
The Sovereign: (Conquering the heavens)

Greed is the main destruction of humanity. Greed is what divides human. Read this story to see how greed will make the humans push the person supposed to be their warrior away The M.C Wallace Huo is the only son of a man with an ancient fey bloodline and a lady with a sacred bloodline and as a result he had a powerful bloodline. Read along to know the advantages and disadvantages he had because of the bloodline and the way he will rise to the peak ____________________________ Pls this is my first novel support this brother in any way you can. Thanks

Opemipo_Gbaye · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter three: The Azure Light Finger

Pls for those who want to read, pls finish reading it and help me comment on this chapter so that I can know my shortcomings because this is my first novel on webnovel and I don't know their preferences. Thanks


"Mom don't worry I know that you will not leave me for no reason" He said out. "I will rise up even if it means going against heavens even if it means trampling upon everyone or trampling against the heavens anything that tries to stop me will be destroyed, I will rise up to the peak and look for you along the way" He said resolutely and his eyes shone with a magnificent luster,and he saw it in the mirror in front of him. He looked at his image in the mirror, his pentagonic shaped retina with a sharp eyebrow and well shaped and sharp jaw. He also saw his white hair flowing down to his shoulder but non of that mattered to him. He was only thinking about the promise he made to himself.

"Before you start thinking about the way to the peak you have to start from here" The voice sounded in his mind. "Talking about getting stronger, your foundation is still not stabilized due to the excess breakthrough you had so the first thing you are supposed to do is to stabilize your foundation and look for a quiet place to practice" The voice told him as he started to clean the house. "What's your name" Wallace asked. "Like I said I was the guardian your mom prepared for you so you can just call me guardian" Guardian answered him. He finished cleaning the house within ten minutes. The speed and the remaining strength amused him, if it was before it would have taken up to thirty minutes and he will be tired after he has finished it but now he felt like he still have the strength to do many more of the same work. "The necklace still have something for you, send your spiritual energy into it" Guardian told him. He tried to do it but he could not. It was guardian that later guided him on how to do it.

"The Vermillion Sacred Technique heavenly technique, The azure light finger heavenly technique, The basic soul control, Minute movement" He read it surprised. Skills were even left for him. He felt grateful again to his mother. He hurried to the bathroom to clean himself before he later sat down on the floor and started meditating the sacred scripture. Qi started flowing into his body but he felt a dull pain in his dantian region, that was when he realized that his body was overflowing with qi. He used the qi in his body and circulated it round his body and back to his dantian,he felt a pleasant feeling. He kept doing that and he kept feeling a little stronger till "kacha" he heard a sound in his body. His foundation has been stabilized. After doing that, he decided to practice the basic soul control because it only require the mind. The information flowed into his mind and he started meditating.

The following morning, he opened his eyes and stood up. He gained a lot, his control over the soul has gotten drastically stronger and he felt his soul got stronger. He used the technique many times to the extent that his soul energy got depleted. After it got depleted, he will recover it again and continue practicing it. That was the method he kept using till the morning everytime he drained his soul energy and recover it, his soul will get stronger. He left his house the following morning and went to the restaurant to collect his free breakfast, when he got there he saw some children there he had to queue. Since the outer city is a place for the poor, it is normal that the people there can't afford their food, so the city usually give the free food so that they will not starve to death.

It was soon his turn, he collected his food and went to one of the tables to eat, he wanted to sit down when he saw five familiar faces. They were the ones that left him to die yesterday. They also saw him and looked surprised. They clearly beat him almost to death yesterday, so how did he stand up today. "Maybe he was lucky to be given a recovery pill." One of them said and the others believed. That must be the only reason. "Whatever, we will beat him badly today again and let us see maybe he will have that bullshit luck again" The leader said as they ignored him and went towards the queue. They quickly pushed the unlucky children away and collected their food. They were given their food while Wallace continued eating. They passed him

"Something is happening" Wallace who was eating thought, he quickly shifted his food away from the place it was before. He saw water poured on the table, if his food had been there, it would have been the victim. He looked up and saw the surprised face of the leader. "You were lucky" The leader said and they left him. He continued eating as if nothing happened. "He is now bold"One of the boy said. "Let him enjoy now I will make sure I cripple him the next time I see him". The leader said as he remembered the first day he met Wallace. At that time, Wallace mother just arrived at the city, they were living in the inner city while Wallace will come to the outer city. He was a very brilliant boy and because of that he was favored by everyone.

One day, Wallace came to the outer city and saw them beating a boy. Wallace rescued the boy and called his mother and as a result, they were punished. They could not do anything because he was favored. His mother later left him and he was deemed as trash, he was thrown to the outer city, the only privilege he was given was to attend school and so they started bullying him. " I will break all his limbs" The leader said as they sat on the chair and started eating. He finished eating and stood up. The five also stood up but he ignored them. He left the restaurant and started walking. He spread his perception everywhere, his perception can now sense everything within a one kilometer accurately and it was a result of his strong soul. He felt the five following him closely but he ignored them, he continued walking till he got to the border of the outer city. He wanted to step out when he got surrounded.

"You've now grown wings" The leader said. "What are you here for" He asked coldly. The five were surprised because he never talked back at the even when they were beating him he won't make a sound because of fear. He is the one now standing in front of them without an ounce of fear. They could not lay their hands over what changed him. "What audacity". One of them said and wanted to move forward "Stop" The leader instructed and the boy stopped. "Let's attack him together"He instructed. They all ran toward Wallace and raised their hands to give him a punch but Wallace stood there unmoving. "I was just worrying for nothing" He thought and attacked with more ferocity. Wallace was calm "Let me use soul attack"He thought. Their punch were all an inch away form Wallace skin when "Weng" they felt their soul shook. They all stopped and fell to the ground unconscious not knowing what happened to them. Wallace walked to them one after the other and broke their dantian. Once the dantian of a cultivator is damaged, they won't be able to gather Qi and it is equivalent to them being crippled, because the qi they have will seep out from their pores and they will turn to normal. Though it could be joined using treasures, but a one star sect won't be able to afford the treasures.

At the Patriarch house, an old man was sitting in the living room reading a paper, it was the Patriarch. He was an old man already at the end of his life. "Grandpa" Mark entered the living room. The Patriarch left the paper. " What brings you here" He asked Mark lovingly. "The final obstruction to my breakthrough is now, thin I will need to enter secluded cultivation" Mark said. The patriarch was happy "That's good if you breakthrough you chances of getting into a three star sect will now be sixty percent" The patriarch said "I want to enter divine city" Mark said "It's not possible it's only meant for five-star sects just be contented with three star sect"The patriarch said."I will still try"Mark said unwillingly. "Ok don't worry, I will send enough resources for you" The patriarch said and Mark went out. "it is good to have ambition but when you get to the competition ground you'll see what I'm talking about" The patriarch muttered as he watched the back of Mark". He sat down and continued reading the paper.

Wallace was sitting down on a mountain watching the situation of his soul. He was close to breaking through the last night so when he used soul energy on the five he broke through completely but he saw his soul shatter and his dantian split into two. One fragment went into where his soul core was before and started to absorb soul energy. He opened his eyes and could feel that his connection with soul energy is now deepened. He stood up. "Now I'm finished with the soul" Let me start practicing the Azure light finger. "Converge the qi in your finger and compress it, then later release it" he recalled as he did the same thing and "boom" a light left his finger, his finger turned numb and he was thrown back because of the recoil. He went to the region the light finger struck, he saw a deep hole init with cracks around the region. "This is a fearsome killing technique" He thought surprised "Of course it's heavenly grade" guardian reminded him. He already read about heavenly grade techniques before. They are fearsome technique that are unparalleled. They are very powerful than other technique, but it takes ten times the amount of time it take to get a peak technique a heavenly technique and they require a lot of practice and they drain a lot of qi. Even for Wallace to be able to do it he has unparalleled talent. He wanted to practice it again when he felt that his qi reserve is dried. "As expected of an heavenly technique" He thought and sat down to meditate and recover his qi. He continued practicing it till the end of the day.