
The Prideful Wizard in MHA.

After meeting Voldemort at the end of his first year at Hogwarts, Harry Potter dies. But because he shouldn't have died so early, he was returned to the world of the living. . . Three hundred years later. Everything has changed quite a lot and now, instead of Wizards, about eighty percent of the population have special powers. And Harry had only one question: who started calling them Quirks? The first couple of chapters are information dumps about MHA, FMA, and HP worlds. The story will move at a slow pace because I don't want to jump into a canon that hasn't changed a bit. The main pairing is Harry Potter/Luna Lovegood. Also, he gets his magic back in later chapters, just bare with it. I do not own My Hero Academia, Harry Potter, Fullmetal Alchemist, or the cover art. But I own a cute cat, her name's Tosya.

Simple_Russian_Boi · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Road trip gone wrong.

Sorry for the long break, exams are killing me.

I will try to write more chapters during the holidays, wish me luck.


The first thing that Sirius realized in his lesson was that "The Big Three" earned their name for a reason. They were the first to leave his illusion.

Black, meanwhile, was explaining the basics of Alchemy to his second student. Obviously, he would not be able to teach him as thoroughly as Izuku, but Sirius was sure that if Koroko wanted to, he could reach the heights. But there was a little problem, he was shit about energy manipulation. Just like Izuku.

The world did not want to see new and powerful Alchemists, Sirius had no other explanation.

After the magic changed, the new Wizards could not learn the old Spells. Wizards who were already trained could use what they knew, but also could not learn anything new.

Spellcrafters could not invent new Spells since the magic was constantly changing and their calculations became useless after a couple of hours. The other Masters of Magic could not create anything new for the same reason.

Not that Sirius knew about it, but he suspected it.

When half of the class came to, Black felt it. One of the rings was not only activated, it was broken.

Izuku was in trouble and Sirius could only say one thing.

"Koroko, contact the other teachers. Class 1-A is under attack."


Looking at this incident in the future, Izuku thought he handled it pretty well. Except for the moment when he hit his temple on the floor of the bus.

Their trip to USJ began quite calmly, with everyone on the bus thrilled to have another practice session. While Izuku dozed in his seat, his friends excitedly talked about everything and nothing at the same time So when something hit the fuck-knows-how-many-tonn bus, he was completely unprepared.

The car rolled over on its side with a terrible crash, the glass shattered and the shards covered the students like early snow. Groans of pain filled the suddenly tight space. While everyone was recovering, Momo decided to take control of the situation.

"Is everything okay? I'm doing the class roll call, so answer your name. Aoyama Yuga!"

"Oui. . ." The blond-haired boy was a little confused, but his armor protected him from serious injury.

"Ashido Mina!"

"I'm alive! My pinky hurts. . ." The pink-skinned girl hit her foot when she fell and was now lying on Tsuyu.

"Asui Tsuyu!"

"Ribbit." Tsuyu helped Mina to her feet and looked around.

"Iida Tenya!"

"I am present!" Oddly enough, Tenya landed on his feet and was the only one who had time to react.

"Uraraka Ochako!"

"Owie. . ." Ochako rubbed her side in confusion. What did she fall on?

"Ojiro Mashirao!"

"Jesus, what was that?" The tailed boy helped his invisible neighbor stand up.

"Kaminari Denki!"

A hand with a thumbs up flew into the air.

"Kirishima Ejiro!"

"Too manly to die!" He slammed his fists together and leaped to his feet.

"Koji Koda!"

"H-here." Koda replied in a daze.

"Sato Rikido!"

"Whoa. . . That was bad." The sugar giant shook his head standing on all fours.

"Shoji Medzo!"

"Still alive." One of his mouths answered.

"Jiro Kyoka!"

"My head is spinning. . ." The rocker girl leaned on the chair but did not get up.

"Sero Hanta!"

"Dios mio." He muttered.

"Tokoyami Fumikage!"

"What a wild banquet of darkness."

"Todoroki Shoto!"


"Hakagure Toru!"

"Here! You won't see me, but I'm here!"

"Bakugo Katsuki!"

"The fuck you want?! You think that little push can knock me out?!"

"Midoriya Izuku!"

The green-haired teenager didn't answer, still trying to figure out what was on him. There was something warm and soft on his face, and something equally soft, but a little former, covering his legs.

"Midoriya Izuku!!"

Finally coming to his senses, he realized that after the accident, Uraraka fell on him and covered his face with her chest. Deciding that he needed to answer something, Izuku lifted Ochako and took a deep breath of the much-needed air.


He powerlessly dropped the girl back onto himself - yes, it happened only because of shock, not at all because of his desires - and continued to lie on the floor.

"Shinso Hitoshi!"

"I want to sleep. . ."

"Everybody is alive! Aizawa Sensei, what happened?!"

Aizawa stood on the side of the bus and jumped onto one of the seats to look out of the side window that was now in place of the roof. The teacher looked out only for a second but immediately ducked to dodge the bullet.

"We were attacked by Villains, we are surrounded! Iida, find the lockdown button on the driver's console! Right now, our best option is to go defensively, as soon as we show up on the street, we are corpses. I give my permission to use Quirks for self-defense. Kaminari, try to contact the campus!" Aizawa barked orders and began to help his fallen students.

"Villains?! Here?!"

"Oh, God!"

The lightning user tried to contact U.A. but failed.

"Sensei, something is blocking my signal!" Kaminari shouted.

Iida jumped over the fallen chairs and hit the lockdown button. The windows were immediately closed with metal plates and an emergency light came on in the cabin.

"These Villains came prepared, most likely they have a Quirk that is blocking the signals. Nezu has most likely already noticed that one of his buses was missing from the radar and sent reinforcements." Shouto said while creating huge ice barriers around the bus with his Quirk.

Uraraka finally got off Izuku and apologized ten times over for pinning him to the ground. Midoriya just waved his hand to show that it didn't matter - he didn't tell her that he liked their position - and got up.

"Sensei, I have a means of communication with Sirius. I will send him a signal that we need reinforcements."

Aizawa decided not to correct Izuku and not say that he needed to refer to the teachers by their last name. The situation did not allow for distractions.

"Do it."

Izuku bit his thumb on his left hand without hesitation and dripped blood onto the ring on his right hand. The black ring glowed red before dimming.

"All right, I think it wor-"

His ring finger exploded in pain and Izuku wailed in pain. His gaze jerked sharply to his hand and he met with what he did not want to see.

There was a broken bone with very little flesh in place of his finger, blood slowly flowed down his hand.

Realization of what happened did not come immediately. Perhaps Midoriya didn't want to believe in what was happening, perhaps the adrenaline in his blood was blocking the pain. Or maybe he was too shocked to accept reality.

Izuku lost his finger.



Uraraka immediately put him on the floor, but panicked, not knowing what to do. His classmates did not have the opportunity to be distracted, as almost everyone tried to strengthen the bus's protection.

Yaoyorozu created body armor and weapons for everyone. Most of the suits were skin-tight and poorly protected from bullets, so this was necessary.

Kirishima and Sato got closer to the upper windows to be the first to take the battle, their defense was higher than that of everyone else.

Tsuyu calmed Koda so that he would not fall into a panic attack.

Everyone else followed Aizawa's orders and tried to use the seats to place them as a barricade against the weak points of the bus.

The teacher himself, meanwhile, approached Izuku to check his condition. But before he could say or do anything, the teenager put a glove on his left hand - with the help of Ochako - and snapped his fingers.

Fire surrounded his wound and stopped the bleeding, the interior was filled with the smell of burned flesh and grunts of pain. When Izuku finished, he took the alcohol and bandages from his belt, but those were taken from him by one very angry Aizawa.

"What you did just now was stupid and thoughtless. You should at least wait for me so I could check your wound and help with its treatment. I will kill you with my own hands if - WHEN - we get out of here. Jiro, situation outside?"

Jiro was still shocked by her classmate's actions but was able to respond without throwing up on the floor. She stuck her jacks into the wall and listened, trying to distract herself from the smell of flesh.

"The villains are talking about something, but they don't come close. I can't hear exactly through the reinforced walls. They are. . . screaming in pain?"

Suddenly, the temperature in the bus rose a couple of degrees and Jiro jumped off the wall with a cry.

"AH! Fire! Someone is using fire!"

"Todoroki, lower the temperature around us!" Shouted Aizawa.

Shouto immediately covered the walls of the bus with a layer of ice, only for him to pay the next second. This went on for a couple of minutes until the young Heroes heard a familiar cry.

"Let me show you a Master class on how to use Magic!"

Uraraka looked at Izuku with tears in her eyes.

"Was that-"

"Sirius's here." He answered with a smile and took out his revolver with his left hand. "Brace yourselves, if I know him as well as I think I do, our hideout will soon become a fort."

Aizawa sighed heavily and loosened his capture weapon.

"Everyone, get ready!"

The bus transformed.

Yeah, not a lot of fighting in here, but a lot of interesting stuff. The next chapter will be a little more interesting. You will even find out why the ring decided to explode!

Simple_Russian_Boicreators' thoughts