
The one concealed in the darkness

After the battle with Ranrok, Noah realizes that not all problems can be solved with the help of force. The essence of which he himself does not fully understand.

Strawberry_ice_tea · Video Games
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53 Chs

Part 49

 "I look at you and see that you are too young to be with these scum," the stranger put his wand in the inner pocket of his robes.

 "What?" Sebastian slowly opened his eyes.

 "Tell me, did these people have a special thing with them? It's magical; I won't say exactly what it looks like, but," he stopped in mid-sentence and grabbed Sebastian by the collar and lifted him up.

 "What kind of thing?! I have nothing to do with it at all; I don't know these people," Sebastian tried to escape.

 "In the name of Merlin, you are," the guy stared at him and gave him an icy look. Sensing something was wrong, Sebastian abruptly pointed his wand at him and tried to voice a combat spell, but the stranger abruptly dropped him back on the bed, which caused Sebastian to fall unsuccessfully and broke his wand.

 "No!" Sebastian screamed, realizing that he was now as defenseless as a kitten.

 "Oh," commented the one standing above, then Sebastian, not confused, decided to just run away. With a jerk, he ran away from him and headed for the exit but slipped right at the threshold, hitting his head hard on the floor, stars flew in front of his eyes. Sebastian did not immediately understand why he fell, but raising his hands to his face, he saw that it was something liquid and very dark, "blood," Sebastian immediately guessed, and goosebumps ran through his body.

 "I'm sorry for this mess; I'm just in a hurry and I can already see that the noise I made here woke up your neighbors," the stranger was standing right above him and smiling. Sebastian didn't even have time to come to his senses as the guy grabbed him by the scruff of the neck again and transfigured him from there with him.

 On the same day, an urgent meeting was held at the ministry, and immediately raised a fuss because of the incident at the school. First of all, it was issued by decree of the Wizengamot that the culprit of this monstrous event was a Hogwarts student Noah Omill. Since he got involved with the previously mentioned unknown, ancient magic and put his and dozens of innocent magicians' lives to death, he had to be executed on the spot. But since he himself fell victim to his stupid act, there was no one to judge, and it was decided to seal this unfortunate place and forget about this tragedy forever. The decree was put forward immediately, and everyone who needed to shut their mouths so that this case does not go beyond the ministry. Therefore, Kenna returned to school immediately after the meeting and went about her work.

 First of all, of course, the remains of the magicians who died on the spot were taken out; they were sent for burial with all honors, given that only a handful of bones and ashes remained of them. Matilda met her, wanting to know if she could get the remains of her student; she couldn't quite believe that everything that had happened was really true.

 "I kind of gave an order to the school staff not to interfere with my work," Kenna said with a smile as she passed the unfortunate woman.

 "I understand, but I'm sorry, I can't just leave without anything; this poor child deserves to be laid to rest! Weasley blocked her way down to the cartography room. "We're going to seal up this entrance soon, and like I said, there's not even any dust left of this boy. And I dare say that the relatives and friends of the victims will disagree with you," she raised her left hand and loudly snapped her fingers, after which a man rose from below, who held Dick by the wrist. "Let that elf go!" He is the property of the school! Matilda asked anxiously. "This is my first and last warning, Professor Weasley; don't bother me from now on. Otherwise, I won't be able to protect you, your elf, or anyone else, and as you know, it's very dangerous there," she stroked the gold ring on her index finger, looking at them as if remembering something.

 "I won't leave it like that," Matilda took Dick away and decided to contact the ministry directly.

When Sebastian regained consciousness, he opened his eyes a little; he was lying on a warm sofa, the fireplace crackled to his right. His head ached mercilessly, and it was difficult for him to orient himself.

 "Good morning," came the voice of that stranger. Sebastian trembled with fear, and for a second, he remembered yesterday's horror.

 "Don't be afraid; I won't bite; my name is Jack, by the way," he patted Sebastian on the shoulder, sitting on the floor in front of him.

 "What?" Sebastian, who had just woken up, did not understand at all what was going on here and where he was.

 "You see, I have a few questions that I would like to hear the answer to; I promise that you are not in danger here," he smiled maliciously and held out his hand for him to shake.

The night in the village where Ominis and Anna huddled turned out to be cool.

 "Anna, would you like some hot tea? I think the books won't run away anywhere," Ominis touched Anna's shoulder. She looked up from her notebook and turned to him.

"Thanks, I won't refuse," she replied with a smile. Ominis did not see this, but Anna's hair grew noticeably; the disease no longer marred her beautiful appearance.