

After being pushed to his lowest point in his life, Peter tries to find a way to keep moving forward. Both as Spider-Man and as Peter Parker.

Jay732 · Others
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4 Chs


Peter slowly wakes up in a hospital bed with is suit and mask still on. He tries to sit up but feels a sharp pain in his side. He looks down and sees the gunshot wound bandaged up.

"Man... So me getting shot wasn't a dream. That's good to know." Peter thinks to himself.

As the hero slowly gets out of bed, the door opens behind him.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, son. Took the doctors a long time to stitch you up with your suit still on, it be a pain to go through that again."

Peter turns around and sees George Stacy at the door.

"The city needs me, sir."

"I agree. Needs you to stay alive. You need rest."

Peter gets frustrated, knowing deep down that Stacy is right.

"If I rest, people die... I have to keep moving."

Peter gets half way out of the window when George grabs his shoulder.

"It's not your fault... Peter."

Peter eyes widen as he slowly steps away from the window and turn around.

"You did know... This whole time."

Stacy sighs.

"Yes. And I know why you've been going none stop as Spider-Man... You blame yourself for your Aunts death."

Peter takes off his mask, gritting his teeth, and trying to hold back tears.

"It was my fault. I decided to take the night off. I decided to leave the suit behind. I could've stopped it. Just like I could've stopped Uncle Ben. And Eddie. And Norman Osborne."

Peter then punches a hole in the wall tears finally falls down his face.

"Peter Parker fails... Everyone who depends on him. Spider-Man can't fail."

Stacy walks over to Peter, putting his hand on his shoulder.

"You have to realize that just because you wear that mask, doesn't mean everything bad that happens is on you, son. Or that you have to go at everything alone. You are a hero. You've saved many people, my daughter included. The hardest part in life is realizing you can't help everyone. And somehow moving on from that."

Peter looks up at Captain Stacy and then at his mask. He let's out a sigh and falls to the ground with his head down.

"I just... miss her so much." Peter says.

Stacy sits next to Peter with his arm around his shoulder.

"I know, kid. We all do." Stacy replies.

At that moment, a call comes through Stacy's radio. Stacy quickly stands to his feet and listens in.

"Kidnapped child, taken to an apartment building between eleventh and forty forth." The radio says.

Stacy goes to answer the call, while Peter puts on his mask.

"Copy that. We're on it." Stacy says.

When he turns around, he sees that Peter is gone and he quickly runs out of the room to go help the young man, knowing that he's isn't at one hundred percent. Later, Peter sneaks inside of the building by climbing on the ceiling. Without being seen, he sees the same man who shot him putting a little girl in a room and locking her in. As the man turns around, he sees Spider-Man sticking to the ceiling.

"Oh shit." The man says.

He goes to open a door, but Peter quickly takes him down before he could get back up. Peter then hears multiple men approaching the door. The door opens and Peter immediately kicks a man through a table. He then webs another one in the face and punches him with a right cross. Another man pulls out a shotgun and fires but Peter dodges, clutching his side. The young hero webs the gun out of his hand but gets kneed in the chin by another man. The door soon closes as the fighting can be heard. When more men slowly approach the door, a man is sent through the door and into the hallway. Another man goes flying out of the room and Spider-Man slowly steps out, injured and exhausted, but still ready to fight to save that little girl. A man charges at him with a bat but Peter kicks it in half and dropkicks the man in the gut, sending him flying down the hall. Another man squares up with Spider-Man, while Peter forces himself to his feet.

Peter dodges multiple punches, then lands a right hook to the man's jaw. Two more men quickly surround him, and starts throwing multiple punches. Peter is able to avoid them for a moment, but one hit lands on his injured side, causing him to cringe in pain. Multiple punches land on Peter, causing him to slowly loose consciousness. Everything goes silent around, Peter as he continues to get beat on.

"Well... this is it... I have nothing left- I don't even know how I'm still on my feet... I'm sorry, May...I'm sorry Gwen... I'm sorry Ben... This is as far as I go."

As silence continue to surround Peter's mind, he hears one thing. He starts hearing the cries of a little girl from the room next to him. Peter realizes that he can't quit, he can't afford to stop now, he has to keep moving, not to help ghosts from his past, but to save the innocent in the present. Peter soon dodges a punch, webs the man in the eyes and lands a jumping spin kick that knocks him to the ground. He then blocks a punch from the last guy standing, and hits him in the face head on. After beating every man, Peter drops to the ground but slowly gets back to his feet after a few seconds. He then breaks the lock off and walks into the room to see the little girl crying in the corner. Peter kneels down and offers her his hand. The girl stands to her feet, runs over, and hugs Spider-Man. Peter smiles, hugging her back, picking her up and walking out of the building. When Peter and the little girl walk outside, police cars are already outside. The woman named Talia immediately comes out of one of the cars and runs over and holds her daughter with tears in her eyes.

"Oh, my baby girl. Bless you, Spider-Man. God bless you."

Peter nods, smiling under his mask, and slowly limps away. Captain Stacy then stops him.

"Where are you going, son?" Stacy asks.

Peter doesn't answer for a moment.

"I'm gonna go- sleep forever. Can I sleep forever? Yeah I'm gonna sleep forever." Peter replies.

As Peter walks away, Stacy smiles, happy that Peter is finally getting some rest.

Later that night, Peter climbs through the window of his room taking off his mask and his suit, clutching his side.

"Man this hurts. But I'll be better in the morning." Peter says.

He then looks over and sees picture of him with Aunt May and Uncle Ben. Peter sighs, remembering that with great power comes great responsibility, and puts down the picture with a hopeful smile, then goes to lay down in bed. That morning, At Mid Town High, Mr. Warren calls out for attendance again, with everyone saying "here" when their names are called.

"Peter Parker?" He says after letting out a sigh.

At that moment, someone walks through the door.

"Here." Peter says with a smile.

Everyone sees Peter and smiles, especially Gwen, and except Harry who secretly scowls.

"Mr. Parker. Welcome back." Mr. Warren says.

"It's good to be back." Peter says, sitting down.

After class is over, Peter walks out of the room and takes a breath of relief. Peter is then hugged by Gwen.

"It's so good to see you, Pete." Gwen says.

Peter's starts to blush.

"Thanks Gwen."

Liz and Mary Jane soon joins in on the hug.

"Petey, we were so worried about you." Liz says.

"It's good to have you back, Tiger." Mary Jane says.

Randy then puts his hand on Peter's shoulder.

"Glad you're back. And not just because I'm having trouble in chemistry." Randy says.

At that moment, Flash Thompson slowly approaches Peter. A silence passes between them, then Flash smiles at him and offers his hand.

"Welcome back, Parker." Flash says.

Peter smiles, shaking his hand.

"Thanks, Eugene." Peter says.

"Don't push it." Flash replies.

"Ok." Peter says with a smile.

As everyone crowds Peter, smiling and laughing, Harry doesn't join them, walking away angerly.