
the world of magical dragons

In the vast continent of Asbenia, where magic and dragons exist, humans rule thanks to magical contracts with these powerful and wise creatures. For millennia, this continent has guarded mysteries and secrets yet to be discovered.

carlos_durte_caliz · Fantasy
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14 Chs



Kevrey stared intently at the small dragon perched on my shoulder, his curiosity piqued. Meanwhile, the four captured ships, large and robust like galleons, remained anchored in the ruined village port. The tattered sails and splintered masts told the story of the fierce battle that had taken place.

The village, once prosperous and peaceful, now lay in ruins. The wooden and stone huts were collapsed, some still smoldering with remnants of fires. The dirt paths were filled with debris, and the nearby trees bore the scars of the fighting, with broken branches and burnt leaves. The villagers, weary and tired, worked hard to collect the remains and search for survivors.

Kevrey approached slowly, his eyes fixed on the small dragon. His usually impassive face showed a mix of awe and fascination. "I've never seen such a rare young dragon," he said in a low, almost reverent voice. "Where did it come from?"

Before I could respond, Olwen, who was supervising the prisoners and the reconstruction, noticed Kevrey's gaze and approached. "That little one is a survivor, just like us," he said in a softer tone than usual. "He found it in a cave near the village."

Kevrey slowly extended a hand, and the baby dragon, after a moment of hesitation, allowed him to stroke its head. "It's incredible, and quite rare to find one on this island," he murmured. "Do you have any idea how valuable this little one is? A dragon like this could be a great ally."

Olwen nodded. "We know, but it's not just a tool of war. It's a creature that deserves to live and grow in peace. But now, the most important thing is to rebuild and protect this village."

As they talked, both men directed their gazes towards the captured ships. The galleons, although damaged, were an impressive sight. Each one was adorned with intricate wooden carvings, and although the sails were torn, they still displayed the vibrant colors of the northern pirates. The cannons protruded from the gun ports, silent witnesses to the violence they had witnessed.

"What do you plan to do with them?" asked Olwen, pointing to the ships.

"First, use them to repair and improve our port," Kevrey responded. "Then, we'll see what else can be done. They might serve as flagship vessels."

Olwen nodded, his mind working on the many uses those galleons could have.

As they continued their tour of the devastated village, Kevrey couldn't take his eyes off the small dragon. Now and then, the dragon emitted a soft chirp, its large, curious eyes taking note of everything around it. It seemed almost incongruous, a creature of such potential devastation and beauty, amid so much destruction.

"Well, if there's nothing more to do since you've resolved it, do you have anything else to say?" Kevrey finally asked, in a tone that almost seemed to ask for permission. He didn't like lingering in this village which, if it had nothing before, was now worse off.

Olwen patted him on the shoulder. "Yes, I know. I hope that next time you come back, you bring everything and that it's quick."

Then Kevrey turned to speak to me. "Don't get too excited about your dragon, boy. From what I've been able to analyze, it must have the elements of crystal and fire, though I don't know if it has another. But it's most likely that it will only reach the size of Olwen's old dragon since those are only low-level magical elements, unlike mine, which has lightning, a medium-level element, and wind, which is only a low-level magical element."

While I felt intimidated, Olwen intervened to help me, "Don't come and bother the poor boy. You'd better leave quickly, or I'll hit you."

"All right, I'm going. See you later." With those final words, Kevrey mounted his dragon and left in the same direction he had come.