
the world of magical dragons

In the vast continent of Asbenia, where magic and dragons exist, humans rule thanks to magical contracts with these powerful and wise creatures. For millennia, this continent has guarded mysteries and secrets yet to be discovered.

carlos_durte_caliz · Fantasy
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14 Chs

A New Beginning

A New Beginning

After Kevrey left, everyone in the village began to arrange the funeral. Although death is inevitable, the magnitude of this loss casts a shadow of sadness and grief overall. In a world where natural and magical disasters threaten annihilation, moments like these remind us of our fragility.

As Olwen gave orders and managed everything, I unconsciously found myself at my old home, the site of a great tragedy. Even the joy of having had a dragon was gone.

Touching my shoulder, Olwen sighed and said, "Kerin, I want you to know that your mother fought bravely. Although you are an orphan in the eyes of the world, like everyone else in this village, you will never be alone."

I cried as I looked at the remnants of my house. The others had cleaned up while old Olwen kept us busy. I remembered how I had cowardly run away, blaming myself for my weakness and wondering if I could have done something at that moment. Confused, I bowed my head, my tears falling, and felt a growing sense of hatred.

Olwen knelt to my level, lifted my head, and when he looked into my eyes, I saw worry etched on his old face. I didn't understand until he spoke slowly, looking at me intently.

"Kerin, hatred is not something you should hold onto. I wish you didn't feel it. I know denying you the chance for revenge is cruel, but sometimes that emotion blinds you. You start hating one person and end up hating everyone. I know what you're going through."

He waited for me to calm down and listen carefully.

"I felt the same way when I was young. I watched my best friend die defending the kingdom's borders. I hated the soldiers of the Livsuther Empire, everyone from that place. But when I was most lost, my commander, Count Wigster of House Githor, told me something important. If you want to hate and blame someone, blame me. They were just following orders like you, but I am here by my own will. My responsibility is to protect the border and its inhabitants. If hatred spreads, it won't be just one death but entire cities."

His eyes revealed the nostalgia of the past and the sadness of the moment. He looked at me with a glimmer of hope.

"Kerin, I don't expect you to understand now, but I want you to look at this village. Who is to blame? Them. But are you going to let yourself be consumed by hatred?" When Olwen finished speaking, there was silence.

I had never thought about it that way. I didn't want anyone else to die; I just wanted my mother back, and even my father. I wondered why my life was so difficult. Many people could write a book about their misfortunes, but the number of misfortunes doesn't lessen their importance. Why is life so cruel?

I asked him that question. Death brings more death, so why do they kill? Why is life so cruel?

"Kerin, life is hard for everyone. No matter how powerful you are or how high you rise, you will fall one day. I think you misunderstood me. I'm not asking you not to seek revenge, but I don't want you to be blinded by hatred and resentment."

I timidly responded while listening to Olwen's teachings.

"So, I can kill the bad guys?" That's when I saw a smile on his old face.

"I think you're starting to understand, little by little. Now I'll give you an analogy. In your eyes, am I a good person or a bad person?"

I answered that he was a good person. Then he asked what the pirates were, and I said they were bad people. He used one of his examples: if the soldiers of the empire considered him a bad person, why did I see him as a good person? I couldn't answer.

"In life, you will see wars, exterminations, betrayals, and all kinds of evil. I don't ask you to ignore them, but I want you to know that to your enemies, you will always be the bad guy unless you want to become a saint who never kills. But I hope you understand that your actions should be by your own will and not driven by irrational thoughts."