
The Sovereign: (Conquering the heavens)

Greed is the main destruction of humanity. Greed is what divides human. Read this story to see how greed will make the humans push the person supposed to be their warrior away The M.C Wallace Huo is the only son of a man with an ancient fey bloodline and a lady with a sacred bloodline and as a result he had a powerful bloodline. Read along to know the advantages and disadvantages he had because of the bloodline and the way he will rise to the peak ____________________________ Pls this is my first novel support this brother in any way you can. Thanks

Opemipo_Gbaye · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter four: The Vermillion Sacred technique

Pls for those who want to read, pls finish reading it and help me comment on this chapter so that I can know my shortcomings because this is my first novel on webnovel and I don't know their preferences. Thanks


The divine city is a city that gathers the elite of the elite. The requirement for entering the it is too exaggerated. It has the top cultivating techniques, if you want to learn heavenly technique you will find it there if you have the resources. However there is a lot of competition there, genius will have to work arduously before they can gather resources because of the number of genius they recruit yearly. Once someone enter the city, they will realize that it is an heavenly place for cultivators. It is higher than five star sect. Wallace kept using the azure light finger. He will use the technique till his yuan qi dry up and recover it and he kept repeating the cycle till evening, he got a little understanding of it. Understanding a martial art is divided into small understanding and large understanding. When a cultivator has talent in martial art, the cultivator will be able to have small understanding, while those that usually have large understanding are considered to have horrifying talent and they will be able to have utilize the technique than their mates. Not only that, he felt his qi pool expand a little. He can now the technique once and still have a little qi left. Apart from that, because he was moving constantly he gained insight on another natural phenomenon. It was called minute movement. The minute movement allows a cultivator to use minute body movement to dodge a strike. Once someone gain insight, practice it and gain a small understanding he will be able to move like a leaf. Another advantage of the technique is that, it only requires a little qi it relies mostly on stamina. He practiced it throughout the night.

That night, at the patriarch house, "That's it" The patriarch said as he handed over an interspatial ring to Mark. "Grandpa thank you" Mark said delighted as he collected the ring "My chances of entering the divine city has increased" He said happily. "You don't have a chance before even only five stars sect barely have a chance to enter it" The patriarch said "I will still try" Mark said adamantly and entered the cultivation pagoda of the house. The following morning on the mountain. "Whoosh" A figure fluttered like wind and disappeared, he seemed to have merged with the wind and arrived at the end of the mountain. It was Wallace. "You are really a genius" The system complimented. "You have gained small understanding of this difficult movement overnight". The system said. "Just small understanding" Wallace said a little disappointed. "Don't push yourself too hard, if there had been other geniuses there, they would have vomited blood from anger.

Small understanding of a technique is extremely difficult to grab for warriors. Not only did Wallace gain a small understanding he also gained a small understanding of a natural technique in a night. Most people will have to cultivate for thousands of years before they can gain a natural technique but getting a natural technique at the beginning of martial art is seemingly unheard of. If the old cultivators were here, they would have fought over Wallace because of the monstrous talent he had. He left there the mountain sluggishly and went to his house. He was sore all over and tired. One had to know that he is still in mortal realm,and he overworked himself, even though he can utilize the yuan qi, his body still can't take the stress. He freshened up and went to the restaurant. He could not wait to lay his hands on food. Even though he can use the yuan qi, he still felt pang of hunger, after all he is a mortal.

When he got to the restaurant, he heard people talking about the misfortune of the five that Wallace maimed of their cultivation. They were later seen where Wallace left them but they could not say anything so people assumed that they offended a person from the inner city who ruthlessly maimed them of their cultivation. The children were happy because naturally they used to bully others but Wallace was the person who received the most extreme bullying. Wallace who heard everything did not show any expression, instead he just went to the counter and collected his food and sat down at a corner to eat. After eating, he went back to his house and had a long nap till the evening.

Inside the inner city, on another influential family's house, an old man was standing on the verandah with his daughter beside him. He was one of the elders of the sect, the legendary dragon sect is ruled by a patriarch and seven sect elders. The old man is at the mid eighth stage of the heavenly warrior realm. The girl standing beside him is his daughter she is at the peak eighth stage of mortal realm. She is Claudie Lara, a girl who is only inferior to Mark Ross in the entire clan."Daughter, what's your probability of entering a three star sect" The old man asked his daughter. "I'm eighty percent sure" She said "Don't worry if you fail the exams, you should come back here and cultivate diligently so that you will take my position if I'm dead" The old man said "I've heard grandpa" The lady answered. Silence prevailed as they looked at the beautiful stars.The meeting was also taking place in seven elders household.

There was a person that was not even concerned about getting into a three star sect, he was sure that he will be able to enter the divine city. The person was sitting on the mountain, closing his eyes. If any lady were to be there they would have been stupefied by the sheer handsomeness he possessed even though he's still underage. It was Wallace, he was currently reading the vermillion Sacred technique in his mind. "The vermillion Sacred technique is a technique that when practiced to the peak one will be able to draw yuan qi directly from the sun and one will have an undying fire body" Wallace read. "What a heaven defying technique" he thought. "It has seventeen stanzas in the first volume, sunrise from the east, roaming across the world, Spreading light onto the world, Brilliant glorious magnificent luster, The ten sun rises from the east, who masters pure yang, the charm, the fiery rain, the royalty, the yin property of the sun, combining the yin and yang energy, yin does not beget peace while yang does not beget growth, who masters pure yin yang, the mark of royalty, the undying energy, the extreme illumination, the unstoppable advance"he read "Once someone masters everything his bearing will be like that of the sun" he finished reading. "it really is an heavenly technique" he thought.