
The Ultimate Doomsday (Marvel/DC)

Leon creed was originally just a normal, ordinary person, but one day he passed through it and became the Doomsday in the DC universe with a splendid reputation. Doomsday does not refer to a single monster, but a terrifying legion from the technological civilization of Krypton. But Doomsday is not a superman. In fact, it is a terrible biochemical weapon created through the dead body of the Kryptonian who got superhuman power and resurrected. Leon creed just happened to pass through and became one of the doomsday, and entered the core of the sun for 100,000 years. One day, Leon creed woke up, but when he flew back to Earth, he found that this place is no longer the Earth of the DC universe. I don’t know why he seems to have come to Marvel? "Isn't this invincible? Without kryptonite, I would be akin to a God."

Rex_Zatch · Anime & Comics
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102 Chs

Chapter 39 Obadiah -END-

Chapter 39

Tony vividly remembered and understand Leon's intentions.

Right from the start, this design was crafted to eliminate Obadiah, and he had no intention of sparing his life from the beginning, did he?

"But," Tony attempted to interject.

Leon narrowed his eyes and cast a brief glance at Tony. "The blueprint was my concept, whether it's his Iron Monger or your Iron Man battle suit. Do you believe I would grant him an opportunity to expose it?"

Undoubtedly, due to Leon's involvement, Tony's entire expected journey was disrupted.

This could be considered as reparation for Leon.

In reality, Leon merely presented an idea. His sketches are hardly blueprints; even children could draw better than him.

The Mark generation drawings were created by Tony himself.

Nevertheless, Leon was determined not to allow Obadiah to divulge it to any particular nation, as it would lead to endless troubles.

Due to Leon's disdain for a Country wars, he firmly believed that once that country acquired this technology, it would undoubtedly trigger a global-scale war.

That specific country will believes itself to be the so-called world police, upholding global peace.

But is that truly the case?

Stop joking around. When a country perishes, the world may attain peace.

However, Leon has no desire to bring about such a situation. On one hand, there are innocent civilians from that country, and on the other hand, he himself is an outsider, an alien even. If he were to take action, numerous things would deteriorate.

Conquer the world? He never contemplated such a notion.

It's effortless to destroy a world, as simple as obliterating a planet with a single punch or heat vision to cut it up.

Yet, managing a world effectively, or even saving it, is no easy feat.

He isn't seeking trouble.

"He must perish," Leon pointed at the motionless figure of Obadiah.

Obadiah's face appeared pallid, reflecting despair in his expression and eyes.

He seemed to have disregarded the conversation between the two individuals around him, and everything else.

Ever since Leon effortlessly tore apart Iron Monger, he realized that he could go no further. His ambitions, his pride, and even his strenuous efforts were all obliterated.

He arrogantly believed that his Iron Monger had surpassed Tony's battle suit. But what if it did surpass Tony? In the presence of Leon, it became meaningless.

Thus, when Leon declared his intent to kill him, Obadiah remained silent.

Tony wished to express something, yet Leon halted him: "I never knew you still possessed such a golden heart. If you are so compassionate, why do you profit from selling weapons? You are aware of how many lives your weapons have claimed."

Leon couldn't help but find it ironic. "Hypocritical."

Tony was left speechless.

Previously, he had countless excuses to justify his actions.

However, Tony is different now. He has witnessed the atrocities committed by the Ten Rings, and he has firsthand knowledge that the weapons used by the Ten Rings originated from his company.

It was Stark Group that aided those terrorist. Even if it wasn't Tony personally, Obadiah was the one who clandestinely dealt with the Ten Rings. But can Tony truly find solace in that?

Consequently, Tony finally took a step back.

Leon nodded approvingly and allowed him to continue retreating until he left the studio.

Only then did Leon redirect his attention to Obadiah. His eyes slowly began to illuminate, and eventually, he unleashed two golden heat rays, targeting the inferior version of the Arc reactor embedded in Iron Monger's chest.

The original plan didn't involve this outcome, but plans can change so adapt to it. Since Obadiah sought Leon as his adversary, Leon could only oblige him.

Perhaps it could be considered a death wish?

As the terrifying heat rays made contact with the Arc reactor, the already unstable nuclear element became suddenly agitated.

In fact, the heat rays stem from the sun's thermal energy. It can be understood as the conversion of the sun's usual radiation stored within the body into heat rays.

Therefore, it is highly likely that nuclear elements are also involved.

At that moment, the inferior version of the Arc reactor finally reached its limit, and a tremendous roar reverberated, causing the entire studio to be blown away.

The massive Stark Tower trembled, and the ground shook.

Phil Coulson and the others, who had retreated in advance, instinctively crouched down and turned to look at the nearby Stark building, their expressions filled with concern.

This is the most bustling area in New York. If such a terrifying force continues to erupt, they would be unable to explain it to the outside world, and they are also apprehensive about the potential casualties it may cause.

Fortunately, the explosion only occurred once and then subsided.

Phil Coulson breathed a sigh of relief, presuming that the battle was over. After a brief hesitation, he intended to lead a team to assess the situation.

Pepper Potts strongly insisted on accompanying them back.

However, when they returned to the scene, they discovered nothing but chaos.

Even the remaining parts of Iron Monger's body had been melted by Leon's formidable heat rays.

As for Obadiah, needless to say, the explosion originated from the Arc reactor on him, and he was obliterated in an instant.

Meanwhile, Leon and Tony had already departed. Even though their identities had been exposed, it wouldn't be so conspicuous, right?

Therefore, they decisively left before any commotion could arise.

On the way, Tony called Pepper Potts to inform her of his safety and also discussed the preparations for Pepper Potts to hold a press conference and how to explain the cause of the explosion tonight.

Thus, the incident involving Iron Monger Obadiah came to an end.

However, due to Leon's intervention, Tony didn't have much opportunity to shine. He didn't contribute much at all since Leon had already resolved the situation.

"When we agreed, you were only supposed to help when I couldn't defeat him," Tony complained after returning to change his clothes.

Leon had also tidied up Superman's outfit. After all, he acquired the abilities himself. Once he put it away, he reverted to his original suit and leather shoes.

Raising his hands, Leon began to evade his responsibilities. "Weren't you knocked down at that time?"

Tony was speechless. He never expected Iron Monger's performance to be so impressive—greater tonnage, more power, stronger armor, and more weapons than his own.

Apart from agility, Tony couldn't find a way to surpass Iron Monger.

Perhaps it was time for him to continue developing the battle suit.

For instance, creating a large-scale suit like Iron Monger? Or a more lightweight and agile battle suit?

As if understanding Tony's thoughts, Leon remarked, "There's also the issue of energy. After all, the palladium element is unstable. Maybe we can explore alternatives."

Tony smiled wryly. Even if he was a genius, it's not so simple to discover a new element, is it?

Wait a minute.

His eyes suddenly brightened. Isn't there an extraterrestrial being with technology surpassing Earth's? Maybe he knows something?

Leon grinned. "Want to find out?"

Tony nodded.

Leon seemed pleased. "I'll need some compensation."

Tony was about to agree, but he immediately stopped and looked at Leon suspiciously. "Are you planning to cheat me too?"


Lao Lao Xu: Real Author

Fake Author/Translator Zatch[King]Rex


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