
The one concealed in the darkness

After the battle with Ranrok, Noah realizes that not all problems can be solved with the help of force. The essence of which he himself does not fully understand.

Strawberry_ice_tea · Video Games
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53 Chs

Part 50

It was bedtime, but Anna had been feeling anxious all day. Since arriving at this place, she had never shown any weakness, but this time something was definitely wrong.

 "Are you sure you're okay?" Ominis asked, not for the first time that day.

 "I do not know how to explain it, as if something bad is about to happen," Anna drank a sip of fresh tea.

 "Do you think it has to do with Sebastian? Ominis asked cautiously. "I felt that way the night the goblins attacked and cursed me," Anna gently patted herself on the shoulder.

 "If you want, we can contact Sebastian; I think he will be very happy to meet you," Ominis did not lose hope to reconcile the twins so that everything would be as before. "No, I'm just," Anna began, but bit her tongue. "I haven't found the strength to forgive him yet, and I doubt I'll ever find him." When it came to Sebastian, it seemed to her that she was drowning in her sadness from powerlessness. She understood all the pain and despair of her brother because of her curse, but she did not understand his recklessness. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have," Ominis frowned and lowered his head. After sitting in silence for a while, each of them went to his room thinking about his own.

In the morning, Anna woke up before Ominis and decided to cook breakfast, fried bacon with eggs. When she was breaking eggs, a large gray-white owl with a small scar on its beak looked in through the open window. Anna immediately found out who it belongs to.

 "Mr. Beak! Good morning," she slowly walked up to him and gently stroked his head.

 "Do we have guests?" - Ominis came down from the second floor putting on a warm cardigan over his pajamas. "Yes, when I left Feldcroft, I left this address just in case," Anna turned to Ominis with the letter in her hands.

 "To whom?" Ominis asked, confused.

 "To a good friend of my uncle; do you remember the merchant that Sebastian and I sometimes worked for in the summer?" Anna sat down on a chair next to the window.

 "I remember, and what does it say?" Ominis carefully sat down on the chair opposite. Anna took a deep breath and slowly opened the letter; Ominis did not see how her eyes widened.

 "This can't be," Anna put her hand with the letter on her lap and turned her head towards the window.

 "May I?" Ominis held out his hand to her, Anna reluctantly handed him the letter, and he used his wand to find out its contents. "Let's not jump to conclusions; we need to go back to Feldcroft and see for ourselves," Ominis said and went to pack his things. Meanwhile, Anna covered her face with her hands and held back her tears with all her might.

 Sebastian reluctantly shook hands with his new acquaintance.

 "My name is Sebastian, a student of Hogwarts, graduated from the fifth year of study, and I do not know how to behave with the man who kidnapped me right from my house," expressing his indignation in one breath. A little taken aback by such a strange performance, Jack laughed at the top of his voice.

 "You know, usually children start crying or begging to be released, but they definitely don't ask their kidnappers what to do next," after laughing a lot, he got up and invited Sebastian to go with him to breakfast, who in turn accepted the invitation, albeit cautiously. They were walking along a very spacious and ornate corridor; Sebastian had suspicions that they were in the castle. And this castle could only belong to a very rich or very influential person, or all of the above combined. Sebastian had many enemies among goblins and bandits, but noble and wealthy wizards were not on this list. Sebastian hadn't even tasted the food while he was thinking, but he nodded back anyway.

 "Are you done? Jack got up from the table, wiping the corners of his lips with a napkin. Sebastian hadn't even tasted the food while he was thinking, but he nodded back anyway. "Come with me to my office," Jack clapped his hands twice and turned around. Sebastian didn't understand what it was about at first until he saw the plates fly into the air. When the cutlery flew towards the kitchen, he imperceptibly grabbed a silver knife and hid it on his sleeves; he was not going to lose his vigilance and was fully aware that he was facing a dangerous man and if anything, he could fight back without a magic wand if he caught him off guard.

 "I apologize in advance for the mess," Jack said without a drop of shame and escorted him to his, as he liked to say, "lair." The room looked more like a dungeon, as it was located in a dungeon. The only light came from the ever-burning fireplace and the magic candles flying all over the room. Surprisingly, it was not so damp here, but even comfortably warm.