise I'll be back soon, with plenty of fish and some stories to tell you."

Kerin nodded, though a shadow of fear crossed his face.

"I love you, Dad. Be careful."

Markus smiled and gave him a strong hug.

"I love you, son. Take care of your mother while I'm gone. You'll be the man of the house until I return."

With a final goodbye, Markus boarded the boat with his fellow fishermen. The sails were raised, and the boat set off into the open waters, leaving behind the safety of the island.

The day started well. Markus and his comrades cast their nets, and the fish began to fill the baskets. The sun shone high in the sky, and the conversation on board was lively. However, as the afternoon progressed, the sky began to darken. Black, threatening clouds gathered on the horizon, and the wind started to pick up.

"Looks like a storm is coming!" shouted one of the fishermen, pointing at the sky.

Markus frowned and looked at the horizon. He knew they should return, but he also knew they hadn't caught enough yet. The need drove him to take the risk.

"Let's hold on a bit longer, lads," said Markus. "We need this catch."

The storm soon unleashed its fury. The sea, which had been calm, turned into a raging monster. Waves battered the boat with relentless force, and the wind howled like an angry wolf. The fishermen struggled to maintain control, but nature was unforgiving.

Amid the chaos, Markus clung to the ropes, his body soaked by rain and saltwater. He remembered the promise he had made to Kerin and the worried, sick face of his wife. Every thought of his family gave him strength, but the storm was too strong.

A gigantic wave rose before the boat, higher and fiercer than the previous ones. Markus saw it crashing down on them, and in an instant, everything went dark. The boat capsized, and the men's screams were drowned by the roar of the sea.

Markus fell into the icy water. He fought to reach the surface, but the waves pummeled him mercilessly. With each passing moment, he felt his strength fading. In his final moments, a clear thought crossed his mind: his family.

"I'm sorry, Kerin... I'm sorry, my love..." he thought as his body sank into the ocean.

The sea swallowed Markus, and the storm continued its rage. On the island, a family would wait, first with hope, then with despair, and finally, with the sad acceptance that Markus would not return.