
The SCP Files

Iris Thompson tried to end her life. After living in the SCP foundation for some time, unable to see her parents or the outside world, she believed she had nothing left to live for. Thanks to a miracle, Iris managed to survive. 3 years later, she had finally made a life for herself. After accepting she isn't normal, her life had gotten a lot easier. But when a series of peculiar occurrences happen around the SCP foundation, she is brought back into the MTF to help solve the case. Facing off against different levels of SCP's, negotiating with the foundation's many enemies, Iris has a lot to fight before she can solve this case. With the help of different SCP's and foundation personnel, she is off on a journey to go save humanity from the monsters that lurk in the shadows. We secure. We contain. We protect. (Disclaimer: Everything here is based on the SCP Foundation Wiki around Incident R1300-Site-17{Link below}. Not everything is canon in this story. It was written entirely out of love for the Foundation. Thanks) http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/immediate-actions

AxolotLlama · Others
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12 Chs

I Am Bones!

"Attention," The loudspeaker rang in Site 300, "MTF unit 200-345 report to sector B."

I chuckled to myself. I had never been to site 300, but it was similar to site 17. Just a bit different. Dr. Bright 2.0 was on my left with Roth riding on his shoulder. Aaron was behind us with one other MTF from site 300. In front of us was Site Director Jaci Simon.

"I'm so glad you came, Dr. Bright," Jaci spoke, "It has been a while since you've come here."

"Yeah, well I have... unpleasant memories here," Bright smiled. I looked at Aaron in confusion, but his gaze was focused on Director Simon.

"I'm aware of that," Jaci smiled, "But regardless, welcome back."

"Is the Chaos Insurgency agent still here?" Bright asked.

"Regrettably," Jaci adjusted her glasses, "But now that you're here, things should be easier."

"Just out of curiosity," I spoke up, "Why was I needed here?"

"Well... the thing is... We captured a CI agent, but the agent we captured is a form of SCP-049-2."

"The plague doctor's zombie," I spoke up, my memory of the SCPs proving handy.

"Yes," Jaci smiled, "But this one seems to be actually sentient. It is our belief that this was made before 049's capture. Somehow it has grown sentient enough for the CI to use it."

"Have you run IQ tests on it yet?" Bright asked.

"Yes, it scored 104. Above average," Jaci paused to open the door, "It somehow knows about you, 105."

I raised an eyebrow, "Me? Well, then why are you bringing me to it?"

The door opened to a small containment chamber, where 049-2 was sat on the other side of a one-way window at a table. A smaller chamber was across from it with a single chair and table in it, an iron wall with a small bullet-proof window separating the two spaces.

"It has information we need," Jaci said coldly as she laid eyes on it, "It said it would only speak to one hundred and five. We'd assume that might be you," She picked up a clipboard and an earpiece, "We have a list of questions we would like you to ask it. Any additional questions will be put through your earpiece."

I looked up at her, "Will I be in the other chamber?"

"Correct," Jaci waved towards the door, "You will go in with your escort."

"More like her babysitter," Aaron chuffed jokingly.

I snorted, "Whatever man."

Another agent opened the smaller chamber for us and we headed in. The door closed as I put my earpiece on. Aaron stood behind the chair I sat in, his stance suggested he was on edge.

"Can you hear me 105?" one of the scientist's voices came through the speaker.

"Loud and clear," I replied.

"Ok," the scientist spoke again, "go ahead."

I looked away from the one-way glass plain and towards the other SCP. It was slightly slumped over and was missing its nose and one of its ears. Its lifeless eyes twitched every so often. It looked dead. I took a deep breath before speaking, "Scp-049-2?"

Its head rose, proving it was alive. Its eyes moved around like it was trying to find me. "Hundred and five?"

"Yes, that is me," I spoke up, "But people just call me Iris or 105."

"Hundred and five," It repeated the numbers in a dreamy voice, "It's great to hear your voice."

I couldn't help smiling, "Thank you. How are you feeling?"

It let out a shakey sigh, "Pain. Only pain."

I paused and looked at Aaron. What was I supposed to say to that?

"Read the first question," My earpiece spoke with Jaci's voice.

I looked down at my clipboard, "Um... I have some questions for you 04- Actually, can I give you a nickname?"

It seemed to smile, its teeth clicking together, "Yes, please."

Aaron leaned down next to me, "Name it Bones."

"Bones?" I said questionably.

The thing clicked its teeth more, "Bones! I am Bones!

I stifled a laugh, "Alright, Bones. How were you found by the foundation personnel?"

Bones' eyes rolled in the back of its head, thinking for a moment, "I was obeying mother. Found the portal box, but need the key. Then scary flesh got me and shot off my ear. I miss it."

"Scary flesh must be the foundation," Aaron added.

"What's your opinion of the foundation?" I continued.

"Mean. Their big piece of s-" They hesitated.

"It's ok," I comforted, "They'll understand."

Bones finished its sentence, "Pile of shaving cream."

I chuckled before reading the next question, "Do you know SCP-049?"

Bones didn't move for a few seconds before leaning forward, "Doctor?"

"Yes," I urged, scooting my chair forward, "Do you know him?"

Bones' head tilted to the side, looking up at the ceiling, "Doctor saved me. The doctor brought me back for the Great War."

"That was before his containment," Aaron commented.

Bones looked back down, "Squeaky child is correct," Aarons's head perked up as it continued, "Doctor was free before scary flesh caught him."

"Do you know SCP-4210?"

Bones raised his hand, "Know of them, yes. Nice flesh talks about often."

"Nice flesh?" Aaron muttered in confusion.

I leaned forward, "Are the nice flesh the people you worked for?"

Bones nodded, "Mother is there. Mother is in charge of me. He is very nice."

I leaned back and looked at Aaron, "That must be the CI and their commander is Mother."

"Makes sense," Aaron nodded.

I turned back to Bones, "Alright, What-

"May I ask a question?" Bones spoke up.

I stared at him for a few seconds before turning to the window. "It's fine," My earpiece rang.

I nodded, "Yes you can."

Bones put his arms on the table, "Where was little 42 hundred and ten?"

"You mean 4210-C?"

"Yes," Bones replied, "Josh. Where is he?"

I raised an eyebrow, "Josh? I thought his name was Lennie."

Bones clicked his teeth again, but it wasn't happy. "No!" He hissed, "Brother isn't Josh! Brother burns! He burns!!"


Bones stood up, "Brother hurt friend! Brother speaks to snake fingers! Gives snake fingers treasures! Brother bad!"

The exit opened and the MTF agent came in, "Alright, that's enough. Come on out."

I felt Aarons's hand help me up as Bones began kicking his legs, "No no no no no! Hundred and five don't go!!"

The door cut off his voice and I felt a tear fall down my face. I wiped it away before the other agents noticed.

"You alright?" Aaron whispered.

I nodded, "yeah. I just..."

Jaci came over, "That will do for today. We have set aside an area for SPC-105 to be contained for now."

I frowned. Another cell to be locked up in.

"Actually director," Aaron spoke up, "She's currently an MTF on duty, so she would stay with her escort to make sure she doesn't breach. If I recall, you do have barracks for different MTF squads."

I stared at him in surprise as Jaci paused for a second, "That wouldn't be a bad idea. You'll stay on guard till 2300 hours, then you'll retire to your barracks."

Aaron nodded, "Yes director."

He led me off with Dr.Bright, while I was keeping a smile from sprouting on my face as we walked toward the barracks.

Sorry about the delay. I had a TON of summer activities. But I got to meet one of my fans in the wild! Shout out to Ellie!


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