
The Sovereign: (Conquering the heavens)

Greed is the main destruction of humanity. Greed is what divides human. Read this story to see how greed will make the humans push the person supposed to be their warrior away The M.C Wallace Huo is the only son of a man with an ancient fey bloodline and a lady with a sacred bloodline and as a result he had a powerful bloodline. Read along to know the advantages and disadvantages he had because of the bloodline and the way he will rise to the peak ____________________________ Pls this is my first novel support this brother in any way you can. Thanks

Opemipo_Gbaye · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter Six: The bloodline

Pls for those who want to read, pls finish reading it and help me comment on this chapter so that I can know my shortcomings because this is my first novel on webnovel and I don't know their preferences. Thanks


The receptionist saw six red lotus fire and twenty bodies of fire Lin body. She looked at Wallace like she was looking at a monster. "Wait I'm coming"She said with a shaking voice and went into one of the rooms upstairs. Minutes later, an old man who was at the mid of third sky stage of warrior realm. The man arrived in front of Wallace. He was surprised when he saw Wallace small frame. "Are you kidding, how can this small boy be capable of accomplishing such a feat" He thought "Friend did u kill these birds" He asked hoping that Wallace will not give him the answer he dreaded the most. "Yes" Wallace answered. He looked at Wallace again but quickly regained his wit. "We've invited those people that need it, will you wait upstairs" The old man asked. "No I will just check the quest board"He answered. "Ok" The man said. He went to the quest board to check for quest again. He scanned the quest board and saw another quest that caught his interest. "Security job, a merchant from the Sacred heart sect want to return back to their sect, he will have to pass the wilderness to get to the teleportation array so he need ten mercenaries with a cultivation level of at least fifth stage of mortal realm Quest difficulty: Just some basic beast and some rare intermediate beast, Quest reward:10000 dragonscales" He tore the paper off the board and went to the receptionist. The receptionist gave him a token. "Come back here a week later" She said respectfully. He was intrigued by the way the receptionist was talking to him.That was the order of the world. When he first came, she looked at Wallace with mockery, now when he accomplished something he was respected. The strong are always respected while the weak are always bullied and looked down upon.

After waiting for ten minutes, two people entered the quest house. It was an old man with a beautiful lady by his side. Many warriors looked at them with respect especially Claudie, they were mesmerized by her beauty and also her talent, she was only inferior to Mark by a small gap. It was Claudie Lara and her grandfather. Claudie raise her head up with pride, it was all ladies dream do their opposite sex to fawn upon them.They were quickly ushered to the upper floor with Wallace who was still wearing his mask. Claudie stole a glance at the masked boy. "This messenger does not know his place how can he be standing beside me" Claudie who was displeased that Wallace was not even looking at him thought. She was used to getting gaze of reverence from the opposite sex. They entered the room and faced each other. The coordinator of the quest house quickly handed them a bag "Where is the person that killed it" The old man asked clearly overlooking Wallace. The coordinator pointed at Wallace. "Are you joking"Claudie who was beside her grandfather could not take it and asked. How can a boy who was clearly her age accomplish such an incredible feat."Behave yourself" He grandfather said and faced Wallace. "What's your name" The old man asked. "I don't tell anyone my name"Wallace said The old man squinted his eyes dangerously while Claudie looked at Wallace surprised. The coordinator also looked at Wallace.

Arrogant, extremely arrogant and insolent. How can this commoner say that he does not give anyone his name. If it had been other people he said that to, it would have been good but to one of the elders controlling the sect, he already overstepped his boundary. Claudie wanted to flare up but was stopped by her grandfather who already regained his composure. Sixteen thousand dragon scales was transferred to Wallace who was very happy. As for the word he said earlier, it was what was in his mind. He was usually bullied by Claudie when he was still powerless so he saw it as a form of revenge. He went out of the room without saying anything. The old man saw Wallace going out of the room, his calm demeanor changed to a furious one. "Shadow" He called out and a veiled person appeared. This person was wearing an all black cloth with a black mask. It was the most precious guard of the old man. The person was at late fourth stage of earth warrior realm"Follow him, cripple him and bring him to my house, I don't care if he is alive or dead" The old man said. "I've heard" A Feminine voice came out from the veil and the veiled person disappeared. Wallace closed the door, there was an extremely wide grin on his face, he looked at the token in his hand happily. He decided the next course of action, he will first need to go and use the yuan qi in the bones of the fire Lin bird to cleanse himself before heading to the auction house in the inner city. He went out of the quest house and decided to go directly to the mountain. He was aware of the shadow following him but did as if he did not know anything. He got to the border of the outer city when he felt his scalp tingled. "whoosh" He quickly utilized the minute movement and disappeared. a blade materialized where he was before and a veiled person also materialized there. "Why am I always attacked at the border" He thought as he looked at the veiled person.

Shadow was surprised as she looked at Wallace. "He actually managed to dodge that" She thought looking at Wallace like a ghost. That was the move that she usually use to assassinate people in realms above her. She once used it to escape from an heavenly warrior realm. How was a junior one stage lower than her sense the move."He must be lucky" she thought "whoosh" she used the same move. Wallace who brought two knives out was wary. He spread his perception out. "At my back" He thought. He utilized the minute movement and disappeared. "He dodged again" Shadow thought again. "Kid what treasure did you have on you" Shadow asked. She thought that he had a treasure on him that was why he had dodged her attack. "No problem when I deal with u, I'll collect it from you" Shadow said as she utilized her speed. Wallace also utilized his speed. They rushed at themselves while using their respective skills. Wallace did not have a skill so he just used his two knives . "Clang" They clashed midair. Shadow was thrown back while Wallace feet was thrown off the ground, he managed to stabilize himself midair but there was a metallic taste in his throat. The strike caused his internal organ to shake. Shadow who slid ten metres was surprised, this boy was clearly not using any technique. "How" She asked herself. She surpassed this boy in years of experience, technique, and even cultivation realm, she also has killed countless people but this boy was only at a slight disadvantage against her. "He must die" She thought as she took her blade and rushed at Wallace. She just saw Wallace point a finger at her. "Azure light finger" she saw a light come out of his finger before she could do anything. "Boom" She felt a pain in her hand, she looked at her hand and saw that there was only a stump there. She looked at Wallace horrified before running away. Wallace saw shadow running away, he did not even bother to run after her. He just went towards her and took her interspatial ring and the long sword she was using. "Wait, why am I not feeling irritated" He thought. "Your bloodline" The guardian answered.

Claudie and her grandfather were waiting at the living room for Shadow. "I just pray that shadow bring him here alive, I will torture him to the extent that he will think that dying Is better than living" The old man said angrily. He was humiliated today. A nobody dare tell him that he did not deserve to know that person's name. He has never been so humiliated ever since he became an elder. "Boom" He heard a sound outside. "Shadow is here" He said while he and Claudie went out of the house. They were expecting to see Claudie with either a dead or alive Wallace but what they saw terrified them, they saw a dead one armed shadow on the floor. They looked around before they rushed towards shadow.

"The bloodline you have is heaven defying" The guarding started. He was already standing on the mountain "Your mother is a sovereign beast while your father is an ancient fey, I will tell you later if you are powerful about the fey. What I want you to know now is that you have the two most powerful ancient bloodline in you which is a blessing and a curse. Even I should not tell you this now. If anyone knows it will cause o stir in the world" The guardian told him solemnly.