
the world of magical dragons

In the vast continent of Asbenia, where magic and dragons exist, humans rule thanks to magical contracts with these powerful and wise creatures. For millennia, this continent has guarded mysteries and secrets yet to be discovered.

carlos_durte_caliz · Fantasy
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14 Chs



In the vast continent of Asbenia, where magic and dragons exist, humans rule thanks to magical contracts with these powerful and wise creatures.

This continent has guarded mysteries and secrets yet to be discovered for millennia.

In the south of the continent, between the Kingdom of Hukyn and the Duchy of Samare, there is a small island in the middle of a deep blue ocean. Its surface is modest, with white sandy beaches and rugged rocks that plunge into the crystalline water.

The vegetation is sparse; small shrubs and a few scattered trees cling to the land, battling the constant sea winds. There are no large forests, and the plants that grow are hardy and adapted to the arid and salty conditions of the environment. Most of the terrain is rocky, with low hills offering panoramic views of the surrounding ocean.

Various communities of fishermen and traders inhabit the island. The houses, built with local stone and wood, are clustered near a small natural harbor. This harbor is the heart of the island, always bustling with the activity of boats arriving and departing, loaded with goods and passengers.

The inhabitants make their living from fishing, trade, and the maintenance of the ships that use this vital route.

Despite its small size, the island is a crucial stop on the trade route between the continent and the duchy on an even more southerly island. The ships that transport the duchy's prized marine specialties, such as exquisite shellfish, rare seaweeds, and unique fish, use the island as a point of resupply and rest. Traders from the kingdom and the duchy exchange goods, news, and cultures at this maritime crossroads. The island, though small and with little vegetation, holds significant strategic and economic importance.

The island remains independent because the Duchy of Samare fears that the Kingdom of Hukyn would use any excuse to invade them, as it is closer to the continent.

The kingdom does not consider the island of sufficient national interest or importance, especially given the recent wars on the continent.

In a small village on this island lies the village of Elden.

Hidden between a small forest and rolling hills, Elden seemed insignificant in the eyes of the powerful nobles and magicians who ruled the continent. However, in this forgotten corner, the fate of Asbenia was about to change.

On a sunny, cloudless day, the local fishermen took advantage and set sail. Within a few hours, it turned into a storm. Some experienced old fishermen managed to recognize the signs and left quickly, while others had the misfortune of never returning, like the case of a small family in the village of Elden. In a nearly ruined house, the family mourned.

My father had died, according to the villagers' comments, because his body was never found. Additionally, since we had no money, my mother had been very ill, and it made no sense to search as there was no way he could have survived and an uncertain future awaited me.