
The Sovereign: (Conquering the heavens)

Greed is the main destruction of humanity. Greed is what divides human. Read this story to see how greed will make the humans push the person supposed to be their warrior away The M.C Wallace Huo is the only son of a man with an ancient fey bloodline and a lady with a sacred bloodline and as a result he had a powerful bloodline. Read along to know the advantages and disadvantages he had because of the bloodline and the way he will rise to the peak ____________________________ Pls this is my first novel support this brother in any way you can. Thanks

Opemipo_Gbaye · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter Ten: Shameless Behaviour

Pls for those who want to read, pls finish reading it and help me comment on this chapter so that I can know my shortcomings because this is my first novel on webnovel and I don't know their preferences. Thanks


In front of the quest house, nine people were already waiting for Wallace, they also took the same mission as Wallace. "Who is this person that has kept us waiting, we are supposed to have set out now" A big burly man with a scar that ran along from his forehead to his nose said. There were five men and four women waiting. "Something might have come up for him to be late" Another middle-aged man said. The man was lean with a sword hanging on his bag and he's wearing a red armor. The burly man grunted and they continued waiting. Later a small boy with mask entered into the quest house. They saw him and we're suprised about what a small boy is doing there. "What is he doing here" A lady with red hair said, she had an arrow on her hand. "Maybe he's the son of the owner of the quest house considering the cloth he's wearing" Another lady with arrow said. They looked at the boy, he had a white distinct hair and apart from that they could not see anything because the boy in question was covering his face with mask. They also noticed that he was wearing all black. The boy walked towards them and arrived in front of them. "Good morning" The boy said. "What are you doing here" The burly man

asked obviously irritated.

Wallace squinted his eyes obviously irritated at the way the man spoke, even though he's little, he still deserve a bit of respect. Immediately he left the mountain, he ran at full speed towards the quest house, he got there five minutes later and entered the building. He saw nine people consisting of five men and four women standing there and he speculated that he must be the one they are waiting for. That was what led to the present situation. He brought out a token, "I'm here for the quest" He calmly stated. "What" The people waiting there widened their eyes and looked at Wallace again. This boy is supposed to be with his parent, yet he is out here even dressing as if he's going out on a tour. "You" The woman asked suprised. "Is there anything wrong with it" He calmly retorted. " What arrogance?" The lady said angrily when she heard the way Wallace spoke. "Do you know the kind of mission were taking and I don't even think you've killed a beast before, yet I'm sure that you pulled some strings you get here" She said angrily. "I'm here to take a quest not for you to question my character like my mother" He said seemingly displeased. "Such insolence, I wondered what kind of household have birth to you, you are too arrogant, oh you must be the most talented genius of a family and so because of that you must have thought the world revolves around you" The burly man with a scar said. "Do you even know what kind of mission we are taking yet you are dressing like you are going out for a tour, do you think this is a casual mission" The burly man said angrily his voice rising with 3very words he said. Wallace squinted his eyes and wanted to talk when "Stop" a voice boomed.

They all looked towards the originator of the voice, it was the middle aged man who had a sword strapped across his back. He looked like he was the leader of the group and also the strongest among the nine of them (excluding Wallace). He is at the peak of ninth stage mortal realm. " We are all here for two reasons, we are here because of money and also to temper ourselves so it's not right to question another person" The middle aged man said. "But he will later become a burden" The burly man with scad said "James" The man said. The remaining were displeased, they saw the grade of his cloth and he was also using inter spatial ring. They thought he must be the heir to an influential family, afterall only extremely rich people can afford interspatial rings. The middle aged man then turned to Wallace. "Kid I'm sorry for their rude behaviour" The man said They all widened their eyes, how can a person who is only a short step away from breaking through to warrior realm apologize to a mere kid. People of the middle aged man calibre are considered strong and they also have some say in the clan afterall there are only ten heavenly warrior realm expert, the patriarch, the seven elders, and the leader of the quest house and alchemist house respectively. There are fewer warrior realms, they can be counted with ten fingers so a person who is almost breaking through to earth warrior realm is also considered a pretty strong person in the clan.

"You must have your reason for coming here but they are disregarding that reason so I apologize on their behalf" The middle aged man said. "I've heard you sir" Wallace told the man. "But the wilderness is still a dangerous place so i

you'll stay behind us and if there is any basic tier beast we'll leave them for you" The man told Wallace. Deep down Wallace was touched because this is the first time Wallace was treated well without the person knowing who he was,he was not counting guardian because she already know of his origin (TL: I used she for guardian because I don't want to keep repeating guardian). The people who treated him well only treated him well because of his accomplishment and it was not even genuine because they later backstabbed him but he could feel that the concern from this man is genuine. He did not even know when his eyes turned moist because he was not used to the feeling. "Let me introduce the remaining teammate to you because we'll be going out together and it's normal we know ourselves" The man said and pointed at the burly man with scar. "This is James our group tanker" He said and pointed to two guys "These are peter and Paul, they will be our main attacker and they are twins" He continued. The two looked at him with a little contempt but he did not mind, he was used to the looks, it was not even one percent of the looks he usually received when he was powerless "This is Williams, he will also be our tanker" He introduced a bulky brown haired man to Wallace who also looked and just ignored Wallace. He turned towards the ladies "Kain, Laura and Edie will be our archers while kafrine will be our healer" and he introduced them towards Wallace "Humph" They all harrumphed and ignored Wallace but Wallace did not mind. "And my name is Quinn" The man introduced himself last. "What's your name" Quinn answered. " Wallace" he answered.

After some minutes the merchant they are to protect arrived. Their mission is to escort him to a nearby two star sect where there are teleporters and he will be able to use the teleporter to teleport to his destination and they should also collect back the crystal powered car he rented. Normally, one star sect don't usually have teleporters because, the sheer amount of crystal used to power it is something they cannot afford. The name of the merchant is Mr Jin. The car pulled up in front of the quest house and a fat obese man walked out from it. It was obviously Mr Jin "Good morning everyone" A deep husky voice was heard. They all greeted. Mr Jin addressed them and they also introduced themselves. He was also suprised to see a small boy in the team. Very soon, they quickly entered the car one by one till it remains two people, which was James and Wallace. Quinn as the leader of the group was given a seat at the front. "I'll enter first" James said occupying the last seat. Wallace just snorted, "Shameless" He thought. Quinn who saw everything that happened invited Wallace to sit at the front on his laps but Wallace rejected. "Don't worry uncle Quinn I'll just sit on the roof I'll take it as a form of tempering" Wallace answered. "Are you sure" James said worriedly. "I'm sure" He answered. "Arrogant brat" James snorted. "See I told you he's too arrogant" He turned to Quinn and said but was ignored. Quinn just climbed into the roof of the car and closed his eyes to continue his drawing of sun qi. Mr Jin pressed down on the pedal and the car started moving. James looked up worriedly "Will he be okay" he thought. Meanwhile the person he was worried about was currently on the car in a cultivation state.