
The one concealed in the darkness

After the battle with Ranrok, Noah realizes that not all problems can be solved with the help of force. The essence of which he himself does not fully understand.

Strawberry_ice_tea · Video Games
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53 Chs

Part 52

When Noah woke up, he did not understand where he was at first; he had a very long and terrible dream. However, when he came to, he saw a man in front of him with a wand in his hand.

"Are you okay?" The man's body was shaking like a leaf from side to side, and Noah felt uneasy about it. Someone shouted something from the side, and literally a second later, a spark flew in front of his eyes; the earth shook right under his feet, and an explosion occurred. Before he closed his eyes, he managed to notice only a blue glow, but the barrier did not protect him much. The blast wave blew him about eight meters away, and he hit his head hard on the ground.

"For what?" Noah mumbled with the last of his strength and sank into oblivion.

Sebastian found the entrance to the dungeon on the floor at that time; there was nowhere to go anyway. When he opened the passage, he had a bad feeling. Armed with a torch, he went down. The air was not musty; even by the dancing fire, you could tell that it was a draft, so there was a way out.

"As long as there are no spiders here," Sebastian said aloud as he passed through the dark tunnel. It looked like a mine; there were old, broken carts and objects like picks and shovels everywhere.

"What was mined here?" Sebastian clenched his free hand into a fist. How he missed his wand now, which was lying broken at home with two corpses of peplums. How can he explain everything to the neighbors? The Aurors may come, and then what should he say? Was he targeted because of an artifact that his uncle destroyed? Was he being hunted because he helped Noah fight goblins?

"Noah," Sebastian stopped and reached into his pocket, hoping to find his chocolate frog, but his hand grabbed only emptiness. His heart skipped a beat. "It can't be; this thing meant so much to me, where could I leave it?" Sebastian reproached himself in his thoughts until he heard footsteps not far from him. Fear bound his legs, not allowing him to move; he was defenseless, he left the knife at the place where he made himself a torch.

"Who's there?" Sebastian held the torch in front of him like a weapon. When he saw who was standing in front of him, his pupils narrowed, his eyebrows rose, and he froze in mute horror. The hair stood on end; it just couldn't be.

"The dead don't come back to life!" Sebastian shouted so loudly, so desperately, that he didn't recognize his own voice. Solomon himself stood in front of him and glared at him. Sebastian's hands began to shake, his breathing quickened, and his heart was about to jump out of his chest. His uncle pointed at him with his index finger and opened his mouth as if he was about to scold him, but not a word came out of it. He stepped towards his nephew, who had killed him with his own hands.

"Don't come near me," Sebastian whispered plaintively, unable to run away because of fear and despair. The darkness around him seemed to take shape and began to press on him from all sides, only the light from the torch held him in his mind, which was the only light in this seemingly tomb of stone. When Solomon approached him closely, he uttered only one word - Killer!

Sebastian collapsed to the ground, letting go of the torch; it rolled smoothly on the spilled kerosene, and it instantly burst into flames. The creature pretending to be Solomon distorted its shape and ran screaming deep into the tunnel.

"Boggart," Sebastian, who came to his senses, grinned; his face instantly transformed into anger.

"Scare me? Who the hell are you!? You're just a spirit! Don't you dare come near me anymore! With such tricks, only Muggles can be scared!" Sebastian irritably straightened his bangs and took out a torch and ran on.

At that time, at Hogwarts, Kenna laid the last brick with a smile, thereby bricking up the passage to the cartography hall. Her work here was over, and she had achieved everything she wanted.

"Why such a passion to pick up people like him?" Jack was squatting in front of Noah and examining his face.

"You shouldn't care; it's just my passion," Kenna adjusted her collar.

"He's also covered in scars; the poor guy's been through a lot," Jack shot Kenna an unkind look and tranced.

"Take this treasure to my mansion," Kenna gave an order to her people before going to the ministry to report on the end of her work.