
The Witcher: Equivalent Exchange

Thrown into a new world he hardly knows as a new witcher Ray must navigate a world filled with monsters and political intrique in order to survive in this new world, luckily for him he came into this new world with a special ability

roro1 · Video Games
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18 Chs

Chapter 6: The Path

Six months had elapsed since Ray's tense encounter with the Forktail and his assimilation of the bullet time ability. These months had seen him persistently refining his skills alongside his fellow Witchers at Kaer Morhen, with the Pichu as a steadfast companion that offered solace and camaraderie amidst the rigorous routines of Witcher life.

As winter's grasp relinquished its hold and the snow-covered Kaer Morhen began to thaw, Ray sensed a restive energy stirring within him. His spirit longed for the uncharted, the thrill of the unknown that lay beyond the fortress walls. A decision began to take shape in his mind—Ray would set out on a personal journey, one that the other Witchers respected and understood. With the Pichu perched upon his shoulder, their connection deepened by shared experiences, he felt a readiness for whatever lay ahead.

The sun filtered through the trees, casting dappled patterns upon the forest floor as Ray strode with determination. The fragrant scent of pine and earth enveloped him, intermingling with the distant melodies of songbirds. His Witcher-trained senses guided him through the terrain with practiced ease, his steps resonating with a purpose that drew him ever onward.

In the midst of this tranquility, the symphony of nature was abruptly shattered. The resounding crash of underbrush being crushed and snapped echoed through the woods, and Ray's instincts responded immediately. His steps faltered as he halted, every fiber of his being alert to the lurking danger. The Pichu's fur stood on end, its small form a taut coil of anticipation.

A deep, rumbling growl reverberated through the forest, and Ray's gaze zeroed in on the massive form that emerged from the thicket. Before him stood a bear, a creature of formidable size and strength. Its fur, a blend of earthy browns and subdued grays, seamlessly melded with the woodland surroundings. Despite its imposing presence, Ray couldn't help but notice a glint of curiosity and caution in the bear's eyes—a sentient being intrigued by the unexpected encounter.

Ray's hand instinctively sought the hilt of his steel sword as his heart raced in response to the situation. Crackling energy suffused the air around the Pichu, a manifestation of its readiness to stand by Ray's side. An aura of suspense enveloped the clearing, a silence laden with anticipation as the forest seemed to hold its breath.

Then, in a heart-pounding heartbeat, the bear lunged.

Ray's training as a Witcher propelled him into action with fluid grace. Swift as a fleeting breeze, he drew his steel sword and deftly sidestepped the bear's powerful swipe, narrowly evading the threat. The earth quivered beneath the bear's mighty claws, the force of its strike rending the soil asunder.

With a surge of energy, the Pichu unleashed crackling bolts of electricity toward the bear, each bolt striking with a vengeance. The creature roared in defiance, its fur standing on end as the electric current coursed through its massive frame. However, the bear's determination remained unshaken, and it charged anew, its sheer bulk barreling toward Ray with a shocking swiftness.

Ray's heartbeat resonated in his chest, an urgent rhythm that matched the adrenaline coursing through his veins. The bullet time ability, dormant yet potent, surged within him at his command. Time itself seemed to contort as the bear's movements decelerated, every action elongated into a graceful tableau. Ray's senses sharpened to an uncanny level, an acute awareness of his surroundings filling him with newfound insight. With meticulous precision, he moved, his blade cleaving through the air with uncanny accuracy.

The bear's advance was almost languid in its grace as Ray sidestepped another of its swipes, his blade finding its mark with exquisite accuracy. The bear's fur parted, a line of vivid crimson blossoming along its flank. The bear's anguished roar melded with the slowed tempo of the world, a melody of agony and inevitability.

Ray pivoted lithely, evading yet another of the bear's strikes. His sword found its target once more, the creature's movements losing vigor as the battle unfolded. Ray's heartbeat synched with the pulsing energy of the bullet time ability, every motion a testament to his mastery over the newfound power.

With a deliberate, focused strike, Ray drove his blade into the bear's heart, a fluid motion executed with an elegance borne of years of training. The distorted symphony of the battle found its crescendo in the bear's final, mournful roar, its massive form collapsing to the forest floor in defeat.

The clearing was cast into a stillness broken only by the fading echoes of the battle. Ray stood amidst the aftermath, his chest heaving, the bloodied steel blade in his grasp a stark testament to the fight's intensity. The Pichu crackled with residual energy, its presence a constant reminder of loyalty and steadfastness.

Approaching the fallen bear with a blend of solemn respect and a tinge of melancholy, Ray recognized the creature as an essential component of the delicate ecosystem. The bear's death carried weight, a loss he did not take lightly. With a measured, reverent motion, Ray cleaned his blade before sheathing it.

Yet as the reverberations of the battle settled, Ray's attention once again turned toward the enigmatic ancient gate that had altered the course of his journey. Memories of previous exchanges danced at the periphery of his thoughts, his curiosity piqued by the possibility of tapping into its mysteries once more. With the Pichu's crackling energy a reminder of their shared experiences, Ray's magical essence reached out to the gate, intertwining their connection.

The symbols upon the gate shimmered with a silent promise, inviting Ray to explore its depths once again. With a steadfast determination, he approached the gate, his fingertips tracing the intricate patterns etched into its surface. The connection between his essence and the gate sparked to life, threads of magic intertwining.

Channeling his energy, Ray focused on the exchange, offering the essence of the fallen bear to the gate's enigmatic power. The bear's form began to shimmer, its energy diffusing into the ancient symbols as the fabric of reality itself seemed to ripple and reshape.

As the exchange culminated, Ray sensed a subtle transformation within himself. The familiar sensation of change washed over him, a cascade of energy that mirrored previous exchanges. He could feel the essence of the bear intertwining with his being, a merging of energies that promised a new ability.

However, when he attempted to access this ability, Ray encountered unexpected resistance. Frustration and confusion crept into his mind as he searched for answers. Glancing at the Pichu, he saw a hint of mischief in its eyes, a recognition that there was more to this exchange than met the eye.

Realization dawned upon Ray—the ancient gate had not granted him a skill this time, but an object. A wry smile curved his lips as he acknowledged the hidden blade, an iconic tool of the Assassins, now nestled within his possession. Though it was not a skill that he could summon at will, it was a potent instrument he could employ when the situation demanded.

With newfound understanding and a touch of gratitude for the gate's enigmatic nature, Ray turned away, resuming his journey through the woods.

Let me know what the next weapon or bility should be in the comments !

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