
The Prideful Wizard in MHA.

After meeting Voldemort at the end of his first year at Hogwarts, Harry Potter dies. But because he shouldn't have died so early, he was returned to the world of the living. . . Three hundred years later. Everything has changed quite a lot and now, instead of Wizards, about eighty percent of the population have special powers. And Harry had only one question: who started calling them Quirks? The first couple of chapters are information dumps about MHA, FMA, and HP worlds. The story will move at a slow pace because I don't want to jump into a canon that hasn't changed a bit. The main pairing is Harry Potter/Luna Lovegood. Also, he gets his magic back in later chapters, just bare with it. I do not own My Hero Academia, Harry Potter, Fullmetal Alchemist, or the cover art. But I own a cute cat, her name's Tosya.

Simple_Russian_Boi · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

How to hurt people 101. - E

Okay, we can all agree that the end of this chapter was ass, so I rewrote it. Now all chapters that I rewrite will be marked with the letter "E."

Take a photo of my cat as payment for this shit.


As soon as Sirius received the signal from Izuku's ring, he Apparated to the coordinates that were sent to him. He didn't wait for someone to come to the rescue and tell him what to do, he didn't work like that. Sirius was used to working alone, almost all of his past missions were completed alone.

So when he appeared over the overturned bus, he found himself in a situation of two hundred and fifty verses one - two hundred verses twenty-two if you count the people on the bus. This made him stop for a second.

The bus was surrounded by an ice barrier that kept the criminals back for a while - thanks Todoroki - so Sirius had time to start planning.

'They have already noticed me if their screams are talking about something. So I can't just shower them with hellfire. I could, but I can't kill out of my Salazar persona.' He was not going to cover his "pure" Sirius Black persona in blood. Nezu worked hard to get him the papers.

'Surround the environment, use their trap against themselves. Once the majority are close enough, erect an elemental barrier. Whoever gets caught in the barrier will be out of commission for a while.'

He usually could launch a surprise attack or something that outweighed luck in his favor. Now he only had his Wands and Stones and a couple of hundred thugs who wanted a piece of his flesh.

'That's the second time for today. . . Jasmine, what happened to my life?' He looked up to heaven with a condemning gaze. 'If this shit happens all the time, then I will kill myself and shake the life out of Destiny.'

Somewhere in the High Office, Destiny - Alexis - shuddered.

Sirius focused on his surroundings and frowned.

'Disable ranged units, then move on to medium and melee units. News of the attack should have reached Nezu by now. Wait. Why did the ring break when I got the alert?'

The Wizard had a bad feeling about this. He let his shadow blend in with the bus and began to scan the crowd of Villains unnoticed. Psychos, mercenaries, garbage from the streets, he saw them all. He continued to waste precious seconds until he found his target. Five people stood next to each other, apparently the conductors of this operation.

The first person he noticed was a huge creature with black skin full of scars. It stood just over two meters tall and a little less than one and a half meters wide. There were so many muscles on the creature's body that Sirius could mistake it for Armstrong on hard drugs. The head of this one looked like the head of a bird with an open brain, but unlike the bird, there was not even a spark of intelligence in the eyes of this creature.

The second was a fucking bartender made of black smoke. At least Sirius thought so about ​​the yellow-eyed haze circling the third guy.

Speaking of the third guy, he was gross. His hair was a mess, - a bad mess - his skin was dry and cracked, especially on his neck and his style! What the fuck is that boring costume?!

Not to sound like a hypocrite, Black quickly changed the color of his coat to red with the symbol of the Flamel family on the back.

Sirius couldn't see the silver-haired man's face because of the hand on his head. A few more hands were all over his body - a strange fetish indeed - and the Wizard had to wonder if this was due to the man's quirk.

The fourth person was the one painfully familiar to Sirius. Greed. Sirius didn't know what exactly his "brother" was doing here, but certainly nothing good. Another problem was with Greed's appearance, why did he look like the first Greed again and not Greedling? Questions for later. . .

The fifth and final was an old woman with a cane more like a Magic Staff.

'Wait for a second, this is a Staff! What the bloody fuck?!'

She was very short, shorter than Nezu, and with long fingers that wrapped around the Staff tree three times. The old woman was dressed in gray robes with a hood that covered her face. She muttered something to herself and slowly waved her Staff. Sirius could not make out what she was saying and hesitated to get closer.

But he couldn't let the old woman finish the Spell. For such a sin, Moody will rise from the grave and curse his ass.

Sirius' shadows moved faster than anyone could react, and headed for the old woman's neck. If she cannot cast without words, then she will be useless without her vocal cords. Unfortunately, his shadow spikes failed to reach their target and were stopped by the unmovable wall himself, Greed.

"Pride! Didn't expect to see you here!" The Homunculus pushed the shadows aside and lowered the armor on his head to show his face.

Greed hadn't changed a bit in several hundred years, but something in his gaze was wrong. Terribly wrong. He had the look of a dead man who is living out his last days, if not minutes.

"Greed." Said dozens of mouths that opened in the shadows. "You look like shit."

Greed laughed, which apparently began to annoy Mr. Handjob. The man began to scratch his neck and growl.

"I gathered an elite party, mobs for distraction, and All Might is not even here. Instead of him, we have a fucking talking shadow named Pride! Greed, kill that idiot!"

Greed and Sirius - well, Pride - looked at the rugged man as if he was an idiot.

"Are you mad? Pride can kill us all in thirty seconds tops if he wants to. I won't run around the battlefield looking for my brother just to die when I finally find him."

If possible, the alleged head of this circus began to scratch his neck even harder.

"That's why I prefer Nomus, a brainless beast who obeys all my orders. But I cannot use my trump card so early, no. . . Kurogiri, carry out your side of the plan, and if you find this. . . Pride, bring him to us."

As soon as the smoky man moved, red lightning struck his body just to pass right through him. Kurogiri stopped for a second and looked towards the bus.

"Is Pride working with someone else? Didn't think I'd see the day." Greed muttered, still protecting the old woman.

Sirius tsk'ed and with a couple of waves of his Wand melted the ice around him, obtaining precious water. Hundreds of liters of boiling water were flown around his form controlled by Death stick and his Holly Wand. He felt warmth on his skin and smiled.

A metal platform appeared under his feet, which lifted him into the air above the bus. Sirius wanted to draw attention to himself to distract everyone from the bus.

The shadows next to the five main Villains spoke again.

"My brother dearest, everything in this world is changing, even me. But who would have thought that you would get yourself a second-class Witch." The old woman began to cast the spell more violently and faster. "Let my. . . companion. . . show you real magic."

Sirius amplified his voice with Magic and continued to speak instead of "Pride."

"Let me show you a Master class on how to use Magic!"

With a wave of his Wands, Sirius sent boiling water in all directions, attacking the thugs. Screams of pain rang out across the battlefield. He waved his wand a second time and Transfigured the bus under his feet.

What was a car changed in a couple of seconds and became a small fort with windows for shooters. As soon as the transformation was over, the first shot rang out.

'Ah, Izuku is already working. Sensei can't even keep up with his student.'

Sirius, with a wave of his wand, created a huge swamp around the fort and slowed down the movement of all the Villains. Kurogiri, meanwhile, was whispering something in his master's ear - Sirius had to remove his shadows when he rose into the air so he couldn't hear anything - and the old woman was still muttering something.

Explosions, blows and shouts sounded on the battlefield. Sirius lost himself for a second in his past life memories.

The explosions that shook the ground at Hogwarts thundered in his ears. The screams of his dying friends and foes cut through his mind like knives. Spells flew around, missing their targets by millimeters.

Sirius slapped his cheeks and let the Wands fall into the holsters. Now was not the time to remember the past.

He continued to shower the Villains with magic without even noticing the approach of his colleagues on the horizon. He also did not notice how the old woman finished her Spell. The witch raised her staff and slammed it against the floor, sending sparks in all directions. A wave of almost invisible magic swept through everyone, but only twenty-two people were affected. Two teachers and their class.

Sirius immediately created a ball-like shield, but magic passed through it. He felt himself slower, as if he were trying to move through muddy water. He didn't like it.

"Finite." He waved his Wand but nothing happened.

'Well, I'll get rid of it later.'

Tomura Shigaraki, meanwhile, wasted no time, he grinned behind his hand/mask and pointed at Sirius.

"Nomu, kill him."

The black Villain growled like a beast and in one leap made it to Sirius. The Wizard could dodge lightning if he was ready, but he was not prepared for this mass of muscle and flesh to be so fast.

The hand of the beast quickly approached Sirius's head and he only managed to throw out another shield to buy himself time. The beast broke through the shield and managed to hit Sirius at the moment when he Apparated to the fort.

He felt his skull crunch under the impact of the Villain, but he also felt him carry the bastard's hand with him. He could only hope that the Villain did not have some bullshit like regeneration.

The last thing Sirius saw before passing out were the horror-filled faces of his students.

Wow, a cliffhanger! I love you all :)

Simple_Russian_Boicreators' thoughts