
The one concealed in the darkness

After the battle with Ranrok, Noah realizes that not all problems can be solved with the help of force. The essence of which he himself does not fully understand.

Strawberry_ice_tea · Video Games
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53 Chs

Part 51

 "Why do you need this artifact?" Jack stood with his back to him, looking at the fire in the fireplace.

 "I still don't understand what you're talking about," Sebastian said, sweat breaking out on his forehead. No one knew about the artifact except him, Noah, Ominis, Anna, and Solomon. There was no way this man could have found out about him.

 "My job is to search for ancient artifacts and magical items; you can say this is my specialty," Jack closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

 "I really have nothing to say; if that's all I can do?" Sebastian approached the door with the desire to leave this place, but Jack took a key from the pocket of his robe and showed him that there was no way out of here.

 "I'm also studying these artifacts," Jack continued matter-of-factly.

 "No one bothers you to study further; what does that have to do with me?" - Sebastian has already started to turn to aggression.

 "And the fact is that I spent four years searching for this artifact, and I still don't understand. How did such an ancient artifact fall into the hands of such an ignorant child like you! Jack's displeasure has reached its peak.

 "I don't have any artifact! Sebastian prepared to draw his knife.

 "Prove it," - Jack went up to Sebastian and held out his hand. Sebastian looked at him blankly. "This artifact probably belongs to the cursed, and I'm sure she left her mark on you."

 "What kind of mark?! I don't have anything," Sebastian was horrified by the word damned.

 "This curse will devour your life force until you die, or worse," Jack frowned and looked away from him.

 "I know perfectly well how it works; I've seen it with my own eyes, and no, I'm not cursed! The last words almost came out of Sebastian's mouth in a scream.

 "I just want to make sure," Jack began to slowly pull out his wand.

 "If there was a mark on my body, I would have noticed it," Sebastian said with a nervous grin.

 "Anyway," - Jack did not finish as there was a knock on the door from the other side.

 "An urgent message," a child's voice said. Jack's expression immediately changed to disgust.

 "I'm busy right now, Victoria! He bit his lip.

 "It's really urgent, I'm sorry," the girl seemed to be forced to tell this news whether she wanted to or not. Jack chuckled and went to open the door; Sebastian exhaled softly and stepped aside. Perhaps there would be no better chance to escape, and he began to sort through the options in his head.

 Jack snatched the letter out of her hands and slammed the door in her face.

 "I'm sorry, I have to go on business," Jack replied, reading the contents of the letter.

 "I understand you're a busy man, I see," Sebastian replied sarcastically.

 "I hope by my arrival you will change your mind and tell me everything yourself, and until then, you feel at home," - Jack trangessed leaving him alone.

 "As if I'm going to stay here," Sebastian said to himself and began to look around the room.

 At that moment, the peplumbs, who were carefully and secretly brought by Kenna, were prowling in the dungeon of the cartography hall. She was biting her nails out of frustration, a boy who knows how to use ancient magic! It's crazy, how did she not find out about him before?! Now that the Ministry of Magic had confirmed his death, nothing would have prevented her from taking possession of him if he hadn't fought her off so fiercely. He had killed thirteen of her subordinates during the time they had been here. It would be too expensive for her to lose more.

 "Inviting me to your job is too risky for you, isn't it? Jack came up behind her.

 "You're just in time," Kenna smiled at him.

 "I looked at another pet," - Jack stared at the shabby kid sitting in the middle of the ruins.

 "You smell like blood, honey," Kenna took out a handkerchief embroidered with gold patterns and covered her nose.

 "As I understand it, you really need it, so I'll ask you to remove twenty-five percent from the contract," Jack took out his wand.

 "Don't ask for fifteen more," Kenna raised her hand, and a group of dubious wizards slowly surrounded the guy.

 "I can't believe you couldn't catch the baby," Jack started to go downstairs, but Kenna pulled him back.

 "Do you think we're hanging out here out of idleness? You can't even imagine how strong he is! Go into his head, confuse his consciousness!" Kenna looked desperate; it wasn't like her.

 What are you doing?" - Jack did not finish, and it hit him like an electric shock. Looking closely at the child, he felt a strange feeling - fear. After catching his breath a little, he went down to him with a wand ready.

 The guy opened his eyes and looked at Jack like a predator about to jump on him and tear him to pieces.

 "Legilement!" - Jack's consciousness instantly burst into the boy's head, and he saw hell.

 "Quickly grab him before he breaks free!" - Kenna gave the order, one particularly wizard trying to stand out in front of her pointed his wand directly at the child with a grin.