
Our Keeper

Chapter 2 - Our Keeper

Caressing light entered the room through the open window. From the outside songbirds sang and wind chimes dinged as the wind pushed them gently. On the inside of the room were very extravagant painted walls. Seascapes and dense serene forests captured and held anyone's attention that glanced or even looked upon them. The room held no furniture though. It was completely empty except for the sleeping woman that was neatly placed in the middle of the room laying on a very soft futon.

The woman lay on her back. Her clothes were the same as when she had been captured but they looked as if they were cleaned from the ash and dirt that had befell her that dark night. Her body, that was exposed from under the blanket, was clean as well but it was clear to see that under her sleeves she had been bandaged. She was not burned severely but the ones she did have were quite irritating. They were the reason she woke in the first place.

Opening irritated green eyes the woman blinked once or twice before her brain clicked. Quickly sitting up in bed she nearly groaned when the burns protested her sudden action. Cupping her shoulder she looked herself over noticing she was not dead and that her wounds had been tended to. She looked around the room asking herself if she had been saved and if she had then her savior was either rich or had good taste. Either or it didn't tell her where she was though.

Pulling the blanket away she checked her legs to see if she was able to move them before getting up. She was of course a little wobbly but that disappeared after the fourth and fifth step she took. A chirp from the window caught her attention. Glancing over she spotted a small little song bird. Its little fat body bounced on twig legs on the window frame singing happily about whatever.

"Do you know where I am little bird?" She asked coming up to it.

The bird however, noticing her approach, turned and flew away. The woman didn't mind and continued to the window to look out. The sight she saw caught her breath. The house was large. From where she could see it was only two stories but the roof made it to where there might have been a third. The home was long but at it's center was a large square shaped garden with a massive tree in its center. From where she was she could see through the shrubbery paths and stone walkways that lead to the giant tree. It was also because of her height that she was able to see three maybe four people making their way towards said tree.

Thinking that they were the ones whom saved her she quickly turned from the window and towards the door. Once she was out in the hallway she had a clear picture at how extravagant the house was. Walking as quickly as she could she saw large glass and marble sculptures, paintings of all kinds, and oddly shaped and colored crystals placed on tall yet thin stands. Not being one to gawk she quickly tried to make her way down the stairs and on to the first floor where she easily found an entrance to the large garden.

Stepping outside onto the smooth stone path she realized that she had no shoes on. She was in such a rush to get to these people she hardly knew that she had forgotten to grab them. What if they saw her without them? Would they think of her as an uncivilized person? Would they react coldly to her? She did not know. However, in all reality she did not care about it to much. Continuing on she still made sure to stay on the path and not stray to the damp soil on either side of her. A minute or two was all it took before the trunk of the tree was just before her. All she needed to do was round the corner of a thick bush and she would be at the center.

Coming closer however, she caught the sounds of voices. One was an elderly voice that was stern yet held wisdom, the others which she guessed belonged to the people she saw enter before her were a lot younger. Curious as to whom their owners were she peeked around the bush only to quickly retreat back behind it with a shocked look on her face. What she had seen was quite unbelievable and it made her question if she was really dead or sane. Then that same elderly voice spoke again and this time it was pointed directly at her.

"Come child, we have been waiting for you." The voice making the woman jump and bashfully blush as she realized he had noticed her spying. "Do not be afraid. We are the ones who took you from the burning building."

Although she was very much afraid of whom was speaking to her she did as she was told and rounded the bush towards them. With hands clasped tightly together in nervousness she kept her head up and waited for the elderly looking rodent to tell her what to do next. He on the other hand looked her up and down and at one moment stared an extra few seconds at her feet making her even more nervous. Looking away she saw the ones she had spotted before. They were obviously not human either. To sum it all they were basically giant turtle men except for one smaller one. They were all oddly buff looking. None wore a shirt which she guessed was because of their shells on their backs. The only things they did wear were the different solid colored pants and a belt or sash that either kept their weapons in place or was just for show.

Once the elderly rodent had his fill of looking he waved the two turtle beings that were kneeling in front of him away. They quickly did so taking their spots on the two large stones on the side of the path. In fact there were two stones on each side which she guess where their proper places seeing as each turtle sat comfortably, in their own way, on top of them.

Feeling uncomfortable with all their eyes on her she kept hers down and tried not to look at any of them for longer than a second or two. Once she has seen the two moved she took their previous spot. Kneeling down she quickly learned that this new position made her feel even more vulnerable. It dissipated some at the older creatures next words and actions. Placing his hands flatly on the tree root where he sat in front of him the elder bowed lowly before apologizing.

"I greatly apologize for my son's actions. It brings me shame knowing that their prank has not only had you taken from your home but also be placed in serious danger." He explained, his words causing the turtles to flinch. "I ask that you find it in yourself to forgive this old man for not training them properly and for the distress they may have caused you.

The woman blushed in shock at his words and without thinking bowed herself. "Of course I can and I do but it is I whom should be asking for forgiveness. I should have known better than to venture out at such a late hour and cause you worry."

"My dear, you have no claim to begging for none of this is your fault. Now sit up and be calm."

Doing as she was told she sat up straight and looked at the elder. She noticed that unlike the younger ones he was fully clothed. His garments were modest and were an earthy shade of brown. Next to him he had an old withered walking stick that leaned against the root he sat on. The next thing to draw her attention was the long beard he had. Grey mixed with white strands the beard was kept neat and nicely trimmed. She watched as he stroked it as if he was contemplating either her in general or what he would do to her.

Thinking to herself that she was starring she quickly turned her gaze to the scenery around her. The large tree was the only oak in the garden as smaller thinner trees scattered themselves here and there. Not having seen so many different trees together she was curious as to where she was at. Turning her attention back to the elder she worded her question as politely as she could.

"Ah, excuse me but could you tell me where I am? I mean - I know this place is your home but I am curious."

The elder nodded his head and stroked his beared once more before answering. "Are you familiar with the story of the Turtle Spirit of the Endless Lake?"

"Oh! Of course. The mothers in my village tell that story almost every day."

"Then you know of the Island in that story." He stated rather than asked.

"Y-yes, but this place looks to big to be the small island from the story."

"Hmnn. Indeed the story was not vast on detail but it is where you are now. The shrine where you had been placed was at the very edge of it." The elderly rodent then paused as if thinking whether or not to say his next words to her but after a bit he continued. " My name is Splinter and as you are well aware I am not human. I live here on this island raising my sons," Motioning his hand to each side as he said each ones names, the turtle bowing as theirs was said. ,"Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo. Since the island has been human free, until now, I helped raise and train my sons here for their own protection. Yet again it would seem that my sons have not learned the meaning of complete seclusion. So since they are the ones that caused you to be here they will be the ones to return you back home."

Suddenly all the boy's heads turned to Master Splinter in shock. They did not think that they would be the ones responsible to return the woman back to where she belonged. Leo and Raph immediately glanced over at Donnie and Mikey. Even the woman was shocked. She honestly thought that she would have been sent home by herself. Yet to her amazement she was going to be escorted.

"Not to pry child, but will there be anyone expecting you back?" Splinter asked gaining everyone's attention again.

The woman then grew somber. Her face shining with excitement turned sad and reserved. "No. After my mother died I have been alone."

"Have you no father?"

The woman shook her head. "My father left a few years ago. He was driven mad by the actions after my birth and would often wonder off before but this last time he never came back."

"Is there no one in your village that will welcome you?"

The woman shook her head again. "No. They believe me to be a witch hence the reason why I live at the outskirts of the village."

"Are you?" Splinter asked straightening up.


"Then may I ask why they believe you to be one?"

The woman looked down at her hands earning concerned glances from the brothers. It was not that she was scared of what they were to do to her when they found out but the fear of how they would treat her when they did. Would they push her away? They were not human either, would that mean they would be OK with her? They should right?

Lifting her hands she reached for her hair but stopped as she noticed Raphael reach for his weapons. Glancing over his way she continued. Pulling her long black hair away from her shoulders she turned her body slightly to show everyone the blue and green translucent scales that ran down the back of her neck and spine. She could hear Mikey gasp beside her. "The night I was born my father realized that I was sick. With my mother gone and our financial problems my father could not afford to bring me to a doctor or hire a wet nurse. Instead, he brought me to a stream that leads to this lake. From what he had told me he placed me in the water and prayed all night. When the sun rose and hit the water he explained that it began to glow and my ailments were gone. But the moment he picked me out of the water he found that my health was not the only thing that had changed." She explained. Pausing she looked up at everyone noticing that they were absorbing all the information she had given them. "When I was being chased, I had planned on coming to find shelter in the water of the lake but..."

"The water was gone." Splinter finished.

"Yes." She said covering her neck back when she noticed the boys were starting to stare.

"Hmn." Splinter pondered at her situation. Of course he had never met someone like her but because she was part human he was at odds with himself. Then an Idea struck him. Of course it might seem a bit far fetch after all they put her through but maybe it would help her from being lonely. "My dear, I have a proposition. Again I apologize for the actions of my sons but I have come to a realization that I have been pushing some things on them that may have caused them to lash out amongst each other. So to ease some of their work load I would be in need of a house keeper. Of course you will be paid and have your own place to rest along with whatever amenities you need. As long as you do not cause trouble we would be glad to have you stay here."

The woman looked up at him shocked by his proposal. Honest to gods she thought they would send her away like they originally planed. Now, however, they were offering her a job and a place to stay where she wouldn't be shunned for what she was. The woman's heart swelled and all her fear and nervousness disappeared. Giving Splinter a smile she graciously accepted his offer.

"Very well, now that that is all settled I shall be retiring for the day." Master Splinter said standing up from his spot on the root. Grabbing his staff he turned to Mikey and Don. "You two will show her around and find her a suitable place to rest. Now if you will excuse me Ms... Oh my. How rude of me." He said turning back to the woman. Jumping off he wobbled over to her and offered her a hand so that she may rise. "It would seem, my dear, that I have forgotten to ask your name."

The woman blinked in shock at the realization as well. How rude of her. Not removing her hand she looked up at him embarrassed. "You can call me Kamila."

drama for your mama ahead!

nnako64creators' thoughts