
The Sovereign: (Conquering the heavens)

Greed is the main destruction of humanity. Greed is what divides human. Read this story to see how greed will make the humans push the person supposed to be their warrior away The M.C Wallace Huo is the only son of a man with an ancient fey bloodline and a lady with a sacred bloodline and as a result he had a powerful bloodline. Read along to know the advantages and disadvantages he had because of the bloodline and the way he will rise to the peak ____________________________ Pls this is my first novel support this brother in any way you can. Thanks

Opemipo_Gbaye · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter Nine: Selling the stolen goods

Pls for those who want to read, pls finish reading it and help me comment on this chapter so that I can know my shortcomings because this is my first novel on webnovel and I don't know their preferences. Thanks


Wallace sat down on the floor with his hands shaking, this is his first time killing someone and he is ten years old, the burden is too much on him. "You know that you will have to kill at one point in life" The guardian said. "Yes I know" He answered with his voice still shaking. "To reach the peak you'll have to trample on many lives" The guardian said. "Yes but I'm just not prepared" He answered. "Many people on this martial world must kill, it's just that there must be a justifiable reason behind your killing, some kill for fun, while some kill for greed, everyone all have a reason to kill but you must do yours on a principle that is justifiable or you'll be one of those that kill for a non justifiable reason" The guardian explained. "Look at these scums you killed, if you did not kill them who knows how many life they will take later, do you know how many lives they've taken with their filthy hand" The guardian asked him "even if you were not strong enough you would have been killed" The guardian explained to him. "He nodded his head in understanding. "Just steel your heart and anytime you kill think that you are ridding the society of one of it's scums" Guardian told him. He later gained a clear heart and stood up. "I can't just be heartbroken over my first kill or else I'll not be able to prepare for many lives I'll have to take in the future" He told himself.

Minutes later, he arrived at the mountain region. He was feeling a terrible weakness and dizziness. "What's happening" He asked "The crystal is in the last phase of merging with your heart so that's the reason for this weakness" The guardian explained to him. "What's that crystal" He asked weakly and insecure, after all no one will be assured with a foreign entity entering his body without his permission. "Even I can't uncover it's whole mystery but be rest assured its not causing an harm to your body" The guardian told him. He sat down and closed his eyes. He felt the weakness for ten minutes before strength later returned to his body. The first thing he saw was a white outline of the world with blue strands swirling around the white space and also going into his body second by second. "What this, it's majestic" He thought. "The blue strands you are seeing is the outline of the yuan qi in the surroundings, it's helping you absorbing energy putting you in a semi conscious cultivation state" The guardian explained to him. "So if I'm doing anything I'll be cultivating with it" He said. "Yes" The guardian answered. "That's a cheat, I will have many advantages over my peers" He thought excitedly. "Weng" He could feel the rhyme of the purple pulsating energy with his heart. He closed his eyes and looked at his heart region he saw a purple crystal embedded deep within his heart. He felt like he now has a connection with it. He sat down and quickly closed his eyes to cultivate.

He cultivated and drew the sun qi in his dantian till the following morning. "Whew" He exhaled a foul breath. He was very satisfied, he felt that the one night cultivation is very effective than the time he started cultivating.His cultivation increased by leaps while the sun qi he was drawing reached 50%, he did not need to recover yuan qi again the purple crystal was doing the work for him. "it's really majestic" he thought. "With this now I'm a feet closer to my ambition" He said as he brought out a mobile abode from his interspatial ring. He injected a little qi into it till "kacha" a sound popped out from it, he threw it down and it started to expand into the size of a door, he entered the door and felt as if he entered a brand new world, he arrived at a verandah, he opened the living room and entered, the first thing was that greeted him was fresh yuan qi, the living room looked like a typical president room, the walls are made from modern qi stones while the ground was tiled in white tiles. He also checked the bedroom, it was nothing short of a president room, it also has a kitchen, bathroom and toilet, pool area that has water filled with yuan qi.He checked round the house before later entering the bedroom and he slept off. He slept for three hours before he woke up and cooked something for himself to eat. Meanwhile at the auction, there was a man who was pacing round his office in a worried manner, it was the middle aged man that attended to Wallace yesterday. "Why are they not here" The man thought, he was worried about those that he sent to kill Wallace and collect his goods. He was still pacing round the office when he heard a knock on the door. "Enter" He said and the door opened , a beautiful lady entered. It was the receptionist. "Someone is here to sell important goods" The lady told him. "You can go, I'll be there shortly" The man said. Minutes later, the man emerged from the office and went to the last floor but on getting there what he saw made him pale faced.

His expression turned unsightly, it was the young boy he attended to yesterday,the boy that was supposed to be dead. Eve. though Wallace was clad in black, the man will never forget his aura and demeanor. Wallace noticed the man and smirked slightly. He walked over to the man that has quickly adjusted his expression to a friendlier one. "We met again sir" Wallace said. The man quickly took him to one of the rooms in the upper floor "Good morning sir, why are you here today" The man asked. "I happened to collect two interspatial rings from two friends so I don't want to carry it around afterall someone taught me that flaunting ones wealth without proper backing and strength is too dangerous and I'm not a fool to try something dangerous" Wallace answered and the man's heart started thumping loudly, sweat started to form on his forehead, "how did he hear what I said yesterday" The man thought as he looked at Wallace who was smiling amicably. "Wh...what do you want to sell" The man stuttered slightly before composing himself and asked. "This" Wallace brought two interspatial rings out. The man expression turned unsightly as he saw the two inter spatial rings, he immediately recognized it. His heart thumped even more louder. "He already killed them" he thought. The two he sent after Wallace were the two strongest guard of the auction house. He could picture himself being asked questions in the next few days, how will he tell them that he sent them to rob someone. He will be crippled and kicked out of the sect. Wallace was amused seeing the man's expression as he slowly took the interspatial ring. The two guards that he killed are the most strongest and it's normal that the auction house will give them the most valuable treasures to quickly advance in strength because they've already exhausted their potential. In martial art, potential are very important to the cultivator because it is potential that allows the to make breakthrough and once it's exhausted they will not be able to advance so they will need a huge amount of treasures to breakthrough till it become impossible to breakthrough again. He also found interesting herbs he can use and took them and those he can't use, he decided to sell them. So in one short sentence, he was selling their goods that he did not buy back to them. The man quickly calculated that amount and two hundred thousand dragon scales were transferred to his token. He hummed happily as he collected the token and left.

The middle aged man looked at Wallace departing back with an unsightly expression. Sadness, fear, anger, the middle aged man was feeling different kind of emotions. He just wish be could torture Wallace but alas Fate was unkind he could not do anything even though Wallace was walking majestically in front of him. He also could not send anyone to assassinate him because sending others to him will just mean he was sending them to death. He just looked at Wallace departing back and slumped into a chair. "Is there nothing i can do" He thought. Wallace went back to the mountain to continue his secluded cultivation. In the next six days there was no problem and he kept improving. Time passed soon and it was the day to meet with the others for the quest he took. He also felt that he had a minor bottleneck that can only be broken through battle, so he quickly left the mountain region for the quest house.