
First Day On The Job

Chapter 4 - First Day On The Job

It was early in the morning when the sounds of a gong awoke Kamila from her sleep. She panicked at the sound and flung herself out of bed in a hurry. Where had the gong come from and what was going on? Were they in danger? Was she actually late for work and they were trying to wake her? She did not know so without fixing herself right she threw on her dress and ran down the steps and out of the house only to stop when she saw the boys starting to gather at the door of the dojo.

The boys were all properly dressed and were wide eyed and scaly tailed so early in the morning. Having heard her approach they turned to see why she was running up to them and all but one laughed at the sight. Mikey and Raph laughed with booming voices while Leo tried to suppress his chuckles. Donnie on the other hand placed a hand to his mouth and turned away.

Looking at them confused she stood up straight. "What on Earth is going on?"

"We're getting ready for training. W-what's going on...here?" Leo asked trying to controls his laughter.

"It looks like you went two rounds with a bear!" Mikey yelled coming over to her to poke her untamed hair, giggling as it bounced back.

"Well if you were me you would have freaked out at hearing that thing for the first time so early in the morning." Kamila explained pointing to the gong behind Raph.

"Aw Kimi I can't stand Raph's voice either! I'm sorry he scared you! Here let me calm you by fixing your rats nest." Mikey said throwing an arm around her shoulder to fluff up her hair even more.

Kamila swatted his hands away playfully before she was swept up in his arms and Mikey was running circles around Raph calling him a giant green grumpy bear. Raph didn't take long to get annoyed though. As Mikey was coming around again Kamila was snached out of his arms and placed on Raph's shoulder while a well placed leg sent Mikey to land face first onto the wooden porch.

Everyone laughed at the scene until the sliding door to the dojo opened and a curious Splinter stepped out to see everyone there. Raph immediately placed Kamila back on the ground as he and his still standing brothers bowed to their sensei. Kamila not paying them any mind went over to Mikey and gave him a poke or two on the head to see if he was still breathing.

"Well, it seems everyone is in a good mood today." Splinter said with a smile of his own. Looking over to Kamila he noticed her messy attire and hair. "Good morning miss Kamila. I take it you slept well?"

"Oh, good morning. Yes, I slept extremely well last night."

"That is good to hear. Now, on to more important maters. Today we will be training in the woods across the lake. You will be needing your weapons today as well. When you have them meet me in the front of the house."

"Yes Sensei." The boys said bowing as Master Splinter left. Once the coast was clear the boys relaxed.

"Aw man! Why do we have to leave the island today?" Mikey whined sitting up from his dirt bed.

"Are your trainings harder when you leave the island?" Kamila asked sitting herself on the porch, her legs dangling.

"Nah, he's just mad cus we will be gone all day." Raph said sitting himself next to her. Reaching out his hand he to began to tease her by messing with her hair which in turn began a new game of swat the turtle.

"But isn't that a good thing? You all don't get off the island much right?"

"Not really, we usually go every other week. He," Donnie said pointing to Mikey, "just wants to be anywhere where there is food."

Kamila oh'ed as she caught Raph's hand and placed it firmly on her head. The thing nearly engulfed the whole thing which made her look up in awe. Then an idea struck her. Letting his hand go she jumped up and ran back into her house. The boys listened as she rummaged around before she came back out with a box and a canteen, also while she was there she fixed herself so she was decent enough. Coming up to the boys again she handed Raph the small box and Leo the canteen.

"What's this?" Raph asked opening the box. Inside were sandwiches and corn patties. There was plenty for everyone, if Mikey didn't get into the box first.

"I made those last night with the left overs we had. I was going to use them for a quick lunch for you guys today but since you all are leaving I might as well give them to you now. In the canteen is some juice as well, but don't let it get to hot or else you guys might get sick."

"Did you say sandwiches?" Mikey asked appearing next to Raphael suddenly. Sneaking a hand he tried to grab one but the box slammed closed before he could.

Kamila watched Mikey and Raph squabble over the box until a hand on her shoulder brought her attention to Don. "We won't be back till later this evening. Will you be OK being here by yourself?" He asked a look of concern creeping in.

"I'll be OK." She said giving him a smile. "I will probably be to busy with the chores to even notice that you will be gone. I might even finish before you all return. But since you won't be back for dinner I will just leave something in your rooms for you all when you do get back. How does that sound?"

"Sounds great." Leo said. "Alright guys let's get going. We'll see you later!"

"OK! Stay safe!" Kamila shouted as she watched the boys take off towards the front of the house and after a few seconds they were gone. Patting her sides she turned around and walked back to her house. Since she was going to have the day to herself she was going to freshen up first before she got started. Heading into the house she went straight into the bathroom and started on every woman's hygiene routine. It didn't take her long before she was finished and began with her chores.

She started with the first floor of the house. Because there was not much items in some of the rooms like the dinning room or the dojo her job on the first floor consisted of dusting and cleaning the floors. The old pine wood when polished shined brilliantly. However, she could still see the years of heavy footfalls that had befell it. The front of the house especially. Many of the items that needed dusting were the tall statues and intricately carved idols. Most made out of wood that also needed polishing but the large stone ones were going to need a ladder for her to reach the tops.

As Kamila cleaned she admired the craftsmanship of every single item. The metal objects in particular was quite nice looking. There were obviously different types of metal ranging from bronze to silver and even steel. Some of these metal items had strange crystals growing on it or around. She guessed it was probably Donatello's workmanship. Of all the turtles she could feel the intelligence basically radiating off of him.

Speaking of the turtles she had no idea how old they actually were. She knew normal ones lived quite a long time but they were no normal snip snap turtles. Did that mean they would outlive her? Would she even have a chance to find out? Maybe, maybe not because who could tell. Placing the rag into the bucket of soapy water she sat on the step and looked out the window to watch the leaves of the giant oak. The swaying of the large branches even made her wonder how old the enormous tree even was as well. No doubt ancient. Had the tree grown with them as they grew? Or was the tree just very nurtured like the plants and tree's in the fields? Kamila watched until she saw a good amount of leaves fall from the large branches by a squirrel that was collecting the acorns. The sight of the falling leaves snapped her out of her little day dream. Getting back to her feet she scurried the rest of the way up the stairs to finished what she was supposed to do.

Six hours later and Kamila was done cleaning not only the guy's home but hers as well. During that time she had refilled the vases with fresh flowers, clean the library, cleaned the dojo top to bottom, did not only the boys laundry but her own as well, cleaned all the bathrooms, cleaned her own bedroom and her kitchen, and was now sweeping the front of the main house. Looking up to the sky Kamila noticed that the sun was starting to set.

"The guys might be back soon." She told herself when her stomach gave a grumble. "Maybe I could start making dinner?" Taking the broom with her she went over to the back of the house to the field. Placing the broom against the wall she went over to the cucumbers and bell peppers. Reaching a hand out to one of the peppers she rotated it to see if it was good. "I guess I could make stuffed peppers, but what could I use instead of meat?"

Looking around she found her answer close by in a small patch near the chicken coop. She was up in an instant and began to pick her ingredients with haste. She did not know when the boys were coming back but she really wanted to make sure that dinner was ready for them before they did. With her apron full of food she shuffled her way through the kitchen door and dumped all her items on the counter. In no time at all she was already cooking up a storm.

By the time the guys made it back it was well past sunset. The group shuffled their way back towards their home, tired looks and dirt dusted their faces. Splinter was ahead of the group. He was spotless and looked like he was still full of energy while his sons were worse for ware.

"You are free to do as you wish." He said opening the main door to the house to notice not only that it was clean but the scent of fresh flowers tickling his nose.

"Yes sensei." They all said watching their father disappear inside the house. They were very much on their way inside before Leo nudged Mikey out of the way.

"I call first bath!" He shouted as he raced into the house.

"What you always get first bath that's why we never get enough hot water!" Mikey yelled following after the thuds of their feet heading up the stairs could be heard from where Don and Raph stood outside.

Rubbing the back of his head Raph turned towards Don. "I'm gana use da one in da other house. Don't know why they keep forget'en bout it."

"OK. I'm gana check on Kamila first before I head inside so I'll walk with you." Don explained already walking over there with his brother. The walk was quick considering the length of their strides and once the two came upon the houses they split.

Don walked up the few steps to the house with ease before coming up to knock on the door. However, there was no answer. Knocking again figuring that she may be asleep he waited once more but again no answer. Taking a step or two back he checked the window on the second floor. There was no candle on nor could he see anyone moving around but the windows were wide open. Odd considering that it was already starting to grow cold. Then a thought struck him. 'Could something have happened?' Leaping to the second floor he didn't wait to question himself further but when he landed on the window he was met with an empty room. That was odd, usually humans including females retreat to their homes by nightfall so where could she be that she was not in her room? After a thorough search of the house Don walked out through the front door and made his way back to the main house. As he rounded the corner he bumped into Mikey.

"Whoa bro! What's the rush?"

"Kamila is not in her house so I am looking for her." Don explained nervous.

"Huh. Well I'll help you look cus I want to tell her all about my cool moves~." He said using his arm to make a wave. Donnie just rolled his eyes. "You check the kitchen and I'll check the library."

Before Donnie could say anything his brother took off back to the front of the house, disappearing around the corner. Giving a huff Donnie turned back towards where the kitchen was and eased for the back entrance. Coming to the kitchen door he reached for the knob and was about to open it when the sounds of muffled snoring caught his attention. Quietly opening the door his nervousness disappeared at the sight of a sleeping woman at the small kitchen table.

Kamila was dead asleep with her arms folded underneath her head. She sat slumped over the table and from what Donnie could tell had finished eating her dinner when she had grown tired. The empty bowl sat to her right with the spoon layed across its rim. Her clothes were dirty at the bottom and a chicken feather had tangled itself in her hair where she wouldn't notice. It was obvious that she had herself a tiresome day.

Coming into the kitchen Don figured that sleeping on the table was not the best place. He was going to wake her and usher her back towards her own bed. Coming up behind her he was about to wake her up when he caught sight of her scales on her ear. They ran along the edge of the top part of her ear. The scales started out clear at the bases but as you rounded the shell they grew a shade of cyan and then a dark green towards the middle. They were small thin looking scales but the ones on her shoulders were much bigger. About the size of a pebble these scales ran only on her top shoulder but instead of fading these were all one color.

Donnie's curiosity grew the longer he stared at them. Of course he couldn't help himself with a bit of further investigation. Albeit he prayed that she wouldn't wake up. This would be something new and exciting he could add to his research but then again he would be examining a sleeping woman! The thought alone had him wanting to race out of there that very minute. I mean come on, he was now to touch a sleeping woman and even study her without her permission! This was SO indecent! If she or any one of his brothers caught him now he wouldn't be able to live it or the embarrassment of being caught down for the rest of his life, and he would live for a long ass time. But he was curious and it was exactly how it killed the cat.

Taking in a deep breath Donnie reached out slowly with a shaky hand. Gently and ever so carefully he pulled back her hair from her shoulders and moved it to the side. This gave him an amazing sight. A beautiful array of pearlescent blue scales traveled from the beginning of her hairline down the middle of her spine. They were mesmerizing! The way they shimmered and the way they disappeared as they fanned out into her flesh made him want to touch them. Were they hard like his or were they smoothed and flexible? Could they be delicate and easily fall off if he did touch them? Would it hurt her? Questions swam circles around his mind clouding it from rationality and he found himself moving closer without knowing. However there was a table there as well and the bump caused by his shell made the spoon slide from the bowl and clatter onto the withered wood.

Kamila woke immediately but she was unfocused and unsure of her surroundings giving Don the perfect opportunity to step away from her and correct himself. Quickly grabbing the bowl and spoon he made it seem as if he had just stepped in to clean up her mess. Hopefully she would buy his guise When she came to she noticed him on the other side of the table holding said spoon and bowl in hand.

"Oh, you guys are back already? I guess I dosed off for a bit."

"I uh-um y-yeah! We just got back! Thought I'd clean this up without disturbing you."

"Oh, don't mind that I was going to wash it once everyone ate. I left everyone's food on a tray outside your rooms. So how did your training go?"

"Oh swell! Well... except for the part where Mikey landed on me. Could have done without that." Don explained placing the dish in the sink.

"Sounds like you guys had it tough."

"oh no, not really. Of course Raphael did throw a boulder at Leo before we started training so it did complicate things just a smidge. But enough about that. What I really want to know is why you have a chicken feather in your hair? Is that a new human trend?" Don asked jokingly trying to distract her from asking any more questions on their training session.

Kamila looked at Don confused before running her hand through her hair trying to find said feather. Sure enough after the second sweep she untangled the feather and brought it to her face to see the freeloader. "I was trying to clean the coop earlier but the hens didn't take to me so well. I think their making plans of attack as we speak. Maybe next time I'll shield myself with something better than a broom." She said with a laugh. Don snickered with her and sat down in the open chair.

Unbeknownst to him though was the little peeping Tom that was looking in on them through the open door. Mikey was good at being sneaky but the sight he saw made him giddy. Of course he wasn't going to tell that he had followed Don and watched what had happened from the very beginning, but it did give him ideas for later. Seeing enough he quietly sneaked away ready to conjure up some wild scheme.

Don and Kamila ended up talking for quite awhile afterwards. Mostly it was about Kamila's day and how she had done all her chores but it kept Donatello interested enough to not fall asleep himself on the table. The rest of their conversations was just minor chit chat. Like Don's collection of mineral rocks and a few things on botany. To say the least they enjoyed the company of one another until Kamila gave a big tired yawn. That in itself had Donnie fussing her to go to bed, which she did after another few more yawns.

The whole week afterwards went on like this. The boys would leave, Kamila would do her job and then some, the boys would come back late, and Don would chat with her until she was just about ready to pass out. Everything seemed fine and Kamila was enjoying the time getting to know not only Don but also his brothers from what he told her in their little chats.