
The Sovereign: (Conquering the heavens)

Greed is the main destruction of humanity. Greed is what divides human. Read this story to see how greed will make the humans push the person supposed to be their warrior away The M.C Wallace Huo is the only son of a man with an ancient fey bloodline and a lady with a sacred bloodline and as a result he had a powerful bloodline. Read along to know the advantages and disadvantages he had because of the bloodline and the way he will rise to the peak ____________________________ Pls this is my first novel support this brother in any way you can. Thanks

Opemipo_Gbaye · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter Seven: The inner city

Pls for those who want to read, pls finish reading it and help me comment on this chapter so that I can know my shortcomings because this is my first novel on webnovel and I don't know their preferences. Thanks


"Talking of getting stronger, first check the loot you received, Somethings might be useful there for you" The guardian told him. He was easily able to remove the imprint shadow left on it. He already read many books including books on interspatial rings so it was easy for him. Inside, he saw the sheath of shadow's sword. He first took the sword, he saw that the blade was shining with a silver hum and black sheath which gave it a sinister hum. "Many blood must have been drawn using this sword" He thought and kept it back. He checked the interspatial ring, he saw varieties of pills but he was not interested in pills because he believed that it dampens the potential of cultivators. He also saw a peak grade and two high grade sword techniques but he wanted to create his own path in sword so learning a sword technique will only make him go astray. If it had been any other cultivator, they would have jumped in happiness because of the grade of the pills and the grade of the sword technique, they were extremely precious in a one star sect but he was disappointed. He could not find anything precious for him there. "Well I got an interspatial ring and I will get a couple of dragonscales from selling them" He consoled himself.

He checked the time, it was twelve in the afternoon. He sat down and closed his eyes to continue the drawing of the sun qi in his body. He continued drawing till the night. The moon soon replaced the sun in the sky, "Whew he jumped up and looked at the stars in the sky. "One day if I reach the peak, I will be like these stars that are worshipped by everyone but live a silent life up there" He thought and lost himself fantasizing about his future. "But I have to get stronger first" he snapped himself out from his daze and "Whew" He dashed into the wilderness He hunted beasts till midnight before he went to his house to sleep. The following morning, he decided to not go to the restaurant, he set out for the inner city. He got to the gate and was asked to pay 3000 dragon scales. He paid and went into the city without further ado. When he got into the city, he was mesmerized by what he saw, the structures he saw there was on another level compared to the outer city. The occupants of the city don't walk, they use their different beast for a means of transportation, some were even using flying beasts. Those that walk are from the outer city who do some menial jobs in the city. Compared to the outer city, it was another world. The first thing he did was to search for a restaurant. He later arrived in front of a restaurant "Nine li restaurant" He read the name. It was the most expensive restaurant in the city. He entered without contemplation.

He entered the structure, the interior was decorated with chairs and tables made from beast skin. It was more elegant than a typical restaurant. He went directly to a chair in the corner of the restaurant and sat down, he took the menu and looked at the dishes there. He ordered some dishes, the waiter saw him and looked at the clothes he was wearing. "Are you sure" The waiter asked "What do you mean" He asked as he revealed a bit of his aura. Sweat quickly formed 9n the palms of the waiter. "I'm sorry sir I will go and bring what you ordered for" The waiter quickly went away to get his orders. Minutes later, dishes was served in front of him. Even though he had a cold and indifferent attitude, he still has a wisp of ten years old in him. He still craved for food. He took the spoon and dig it into the rice placed in front of him, he ate it. "Hmm" a calm feeling entered his stomach and turned into energy nourishing his body. The people around looked at him. "How can this poor person sit in the same restaurant with us" They thought displeased but they could not say anything because it's one of the most influential figure in the city that owns it.

He continued digging into the food happily. After thirty minutes of eating, he finished his dish and paid before heading out. He got outside and headed to his left, after walking for minutes he arrived at a tall building, it was the auction house. He entered it, the first things were advertisement glass with different treasures on it. He looked mesmerized at the goods. He soon snapped out of it and went to one of the receptionist. "I'm here to sell some things" He said nonchalantly. The receptionist looked at him weirdly because he was wearing a mask. "Let me see your goods sir" The lady said. He gave her an interspatial ring. The receptionist peered into it but was surprised at the goods in it. She looked at Wallace surprised, "Let me go and get our master appraiser" She handed him the interspatial ring and quickly went to the top floor. Minutes later, a middle aged man came back with the receptionist. He sensed that the cultivation level of the man is peak ninth stage of mortal realm. "Hello guest, I heard you are here to sell some items" the middle aged man said. "Yes" Wallace answered. They went upstairs to one of the room. "Weng" He heard his heart palpitate when he entered.

His eyes quickly looked round the crystals in the room before it rested on a purple crystal that shone with a dull light and the light disappeared the moment it looked at it. "What's that" He asked the guardian "I don't know" Guardian answered. The middle aged man noticed that Wallace was looking at something and traced his line of sight. He saw that it rested on a purple crystal. "He's still a small boy attached to beautiful things" The man thought. In his opinion, that crystal was a useless crystal that does not have a wisp of energy that can be used to do anything. "You can take it for a basic tier beast crystal" The man quickly said. "Ok" He said as he went towards the crystal. He walked to the crystal and stretched his hand towards the it. The crystal disappeared upon coming on contact with his hand. "Uh" He thought surprised. He felt a cold energy in his heart, he felt the crystal palpitating and merging with his heart. "What's happening" He asked guardian. "Don't worry, I can guarantee that it's nothing bad" The guardian assured him.

"Such a high ranking interspatial ring" The middle aged man thought greedily when he saw the way the crystal disappeared on coming on contact with his hand. Wallace later turned back and went back to the seat, he sat opposite the man and threw an interspatial ring at him. "marrow cleansing pill" The man kept reading out the goods when he saw the goods in the interspatial ring. He looked at Wallace surprised again because the goods in the interspatial ring was not an high grade one especially the blade he saw there. It was the goods he looted from shadow and the cores he got from killing beasts. He later decided to sell the sword not to arouse any suspicion. "How did he get it" The man thought. After minutes of accessing the goods he brought, he was paid another one hundred thousand dragon scales. "What's your name sir" The middle aged man asked with respect. "Wayne Bill" He answered. The man squinted his eyes trying to remember the name of an influential family that bear the name bill. "You are not from any big family" The man asked "Yes" He answered. The man look changed to that of a greedy man looking at a fat pig but quickly changed back to normal. It only took a second but Wallace noticed it. "It's actually amazing that you reached this stage without getting any influential backing" The man told him. "Thanks" He answered.

"Please can you take me to the weapon section sir" He asked the man. I'll serve you myself" The man said. They left the room and went to the third room from it. The man opened the door, Wallace to enter the room and the man followed behind him. The first thing he saw was a bow hanging on the wall. Its entire body is black. "This bow was sold by Caen Will" The man explained to him. Caen Will name was a well known name, he was the most powerful hunter in the town. Every students and hunters know his name. "He got it when he explored a ruin, it does not need an arrow, you just have to inject your yuan qi into it and it will form an arrow". The man explained. His eyes shone, it had always been his dream to become a powerful archer and swordman. He brought it. He looked round the room and saw a ridiculously long sword at one corner of the room , it was at least a head taller than him. He fell in love with the sword immediately he saw it, so he brought it. After buying weapon, they went to other section but nothing caught his eyes again. He later left.