
the world of magical dragons

In the vast continent of Asbenia, where magic and dragons exist, humans rule thanks to magical contracts with these powerful and wise creatures. For millennia, this continent has guarded mysteries and secrets yet to be discovered.

carlos_durte_caliz · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Isla Kuzur

Isla Kuzur

Then it was when I looked at a dragon with a slender yet muscular appearance, it was twice the size of Olwen's dragon, with a colossal length of 20 meters. Occasionally, a bolt of lightning shot out from its own body, whose scales shone with a metallic sheen, similar to polished steel, designed for both speed and strength. The scales on its back had bluish and silver tones, reflecting the energy of the lightning coursing through its being.

Its eyes were of an electric blue color, sparkling with an intensity that seemed to penetrate the soul of anyone who looked into them.

Each flap of its wings caused gusts of wind that could knock down trees and raise waves in the sea.

The dragon's tail was long and flexible, ending in a sort of mace of sharp scales, capable of generating electrical storms with a single strike.

When the dragon breathed, it exhaled a mixture of hurricane-force winds and blinding lightning, capable of devastating entire landscapes. Its claws and fangs were imbued with elemental energy, making each attack physical and charged with electricity and cutting wind.

Then, there was Olwen in that direction, watching with an unpleasant look, as if the unexpected guest for me could not be avoided, but on the faces of the other people there was anger and annoyance.

Then, as it landed slowly, I heard Olwen angrily saying:

"Kevrey, you finally got out of the belly of a whale, you took so long to arrive and you smell disgusting," with a mocking and angry tone. I watched as Olwen addressed this person who was riding the dragon.

"Oh, Olwen, is this how you greet your old friend?" responded the person who jumped from the back of his dragon. He was a middle-aged man who still conserved his energy, a bit tall, wearing a fine linen shirt of a light color like white or cream, and dark-colored pants.

"If it were any other day, maybe, but do you expect me to welcome you comfortably, or are you blind or ignorant and don't see how the village is?" said Olwen as he approached.

Then the man who Olwen called Kevrey quickly replied, "I know, Olwen, but it's not our fault. Who could have imagined that there would be such brazen pirates, I came as quickly as possible. You know that news doesn't travel as fast as dragons."

"And they are not just any pirates; they come from the northern sea. I even managed to kill their dragon and seize their ships. But really, the island council uses inept people for these jobs," Olwen responded proudly and disdainfully.

Rolling his eyes and looking around, understanding his surroundings, Kevrey said, "I see, Olwen. Since you retired, you haven't lost your edge. But he's just a small captain as far as I know. And yes, the council acknowledges its responsibility for the negligence, but you must know it was night, and the coastguards thought they were from the kingdom."

"Oh, that's good, that they accept their responsibility. Then I expect them to build a magical stone wall, compensation for all the dead inhabitants, the reconstruction of the village, an improved port, and five years of tax exemption. But thinking better, I did wonder why he proclaimed himself commander," demanded Olwen, taking advantage of the council's acceptance of responsibility.

Surprised and indignant, Kevrey replied, "What's wrong with you, Olwen? What you ask is impossible. Even you know how much just one kilometer of that wall costs. In the main city, there is only a magical wooden wall. I can accept everything else, but not that."

"If I didn't know the things that are done there, I would believe and accept, but I know you covet those ships. How about we make a deal? The council keeps the four ships, along with the claim to the heads of these 155 pirates, though some are still alive; you can sell them as slaves. The rest, like the dragon's carcass, I keep. Everything on the ships too, but you have to ensure what I asked for," Olwen negotiated.

Then Kevrey reluctantly accepted the terms of old Olwen, while he was relaxing, he looked at me and noticed that I had a baby dragon on my shoulder.