
The Sovereign: (Conquering the heavens)

Greed is the main destruction of humanity. Greed is what divides human. Read this story to see how greed will make the humans push the person supposed to be their warrior away The M.C Wallace Huo is the only son of a man with an ancient fey bloodline and a lady with a sacred bloodline and as a result he had a powerful bloodline. Read along to know the advantages and disadvantages he had because of the bloodline and the way he will rise to the peak ____________________________ Pls this is my first novel support this brother in any way you can. Thanks

Opemipo_Gbaye · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 2: Awakening

Pls for those who want to read, pls finish reading it and help me comment on this first chapter so that I can know my shortcomings because this is my first novel on webnovel and I don't know their preferences. Thanks


Wallace stood up and sneakily walked towards the classroom door. His heart was beating rapidly and he kept praying for his classmate not to see him because if they saw him another round of bullying will begin. He almost got to the door but alas the heavens did not want it to go well for him, or maybe he was unlucky, he got spotted. "Hey trash stop there, where are you going to" A boy who spotted him by chance said. "Damn why am I always so unlucky" He thought as he stopped and faced back, he could not stop his rapidly beating heart. The boy was a bit taller than him and bulkier than him. He always had a weak body because of malnourishment. "Why don't you be with us today, we won't be seeing each other for sometimes now atleast prove that you are good for something" The boy said as he patted him and dragged him back to the middle of the classroom. Other classmates looked at him with funny expressions. "Do what you are good at" The boy instructed him. With his heart beating rapidly, he started to dance because he could not retort. He did every step meticulously afraid that if he take any misstep he will be beaten. Humiliation, disgrace or any other thing was an understatement for what he was feeling. He felt like the ground should open, swallow him and end his pathetic life.

After two hours he was outside on his way to the gate. "In three months we will be leaving to represent the sect while u'll stay here like a useless dogshit that you are" He recalled what a lady told him. "You're destined to be slave to us" He recalled another cruel word said to him. He was absentmindedly walking like a zombie to the extent that he didn't even know when he bumped into someone.He fell down and looked up, he saw the angry face a boy with a striking brown hair and black eyes. He looked in horror at the person not even noticing the person beside him. The boy was Mark Ross, the son of the patriarch and the most talented person in their clan. He used five years to get to peak ninth stage mortal realm which is considered absurdingly fast in most one and two stars sects. Beside him was the only lady of the Williams family, a very famous textile industry across the one and two stars sect. Even some three stars sect patronize them.She is at the mid fifth stage of mortal realm.

Wallace was stumped for words, he looked at the boy in horror. "Whoosh" Mark carried him and started raining punch on him forgetting he was weak. That is Mark, an arrogant, quick-tempered boy that is quick to use punch to solve everything. "Bang" He was thrown down after being beaten. Mark left him there after he was satisfied beating him. He slept there unable to stand up. People passing could not assist him, they just ignored him and passed by. At four in the evening, he finally gained the strength to stand up his cheekbone was broken while most of his teeth was removed, his left leg was also broken. He limped slowly towards his house. After thirty, minutes, at a place in the city called the outer city. A city is usually grouped into two, the outer and the inner city. The inner city was a place for rich merchant while the outer city was for poor people. Everything in the outer city was free, but the criminals there are many. A person being killed is nothing there so those living there are usually afraid of death.

At that late evening, a boy was seen limping home. It was Wallace, he was devastated, downcasted, all sort of bad feelings was piled up I. his heart. The heart wrenching pain he felt in his mind was greater than that of his body. He did not encounter anybody except children and that was because most children don't have potential in them or their parents can't afford cultivation techniques. He got to his entrance, he wanted to enter when "Bam" He landed on the floor due to his instability and the force at which he was pushed back. He looked up and saw some children in beggars cloth. They were five, they are well built and they were older than him. They were children that don't have potential and have been abandoned by the sect. The leader who was in their middle Wes in the early second stage of mortal realm while the remaining were in mid of first stage of mortal realm. He looked at them with lifeless eyes. He knew they were here to beat him. They use him to relieve stress. "There are other children in the street why me?" He thought

"Bang" he received a punch. All the blood that has been accumulating in his chest was forcefully released out. " You are always to kneel when you see our boss" One of them gave him a punch and said. The boss walked towards him and knelt down. His hair was forcefully grabbed by the boss. " it look like someone here is tired of living" The boss sneered and roughly grabbed his hair. He flinched in pain. "Don't worry I will fulfill your wish" The boss said "But let me first relieve my stress" "Bang" He was given a punch. They fetched water and poured it on him while the boss started beating him brutally. When it reached a time they started whipping him. They beat him till their heart content. "Bang" He was thrown into his house and the door was locked. "huh huh" He felt pain all over and felt his consciousness slipping away from him. "Is this how my pathetic life is going to end"He said amidst pain. "If so then I accept my fate". He said . He wanted to lose consciousness when he saw a ray of light shining from the necklace in his neck. A gray mist came out from it and entered his body. That was the last thing he saw before losing consciousness.

A golden drop of blood came out from the necklace and entered his eyebrow. "Humm" His body started vibrating and change started to take place in his body at a visible rate. "Crack" There was a crack sound resounding from his body. His bones started to break and rebuild while the wound on his skin started to heal. Within seconds it looked like he was reborn. His striking white hair was flowing down reaching his shoulder level while his brows became sharp. "Bang bang" Exploding sounds like a door was pushed open forcefully was heard in his body while his body turned into a black hole that absorbs Qi. His meridians started to shine before joining together. He broke through to the early third stage of earth warrior realm. The Qi subsided and everything returned to normal except for the change that took place in his body. He slept straight for two days and he woke up at 9:00 pm the second day.

Wallace opened his eyes and sat up. He looked around before he felt a splitting headache. Following that he remembered what happened. He remembered that he saw a gray mist entering his body before he lost consciousness. He quickly checked his body and saw that it was all healed. He looked supposed at his body. Furthermore, he felt the presence of foreign energies in his body. He checked his dantian and saw that the pearl was filled with qi. "I can now cultivate" He thought surprised. "Yes you can cultivate before but it was not yet time" A voice said in his head. "Who are you and why are you in my body" He asked "I am the guardian your mom prepared for you when it's time for you to start cultivating" The voice answered. "Your mother prepared everything you will need including me in that necklace in case when you start cultivating"The guardian explained. He felt touched. He quickly checked his cultivation level and saw his present cultivation state. Tears flooded his eyes

"Boy you will rise up to be a dragon amongst men" He remembered what his mom what once told him "Mom thank you"He said. Happiness, joy all sort of feeling flooded his mind. He will no longer be bullied, no one will dare trample on him again. He is now a higher existence. The feeling of weakness he once felt has now disappeared. The power he long awaited has now been given to him. Tears started to stream down his face as he saw the qi in his body.