
The Sovereign: (Conquering the heavens)

Greed is the main destruction of humanity. Greed is what divides human. Read this story to see how greed will make the humans push the person supposed to be their warrior away The M.C Wallace Huo is the only son of a man with an ancient fey bloodline and a lady with a sacred bloodline and as a result he had a powerful bloodline. Read along to know the advantages and disadvantages he had because of the bloodline and the way he will rise to the peak ____________________________ Pls this is my first novel support this brother in any way you can. Thanks

Opemipo_Gbaye · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 5: Sacred Blood Has Awakened

Pls for those who want to read, pls finish reading it and help me comment on this chapter so that I can know my shortcomings because this is my first novel on webnovel and I don't know their preferences. Thanks


In the first stanza, (sunrise from the east ) it requires one to use his body particularly his dantian as a vessel for the sun. The sun in his body will be a sun qi while his dantian will the sky. Once the first volume is finished, he will have ten sun qi residing in his body so his qi reserve will be almost infinite. while the first stanza will turn his body into a fire elemental body. In short, one will have to draw the sun in their marrow He closed his eyes and started to harness the yuan qi in his body into his dantian, and he started drawing the sun little by little. That was when he noticed that the drawing is using up his qi in an alarming way. "To become powerful is sure not easy" he thought. He continued the drawing until it reached six in the morning. He stood up at six, and checked his progress. He found out that it was already at 30%,he looked at his progress satisfied. "It looks like I will put more time into drawing this" he thought. He wanted to go when he noticed that he was already smelling "it's sure not easy" He shook his head and said

He went to his house and freshened up and changed into another cloth. "I will have to buy another cloth" He said as he looked at his cloth that has lost track of time. The colors has already faded to the extreme. "You can take quests, in that way you will be able to train yourself and get money" Guardian told him. Cultivators often take quests to temper themselves and earn money. Most resources that are usually used are gained from the forest. For example, the clothes that warrior usually wear are made from the skin of beasts, cars that are use are powered using beast crystals, while weapons are made using beast crystals and many others so warrior make some sums hunting them, but cultivators that hunt intermediate beast are very scarce, most only hint basic beast because of their low cultivation level. "Food first" Wallace said as he went to the restaurant, he collected his food and ate it before he left the restaurant and moved toward the centre of the city

He soon got to the centre of the city, there he saw a large black building with two swords crossing it as an emblem giving it a lonely feeling. He entered it, the interior was opposite the outside, it was completely bustling with activities. No one was able to recognize him because of the mask he was putting on. He just walked direct towards the quest board and started looking at the quest notice there. He soon saw an interesting notice. "In the territory of the fire Lin bird some red lotus fruits have appeared there through natural phenomena enter their territory and steal the red lotuses. Difficulty: multiple basic beast and an intermediate beast, Rewards: One red lotus fruit: tenthousand dragon scale, One fire Lin bird:5000 dragon scale." He read the quest and he showed a smile. Dragon scale is the currency of the legendary dragon sect ."I'm really lucky today"he thought

A fire Lin bird is a bird that has been baptized with fire but they don't have the intelligence to use it, they have a pure fire body, in their later stages they evolve into fire luan bird, a terrifying bird that can use it's fire element and has high intelligence but it can or transform into human. A red lotus fruit is a fruit that increase a person affinity with fire, it can let a normal cultivator with a normal body have a pure fire body but the cultivator will have to pay with a little of his potential, but it is not a problem for him because he does not need to eat the fruit, only absorbing the essence would do. If he could get the fire Lin corpse, he can first cleanse his body with the fire element in the bones and marrows of the bird before absorbing the essence of the fruit. He quickly took the quest and went to the receptionist table. The receptionist is a pretty young lady with a cultivation of the early stage of second mortal realm. The receptionist was surprised about the small boy that was taking the dangerous quest. "Some people are full of themselves and it always lead to their death" She thought but still maintained her professional face in front of Wallace. She gave him a token. It was the quest token. Wallace collected the token and left the restaurant. He went back to the mountain to immerse himself in cultivation till four in the evening where he came home and slept till ten pm at night.

He woke up at 10pm at night. He packed his bag and put two kitchen knife in his pocket. Normally interspatial ring are normally used to carry load. An interspatial ring is a ring that is used to carry load, it is like a ring with an independent world. Someone can even put cars or house into it depending on the house. He left his house at exactly 10:30pm and set out for the forest. He used the map he was given, he did not meet with beasts and the one he saw, he will avoid them with minute movement. It was all due to his spread out perception. He got to a cave and hid behind a tree some metres away from it. He looked at the map to make sure the place is correct. He spread his perception out and saw that there were about thirty fire Lin bird currently sleeping inside, he looked for the strongest one among them,it was sleeping with a dozen red fruits. The red lotus fruits are usually red in color while the fire Lin bird are yellow in colour. "Whoosh" He used minute movement and arrived directly in front of the intermediate fire Lin bird. "Azure light finger" He used the azure light finger and a light came out from his hand, it directly pierced the head of the bird giving it an instant kill from sleep. The poor bird did not even know what happened to it before it died. Wallace quickly kept the body inside the bag and went towards the twelve lotus fruit. He took them, but the instant he put them into his bag the birds woke up. They looked towards the fruit but they only saw a human there, they also looked at their leaders place but it has disappeared. They looked towards the puny human in front of them "How dare this human attack steal something from under their nose.

Wallace looked at the bird that were looking at him, this is going to be a tough fight, he said as he brought out his knife. The fire Lin birds were even more angry that the human dare to bring out a weapon in front of them. They directly rushed at him. Wallace who was afraid seeing the sheer numbers of the bird coming to attack him felt his scalp tinge. He concentrated on them and observed the gap between them."Whoosh" He disappeared. The birds all stopped " where is the human in front of them" Suddenly they heard their comrades cry. They faced the direction and saw two of comrades fall down with the human holding a knife in their heart. "Whoosh" he disappeared again, this time they all howled in fear "where did he go again" Another bird fell to the floor. He employed the hit and run tactic killing them one by one till he killed all of them. "Boom", he fell to the ground after killing the last one. "The azure light technique already drained him, he kept using the minute movement again so it caused a strain in his body. "I need a technique" He thought.

After some minutes, he was back on the mountain. He carried all the corpses to the mountain. He sat down to reflect on the fight. He knew that he was lucky, If the birds had a little more intelligence, it would have been a terrible situation for him. He emphasized on the need for him to get a skill. Meanwhile, far away from the sub galaxy of Wallace, in a world of divine beast, they occupied a whole galaxy with different races. "Another sacred bloodline has awakened" Different elders in different races said.

The following morning after eating. He handed to the quest house. He entered the house and went directly to the receptionist table before dropping a bag. The receptionist who thought that he came to give up on the quest when she saw him entering was surprised. "What's this" She thought, but when she opened the content, she faltered slightly.