
The Witcher: Equivalent Exchange

Thrown into a new world he hardly knows as a new witcher Ray must navigate a world filled with monsters and political intrique in order to survive in this new world, luckily for him he came into this new world with a special ability

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18 Chs

Chapter 8 : Future Plans

The campfire's glow cast flickering patterns on the trees as they arrived at the Scoia'tael camp. Figures moved in the shadows, their presence a testament to their vigilance. Lireth stepped forward, her voice carrying a mixture of relief and urgency, "We've brought someone who aided us."

The camp was a symphony of hushed voices and watchful eyes. Elves, each bearing the weight of their own struggles, moved with purpose amidst the makeshift tents and concealed fire pits. Ray's gaze swept across the faces, each one etched with determination and a hint of weariness.

From the shadows emerged a figure, her presence commanding and her gaze shrewd. Enna, the leader of the Scoia'tael, exuded an air of authority that seemed born from a lifetime of challenges. Her eyes met Ray's, and for a moment, the weight of the world seemed to rest in her gaze. She extended a hand in greeting, her voice steady as she introduced herself, "I am Enna, leader of this faction. It takes courage to aid those in need in these perilous times."

Ray took her hand in a firm handshake, his respect evident in his gaze. "Ray. I'm just glad I could help."

Enna's nod was measured, her expression thoughtful. "Your arrival couldn't have been more timely. Anti-nonhuman sentiment in the north is growing stronger, and we've been facing increasing attacks."

As Ray listened to Enna's words, a mixture of anger and empathy surged within him. He had experienced the sting of prejudice firsthand, the way it could strip individuals of their humanity. "What can I do to help?"

Enna's gaze bore into his, a mixture of gratitude and determination in her eyes. "Our scouts have reported troubling signs of a military build-up in the region. Human supremacists are rallying under a new banner, and we suspect they plan to launch an assault on our camp."

Ray's heart clenched at the thought of innocent lives being threatened. He had witnessed the horrors of conflict and the cost it exacted on both sides. "I won't stand by while they endanger your camp. I'll fight alongside you."

Enna's lips curved into a faint smile, her appreciation evident. "Your willingness to stand with us speaks volumes. Our cause is just, but we are outnumbered. Your skills will be invaluable."

As Ray settled into the camp, conversations around the campfire evolved into discussions of strategy and resistance. Enna shared insights into the political landscape, the alliances that had formed, and the dangers that lay ahead. Ray absorbed every word, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts and determination.

"Long have our people faced oppression and persecution," Enna spoke, her voice carrying the weight of generations. "But in the face of adversity, we endure. We must unite against oppression and strive for a future where all races can coexist in peace. But first, we must weather the storm that is upon us."

As the campfire crackled and sent sparks dancing into the night, a tension seemed to settle over the camp. Ray and Enna sat across from each other, their expressions thoughtful yet conflicted. The camaraderie that had bound them was now challenged by a difference in perspective.

Enna's gaze was unyielding as she spoke, her voice carrying the weight of conviction. "We fight for survival, Ray. Our actions may seem aggressive, but they are born out of necessity. We've been hunted, oppressed, and forced into the shadows for generations. We are only defending ourselves."

Ray's brow furrowed, his eyes reflecting the concern that churned within him. "I understand the need to protect your own, Enna. But the cycle of violence and revenge is only perpetuating the hatred. It's making the situation worse, not better."

Enna's gaze bore into his, her resolve unshaken. "You speak from a place of privilege. As a half-elf, you've likely faced prejudice, but you've also been sheltered by your Witcher training and abilities. Our people don't have that luxury."

Ray's voice remained steady as he responded, "I don't deny the challenges that non-humans face. But responding to aggression with aggression only deepens the divide. It's a cycle that needs to be broken."

Enna's nostrils flared slightly, her emotions simmering beneath her composed exterior. "You don't understand the realities we face. We've lost loved ones, been driven from our homes. We can't simply wait for change to come."

Ray leaned forward, his eyes locked onto Enna's. "I'm not advocating passivity. I'm advocating strategic action. By attacking humans indiscriminately, you're alienating potential allies and giving ammunition to those who seek to destroy us."

Enna's fingers tightened around a piece of kindling, her emotions flickering across her face like the shadows cast by the campfire. "Allies among humans are few and far between. They're the exception, not the rule."

Ray's voice softened, a mixture of empathy and urgency woven into his words. "Enna, I'm proof that alliances can be forged. I'm both a Witcher and a half-elf. I've faced my share of prejudice, and I've seen the darkness that hatred can bring. But I've also seen the potential for change."

Enna's gaze softened fractionally, a flicker of doubt in her eyes. "And what would you have us do, Ray? Lay down our arms and hope for the best?"

Ray shook his head, his voice earnest. "No. But consider a different approach. Focus on targeted strikes, on protecting our own without inciting more violence. Seek out those among humans who share our values. It's a longer path, but it's one that can lead to lasting change."

Enna's fingers finally released their grip on the kindling, and she sighed heavily. "You ask us to put our trust in the very people who have oppressed us."

Ray met her gaze with a mixture of understanding and determination. "Not blind trust. Strategic cooperation. It won't be easy, and it won't be quick, but it's a path that can lead to a future where our people don't have to live in fear."

The silence stretched between them, the crackling of the campfire punctuating their thoughts. Enna's gaze finally softened, a hint of contemplation in her eyes. "You speak with conviction, Ray. Your words hold weight, but changing our course won't be simple."

Ray nodded, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "Change never is. But if we want a different outcome, we have to be willing to try different approaches."

The campfire crackled, its warm glow casting dancing shadows across their faces. Ray's gaze was steadfast as he leaned in, his voice carrying the weight of his insights. "Enna, I've observed the struggles of our people, the nonhumans. Dispersed and divided, we lack the economic and military influence needed to challenge the status quo. We need unity, a consolidated effort to bring about change."

Enna's expression remained guarded, her voice laced with skepticism. "And how, pray tell, do you envision us achieving such unity, Ray? The powers that be won't easily relinquish their hold on this continent."

Ray's tone was thoughtful, his words chosen with care. "I propose the creation of a new nation, a nation of our own. It might sound audacious, but it's a path we must consider. We are scattered, yes, but that very dispersion is what hinders our progress. A united front would allow us to pool our resources, our skills, and present a collective voice."

Enna's brow furrowed, her eyes narrowing as she pondered his words. "And where do you suggest we establish this new nation, Ray? The mainland is rife with conflicts."

Ray met her gaze directly, his resolve evident. "I believe the best location would be the Skellige Isles. An island nation offers natural defenses, making it difficult for external powers to encroach upon our territory. We'd have autonomy, a chance to shape our future without the constant interference of mainland politics."

Enna's skepticism persisted, her voice edged with doubt. "Skellige is no stranger to its own power struggles. Convincing the clans to accept us won't be a simple task."

Ray's response was measured, his words calculated. "We wouldn't seek to subsume Skellige's existing structure. Instead, we could negotiate for a designated territory within the islands, an independent space where we can thrive."

Enna's fingers traced patterns in the dirt, her thoughts deep in contemplation. "And what of the mainland? The Nilfgaardian Empire and the Northern Kingdoms won't easily ignore such a development."

Ray nodded, acknowledging the challenges ahead. "You're right, Enna. It won't be without resistance. However, a united island nation would be better positioned to negotiate and engage diplomatically. And over time, as we prove our capability, we can work towards recognition and acceptance."

Enna's gaze remained fixed on the fire, the flickering flames mirrored in her eyes. "It's a daring vision, Ray. A nation forged from the ashes of adversity."

Ray's voice softened, carrying empathy. "Indeed, it won't be a straightforward path. But it's a vision worth pursuing. We'd have an opportunity to create a society built on principles of equality, honor our heritage, and chart a new course for our people."

Enna's gaze met his, a mixture of uncertainty and newfound reflection in her eyes. "Your words hold conviction, Ray. But convincing our own people won't be a simple feat."

Ray's voice held understanding, his eyes contemplative. "No, it won't. But the first step is to gather support among ourselves. If we can show the viability of our vision, others may come to our cause."

Enna's lips formed a thoughtful line, her fingers still in the dirt. "And what about those who will resist? The powers that thrive on our division?"

Ray's voice held a quiet determination. "Resistance is inevitable, Enna. But we can't let fear deter us. We must stand for our rights, for our future."

Enna's gaze lingered on Ray, a mix of uncertainty and newfound contemplation in her expression. "Your vision is bold, Ray. A daring gamble."

Ray's smile was both gentle and resolute. "Life is often a series of risks, Enna. And sometimes, the greatest rewards are reaped from the most audacious endeavors."