
Settling In

Chapter 3 - Settling In

After receiving a tour of the whole estate Kamila noted that the house itself was not as big as she thought it was. In reality the garden in the center was what made the boy's home look larger than it was. Donnie and Mikey had given her a tour of both floors and were now taking her outside to look at the other buildings. The first floor of the house only had six rooms. To the left and far back were the dining room which was conected through a door that led to the kichen, to the right the dojo and reception room, and Master Splinter's personal room and study were situated near the front. The second floor however had a library, a bathing area, and the boys own rooms on each side of the house.

Outside was a whole other world. On each side of the house in the front were two large barn like houses that Mikey had stated were Raph's and Leo's workshops. They were indeed spacious on the inside and to her surprise held delicate looking sculptures and art pieces.

"Now these barns here you do not have to mess with. Leo and Raph prefer to leave their things their way when it comes down to their work. So really the only place that needs cleaning is the main house. OH! But you don't have to worry about that till tomorrow!" Mikey explained excitedly yet gently looping Kamila's arm in his.

"The reality of it all is that the only real rooms that need cleaning are the kitchen, dojo, and library. Other than Mikey we keep our own rooms pretty clean." Donnie said looking down at her. When he did Kamila noticed something that she would never have when they were sitting away from her when she met them. Looking to Mikey, whom was only three inches taller than her, she noticed he had the same. On each of their eyes, resembling that of a geisha, they each had different colored eye-shadow type markings. Donnie's was a deep purple shade of lilac while Mikey's was a bright orange. Although the lines were sharp it was easily noticeable if you were at lease a good yard or two away. It made her wonder what Leo's and Raph's colors were. More than likely Raph's was a shade of red and if she was guessing maybe a dark blue for Leo.

"I do not want to sound rude, but may I ask where I will be staying?" She asked noticing that she had been starring . That's right, in the main house the room she had been sleeping in was one of the reading rooms for the library and was not suitable to be made into a personal room. The other fact to her question was that there were no other rooms available in the main house obvious that they never expected to have visitors or company of any kind.

"Of course with me Angel Cakes! We can stay up late, tell each other scary stories and if you want we could -"

"Absolutely not!" Don cut in knowing where his brother was already going. "I have a better and more civil place in mind." Changing direction they went to the far right side of the back of the house where two cottage like houses were slightly hidden away in the trees. Both were ten yards apart from each other and both had a smaller second floor. Extending his arm he gestured to the houses. "Take your pick." The boys did not have to wait long before she stepped over to the closest to the main house. It was the prettier often two as it had more windows and patches of wild flowers growing in the front and sides.

Coming up to the cottage she walked up the three main steps and went to reach for the door handle when she stopped. Following close behind the boys looked at her questioningly when she did not enter. Pulling her hand away she quickly turned back towards the boys with a worried look. "Are you sure it is OK for me to have this one? A shed or a small hut would be fine, I don't need much." She said embarrassment and fear slipping into her words.

"Why would we put you in a shed? Are you a animal or a tool?" Donnie asked crossing his arms.


"Then you don't have to live like one." Mikey stated with a smile.

"Exactly." Donnie agreed before leaning over to open the door. "This will be a suitable place for you to stay, albeit after we remove some of the boxes and junk first." Lightly nudging her inside the three went in to look around.

The first thing that Kamila saw was all the boxes and covered furniture that were scattered all over the place. From the front to the back it was hard to maneuver themselves around without knocking either their knees, shins, or ankles against something. The good thing about it though was that it wouldn't take long to get everything fixed up and with the boys help it didn't take long at all. They removed all of the boxes that contained items that the house did not need like kitchen supplies and usual house hold items. The furniture, after a good wash down, was basically brand new and with a push here and a pull there Don and Mikey made the house perfect in under an hour.

To Kamila's surprise the cottage was actually a lot larger looking than she had thought. The moment you entered you were met with a huge living and dining area. Through a door to the right was a bathroom and laundry room and to the back of the house through a door was the kitchen and leading up the stairs in it was a large bedroom. The bedroom itself needed a good dusting and the sheets for the bed needed a good shake but other than that and the table in the center the room was very empty. What had caught Kamila's eyes though was the reading nook with the two large French windows that faced the main house. From what she could see she was able to look down at the outside entrance of the Dojo and get a clear view of some of the shelves along the walls of the library on the second floor.

Of course this greatly beats the tiny hut that she was living in before but she honestly felt that she was intruding on what these boys and Splinter had like a squatter in a kings castle. She had agreed to be their servant to repay their kindness for saving her from the fire but that did not mean they had to gift her a place to stay in such a lovely place. She really wanted to tell them that she was unfit to have so many luxuries yet at the same time she did not want them to take it away from her.

Back downstairs Don and her were cleaning some of the cabinets in the kitchen. She obviously had a look of disappointment on her face that she did not know she had. Donnie on the other hand noticed it and though it was because of the house. Did she not like it? Did she want the other one instead? Was the house not like the ones that the humans had? It had all the necessary things humans usually needed did it not?

"Is the house unfit?" Don asked tensing when he realized he had spoken out loud.

"No, its perfect." Kamila jumped surprised. She looked at him then the house but the face she made stayed the same.

"But?" Don urged.

"I... I just feel that I don't deserve it. In my village a place like this would cost at least ten maybe eleven gold pieces to buy or maybe a hundred silvers to rent. One look at me and the landlord would automatically turn away yet here you all are handing it to me before I have evened earned a right to stay in it. I know I should be glad or even grateful that you all are so kind but when you have never had such luxuries like this for as long as I have, you tend to feel... out of place." She explained not looking at anything in particular yet starring solemnly at something on the table in the living room.

"You know, when we were younger we didn't have that giant house?" Don asked watching as she turned to look at him, confusion peeking out. "When we came to Master Splinter, somewhat but not really how you came to us, he only had the other storage house. None of this or the main house was built until we ourselves started to make money by what we made. We worked and crafted using our own talents to make what we enjoy and felt that Splinter deserved the main house for all he taught us or rather still is. He holds a high place to us and if he thinks you deserve to stay and be with us then you deserve to be comfortable as well. That and the only shed we had got knocked down last year by the rain." Donnie tried to joke.

Kamila smiled at his attempt to assure her but something in what he said made her ponder over something new. She obviously wasn't going to tell him what it was but it made her want to prove that she won't be a burden to them. The least she could do was that and do what she had been hired to do.

A noise from the doorway caught both of their attention and the two turned to see Mikey carrying a box filled with stuff, some sounding very breakable. Coming to help she lifted and lead the box over to the counter snagging a peek at what was inside. Paintings, glass art, some metal objects, and a stone sculpture where what she could see from her height but it seemed that there was more in the wooden object.

"What is all this?" She asked watching as Mikey started to pull things out and place them on the counter.

"Stuff I thought you might want to decorate your new digs with." Mikey explained a big smile plastered on his face, something she thinks she will see a lot of while she stays here.

"This is all of your stuff. You don't even know if she likes paintings."

"Not all of it! Look here is some of Leo's and Raph's and one of your weird ... what is this? "Mikey asked picking up the round glass tube with a hand pump on top and a strainer on the bottom.

"Its a juicer. Where did you find this?"

"In the box by the bathroom. I think their is more of the crazy stuff you made back there."

Suddenly Kamila's eyes opened wide at what they were saying. "You mean you each made all of these?" She asked grabbing one of the smaller glass pieces to inspect its fine and excellently crafted details. The piece was beautiful with bright vivid colors and smooth shapes and curves.

"Well, the glass ones are Leo's. This statue is Raph's and Don makes these weird things but the best work is obviously mine! Do you like them?" Mikey asked scooting closer to her.

"I do. They are very well crafted and beautiful and I'm sure I can make use of that ... juicer? Maybe for dinner perhaps you could show me how it works?" She asked looking at Donnie.

"Oh um sure." She heard Don say embarrassed.

"Great. We still have time before then so I'm going to finish moving these boxes."

"No." Don said abruptly making her turn around to look at him. He obviously heard the tone in his voice and awkwardly tried to correct it. "What I ment was, well, you should still be resting. That's why Master Splinter wanted you not to work today."

"Yeah, we'll move these boxes for ya so why don't you take a seat." Going over to the table Mikey pulled out one of the chairs and patted the seat.

Kamila contemplated on whether or not she should. She was a tad tired but she had all night to rest and she still needed to fix the bedroom before she could even think of laying down. Eyeing the chair she didn't have the chance to say anything when both her and Mikey's stomachs gave loud growls. Blushing a light shade she used her sleeves to cover her face in embarrassment. "E-excuse me."

"Aw don't be embarrassed!" Mikey teased. "I'm hungry to!"

"You're always hungry Mikey."

"Ha, guilty. But she hasn't eaten all day."

"I-I guess it would be OK for an early dinner." Kamila said. "Do you all know what you want to eat?"

"Oh dumplings!" Mikey said excitedly.

Kamila turned to Donnie, silently asking what he wanted. Don waved his hand in a dismissive manner.

"As long as Mikey is not cooking I'm fine with anything."

"You got a problem with my cooking bro?"

"I have more than 'a' problem." Don said with a smirk

Kamila watched at the two then began to bicker. Mikey faked being hurt by his brothers words and Donnie tried to get him to understand that not every mean has to be the same day in and day out. Their outburst was somewhat comical and it made her laugh at the sight.

"Alright. I'll cook something else." She said with a giggle only to see that Mikey deflated a little. "But I will need some help. Will you help me Michelangelo?"

"I'd love to!" Mikey yelled excitedly rushing over to pick her up off the ground. "And you can call me Mikey, Angelcakes!" And before Kamila had a chance to tell him to place her back down they were out of the house and rushing towards the back of the main house.

In no time at all Mikey had brought her to a large field filled with different types of crops. Everything from corn, carrots, small and tall vegetables, and even large watermelons were divided and growing at their own slow pace. To the front right of the field was a small orchard of fruit trees and to the left held a rather big chicken coop. For most people when they looked at something like this they would think it was just a normal farm field but to Kamila she was amazed. Especially since she knew that most of these vegetables and fruits should not have been growing yet.

"This is amazing." She said as Mikey placed her on the ground. Going over to a patch of Lamb lettuce she inspected it in awe. It was already the beginning of Summer so a plant such as this should have wilted away a while ago. Looking around she also noticed more winter plants growing healthily without the care of extra shade or water. "How do you get them to grow out of season?"

"Oh that's Donatello. He's super smart at things like that."

"Really?" Kamila asked turning to see the brother in question finally make his way over to stand by his brother.

"I grow the sprouts inside until they are ready to be ought put and when the soil is soft enough I plant them. Its just getting these Dunder heads to remember to keep watering and weeding them."

"Ah I see." Looking around some more Kamila noticed another of thing. Other than having the chickens there were non other farm animals there. "This might seem rude and I'm sorry if it is, but you do not have any livestock. May I ask why?"

Don looked around the field and then to the chicken coop before coming back to look down towards Kamila. "Due to what we are, which I'm sure Master Splinter will explain to you one day, we are not allowed to eat any meat. The chickens we use only their eggs and nothing more."

"But you all are turtles right? Wouldn't that mean you are omnivorous like we humans?"

Don looked at her amazed by her words but quickly recollected the moment she looked up at him waiting for him to answer her. Instead of doing so he started to walk past the two towards the path that split the field. Both Kamila and Mikey followed close behind. As they walked three large ponds came into view all being connected with a man made water system. The ponds were calm except for the dragon flies that darted back and forth before dipping themselves in and out of the water creating miniscule ripples. The fact that Donnie had brought her here was unknown to her and she looked between Don and the ponds.

Bending down Donatello picked up three acorns from the ground. Shaking them in his hand he waited till Kamila looked back at him before he threw one at the first pond. Kamila was shocked at the sight that happened. The moment the acorn skipped across the water a school of shrimp scattered, jumping both away and out of the water, until it stopped and sank into the center of the pond. Kamila grew excited and was going to ask Donnie a question when he sent the second acorn skipping across the second pond. This time instead of shrimp scattering there were small fish chasing after the acorn, trying their best to eat the acorn before the others got to it. Suddenly before Donnie could throw the third acorn Mikey ran full speed to jump into the last pond.

"Hey Mila! Can we have fish to?" Mikey shouted hauling up a very large and freaked out catfish.

"Only if you clean it first!" Kamila shouted back watching as her reply made him excited enough to lose his grip on the large fish causing it to jerk away and fall back into the dark water. She laughed at the deflated look on his face as he tried to figure out where it could have swam off to. A nudge at her side brought her attention to the taller brother.

"Come. Let's go pick the rest of our dinner before the sun starts to go down."

"Sure." She said as she followed him back to the field ignoring Mikey's groans and curses for losing the fish.

By the time they had gathered everything, and Mikey was able to re-catch the fish, it was already time for the sun to move behind the trees. In the kitchen Mikey was stirring the pans of frying greens while Kamila was preparing the juice with the small device that Don had made. Don on the other hand had wondered off saying that he would return shortly so the two did the rest of the cooking. When it was finished Mikey helped Kamila place the dishes on the dining table in the large dining room.

The dining room itself was very well decorated. Like the room she had woken up in each and every part of the other walls were painted, to what Mikey had explained, a different part of the island. To the right when you first come in was the pebbled shore, the left the steep cliff situated on the part of the island where Raphael gets his boulders, in the front (where the door to the kitchen is) was a life like image of one of the three ponds lookin as quiet and serene as when she first saw them, and lastly on the wall with the main door was a vastly detailed image of the giant oak surrounded by the many pine trees that covered the island.

The food they had prepared sat elegantly on the dark wood of the table. Of course it was finely crafted and in the center was the image of the idol she had seen in the shrine. The smooth curves and the shell of the turtle stood out on the polished wood causing Kamila to stare as she set down the plates. Speaking of which their dinner for tonight consisted of stir fried snow peas in minced garlic, leafy greens with mushrooms, fried egg and cucumber, and a bowl of not only rice but a good portion of fish soup that sat at every seat of the table. Oh and Mikey's dumplings sat at each end and the center ensuring that everyone could grab some before he could devour them all. With the table now set Kamila went back into the kitchen to grab the pitchers of juice and cups. Like she had done with the dumplings she set each pitcher at the center and both ends to ensure that everyone was able to get some.

"Cool, Its ready!" Mikey said giving Kamila a high five, well a high three in this case. "I'm gana let everyone know its done OK? You sit down and rest till I bring everyone." With that said he ushered her over to the end of the table. Pulling out a chair for her he waited until she was sitting before he walked out of the room.

Kamila did not have to wait long before Mikey returned, that same bright smile still glued to his face. Taking the open chair to her right he started to talk to her about the things they should cook for tomorrow. She was listening to his suggestions and requests until the main door opened again and the rest of the island's residents filed through. Splinter took the chair at the other end of the table while Leo sat next to Mikey. Donnie and Raphael sat across from them. Once everyone had sat down the table grew quiet. The boys ogled at the assortment of dishes in front of them amazed that so much had been made for them. Then Master Splinter suddenly stood making everyone turn to him.

Reaching for the cup filled with juice he held it and looked over to Kamila. " My sons, today we have been blessed not only with a feast but with the joining of a new friend. From this day on Kamila will be living and growing here with us and I pray that there never comes a day where she finds reason to leave us. So let us toast, to our new friend and sister. To Kamila."

"To Kamila" The boys said in unison each raising their own glasses. Kamila raised her cup as well and they all took a sip before Splinter sat back down. But neither the boys nor she took a bite of the food until Splinter had done so.

Dinner had gone quite well afterwards. Everyone had been talking and laughing, making jokes and having fun, and talking to Kamila about their next projects. By the time dinner was done the sun had already set. Leaving with full bellies the boys, including Splinter, left except for Leo. He was helping Kamila clean up and had just brought over the last of the dishes.

Placing them on the counter he stood next to Kamila handing her a plate for her to wash. Kamila took it gently. Dipping it in the water she scrubbed it with the wash rag and placed it to the side to be rinsed off.

"Thank you for helping me clean up. You didn't have to though."

"Its fine, I'm used to cleaning up after meals anyways so its not any trouble. But what is trouble is when my brothers give you some. If they do let me know and I'll knock some sense into those thick skulls of theirs."

"I'm sure I won't have trouble, but if I do I'll come straight to you." She said with a smile. Taking the last plate from him she scrubbed it good before rinsing it along with the others. Patting her hands dry on her dress she turned to look up to Leo giving him a bright smile. "Thats all of it. I'm going to head to my room, I still have a bit to fix up in there before I can call it a night."

"Alright. We'll see you in the morning then." Leo said watching as she walked out of the kitchen.

The walk back to her borrowed house was quick. Even if Donatello explained that they were the only ones on the island the thought of someone coming to nab her like the previous night still scared her. Of course all she had to do was scream if she wanted the boys to come to her rescue but the feeling that they wouldn't because of who and what she was made her feel uncertain. Although she told them about the scales on her neck and shoulders she still had something to hide from them. Something that she hoped they wouldn't find out so soon.

Coming up to her door she stepped inside quickly making sure that it was locked as she did so. Moving to the back of the house and up the steps she slid open the door to her room and walked over to her new bed. Before she came to the island she slept on an old rug that had been thrown out by one of the inn keepers. The faded and clearly heavily stepped on rug did need a good cleaning but once she had folded it in half and placed it in the small hut it made such a difference than sleeping on the cold straw covered dirt. Now however instead of a rug she had herself an actual bed. Close to the door was a large wooden rectangle raised section. In its center was a hollowed area where the bedding and blankets were. The hight of the bed was not very tall, only coming up to her knees but with the bedding it came another three inches higher.

She had seen a bed like this before in one of the older villagers house. The older woman before she had passed away allowed her to stay while her father had wondered off. The older woman said that her son had made her that bed to make it easier for her to get up instead of sleeping on the floor. However instead of having a hay mattress Kamila soon found that her own was stuffed with something softer. Taking the blankets off the bed she went over to the window. unlocking and opening them she held out one blanket at a time and gave them a good shake. As she thought they were a bit dusty, making a mental note that while she was washing tomorrow that she would add the blankets as well. But for tonight a good shake was all she could do.

Once the blankets were shaken she closed the windows back up and fixed them back on the bed. Stifling a yawn she kicked off her shoes and removed her dress leaving her under slip on and placed it on one of the chairs next to the table. Crawling into her new bed she held in an excited squeal as her body joyously molded into the soft bedding. One, two, three tired yawns was as long as it took before her body shut down and she fell into a very comfortable sleep.

I would like to imagine their eye shadow like the marks from Inuyasha. Naraku and Seshomaru are a hood moddle to look at.

nnako64creators' thoughts