
The Witcher: Equivalent Exchange

Thrown into a new world he hardly knows as a new witcher Ray must navigate a world filled with monsters and political intrique in order to survive in this new world, luckily for him he came into this new world with a special ability

roro1 · Video Games
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18 Chs

Chapter 7 : Unexpected Encounter

The moon's silvery radiance filtered through the canopy of trees as Ray traversed the dense forests of Temeria. The night was a symphony of whispers and shadows, the rustling leaves and nocturnal creatures composing a melody of nature's secrets. Ray's form was a blend of shadow and substance as he moved with the grace of a predator, the Pichu on his shoulder attuned to his every movement.

In the heart of the forest, a chilling tableau unveiled itself before him: a group of bandits, eight in number, their intentions malevolent and their captives a group of female elves and their innocent children. Rays's heart tightened with a mix of fury and empathy. His golden eyes bore witness to the plight of the captives, and his resolve crystallized into action.

With a silent signal, Ray shared an unspoken understanding with the Pichu. Its eyes crackled with electric energy, a harbinger of the diversion to come. Ray moved like a shadow, his steps inaudible as he circled the camp. With a flicker of his fingers, he sent the Pichu scurrying to create a disturbance on the opposite end of the clearing, diverting the bandits' attention.

Two bandits, oblivious to the imminent threat, met their fate in silence. Ray's movements were a dance of silence and precision as his hidden blade, an extension of his determination, found its mark. The first bandit fell with a soft exhale, his life extinguished without a sound. The second's startled gasp was his only testament, a life snuffed out in the embrace of darkness.

Yet, fate has a way of weaving unexpected threads. As the remaining bandits turned their gaze toward the unfolding spectacle, Ray found himself exposed, his actions unveiled to their keen senses. The camp erupted in turmoil, the bandits converging upon him with a cacophony of battle cries.

Ray's instincts surged to the fore as he discarded stealth for confrontation. His sword gleamed in the moonlight, the very embodiment of his Witcher heritage. He met the bandits' onslaught with a dance of combat, his movements a symphony of practiced grace and calculated strikes. Steel clashed against steel, each swing and parry a testament to his training.

The Pichu's electric energy surged, its tiny form crackling with fervor. Bolts of lightning erupted from its form, weaving through the night like an ethereal dance. The bandits faltered as electric arcs found their marks, leaving behind a sense of awe and trepidation.

Ray's steel blade was an extension of his purpose, each strike a declaration of his resolve. He sidestepped an oncoming attack, his blade finding its mark upon the assailant's arm. The bandit's pained cry resonated through the clearing, the agony of his wounds tempered by the tumultuous night.

But the bandits were no strangers to adversity. Their numbers and desperation fueled their aggression. Ray found himself surrounded, the encroaching darkness mirrored in the ring of adversaries that closed in around him. Blades glinted, and his instincts urged him to action.

He deflected a savage blow with practiced finesse, his sword singing with lethal intent. The Pichu unleashed another surge of electricity, its brilliance casting an otherworldly glow upon the chaos. But the bandits pressed on, their determination unyielding.

Ray's heart pounded in tandem with the rhythm of battle, his senses a whirlwind of sound and motion. He parried, dodged, and countered, every movement an intricate step within the tempestuous dance of combat. His mind embraced the flow of battle, each engagement a testament to his evolution as a warrior.

The night seemed to hold its breath as the battle raged, the symphony of steel and lightning resounding through the forest. Rays's form wove through the fray, his movements calculated and precise. Adrenaline coursed through his veins, his resolve unwavering in the face of adversity.

The Pichu's crackling energy continued to weave its own story, a symphony of electric arcs that disrupted the bandits' unity. Their formations fractured, and Ray seized the opportunity, his blade a swift and deadly instrument. He incapacitated another bandit with a calculated strike, leaving a trail of disarray in his wake.

But the confrontation was far from over. The remaining bandits rallied, their attacks growing more fierce and desperate. Ray's body bore the marks of battle, his sweat-slicked brow a testament to the intensity of the clash. The moonlight bore witness to his struggle, a lone figure enshrouded in a tapestry of darkness and determination.

As the battle reached its zenith, Ray's heart roared with defiance. His blade met each challenge with unwavering resolve, a testament to his training and the legacy of the Witchers. The Pichu's electric energy surged one final time, a brilliant crescendo that cast an iridescent glow upon the clearing.

And then, amidst the chaos and the relentless clash of wills, the bandits faltered. Their unity shattered, their spirits dwindled like dying embers. Ray's sword arced through the night, its gleam a harbinger of their fate. With a final, calculated strike, the last bandit fell, the clearing enveloped in silence once more.

The night held its breath, the echoes of battle fading into the stillness. Rays's chest heaved, his pulse a frantic rhythm that mirrored the aftermath of combat. He stood amidst the remnants of the confrontation..

Ray's gaze turned toward the captives he had rescued. Their eyes bore a mixture of gratitude and relief.

Their faces were etched with the weariness of their ordeal, yet a glimmer of hope sparkled in their expressions. Ray's voice was gentle as he spoke to them, reassuring them that the danger had passed and they were now safe.

With cautious steps, Ray moved towards the elves and their children. His skilled hands worked swiftly, deftly untying the ropes that bound them. As the bonds fell away, the captives shared whispered words of thanks, their voices a harmonious chorus in the night. Ray's heart warmed at their expressions of gratitude, a reminder of the good that could be found even in the darkest of times.

Lireth, the leader of the group, approached Ray with determination burning in her eyes. Her voice was soft but firm as she spoke, "We owe you our lives, stranger. Your arrival was like a ray of hope in the night."

Ray inclined his head, a humble smile gracing his lips. "I'm just glad I could help. But we must not linger. You mentioned a camp?"

Lireth nodded, her expression growing more serious. "Yes, a Scoia'tael camp, hidden in the heart of these woods. It's our only chance for sanctuary. Will you help us get there?"

Ray's golden eyes gleamed with resolve as he shouldered his sword. "Of course. Lead the way."

With Lireth guiding the group, Ray moved in the shadows, his senses attuned to the rustling leaves and distant sounds of the forest. The night seemed to wrap around them, its secrets whispered in the wind.

As they moved deeper into the forest, the elves recounted their harrowing tale. The ambush had been brutal, the attackers ruthless and determined. Ray's grip tightened on his sword, his jaw set with determination. He would ensure that they reached the camp safely, that their journey wouldn't end in tragedy.

Suddenly, the crackling of leaves underfoot reached Ray's ears. The sound was subtle, but his heightened senses caught it with ease. His hand instinctively moved to the hilt of his silver sword, a signal to the others that they were not alone.

From the shadows emerged a group of figures, clad in attire that marked them as a Scoia'tael scouting party. The leader stepped forward, their voice commanding, "Halt! Who goes there?"

Ray approached the newcomers with caution, his posture nonthreatening and his hands visible. "I am Ray, and these are the elves I helped rescue from the ambush. We seek refuge within your camp."

The leader's eyes bore into Ray, a mixture of skepticism and assessment in their gaze. "Explain."

Ray proceeded to recount the events that had led them to the camp, his words carrying the weight of truth. He detailed the attack, the captives' plight, and the alliance that had formed between him, the rescued elves, and the Scoia'tael leader Lireth.

The leader's stern expression softened slightly as the story unfolded. "Lireth, is this true?"

Lireth stepped forward, her voice unwavering as she confirmed Ray's account. "Yes, it is. We owe our lives to this stranger's bravery."

The Scoia'tael leader nodded slowly, their gaze shifting between Ray and Lireth. "Very well. Lower your weapons," they commanded to their scouting party.

As tension gave way to a cautious calm, the Scoia'tael scouts lowered their bows and approached the group. Their expressions were a mixture of curiosity and wariness, their eyes assessing the newcomers for any signs of deceit.

Ray's golden eyes met those of the Scoia'tael leader, a silent understanding passing between them. The leader's voice was measured as they addressed their scouts, "These are not enemies. They stand with us against a common threat."

With the tension diffused, the atmosphere shifted from suspicion to a guarded camaraderie. The campfire's glow painted their faces in warm hues, forging a bond forged by the shared desire for survival and the hope for a better future.

Ray looked around the at Scoia'tael, a faction that held its own history of struggle.

"As a half-elf, they should trust me a lot more then they did Geralt in the games" Ray thought, "Although the witchers usually try to stay neutral, with all the wars that will happen in the future, It would be for the best to be part of faction that will aide me if it is ever required".

A figure emerged from the shadows, their eyes assessing Ray with a mix of scrutiny and curiosity. The leader of the Scoia'tael, a battle-hardened warrior, spoke with a voice that carried the weight of experience, "You have our gratitude for assisting our kin. But the night is treacherous, and we must get back to the camp."