
The one concealed in the darkness

After the battle with Ranrok, Noah realizes that not all problems can be solved with the help of force. The essence of which he himself does not fully understand.

Strawberry_ice_tea · Video Games
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53 Chs

Part 4

When Noah finally spread out the scrolls in his makeshift office, he was interrupted by Dick.

"Dick noticed that you skipped Herbology class again today," he remarked.

"Was I busy?" Noah looked away, sometimes feeling frustrated by the Weasleys' excessive concern. He knew perfectly well that Dick reported everything to Hermione.

"Professor Weasley strongly requested that you come to her office as soon as you return," Dick said, understanding that Noah didn't want to talk to him.

"I'm a little busy right now, but I'll go later," Noah replied, starting to clear some space on the table to study the scrolls.

"Dick also hopes you haven't forgotten about dinner tonight, sir?" the house-elf asked with a sad voice.

Noah felt a wave of sadness wash over him. He had nothing to say; melancholy immediately settled in his heart.

"I'll go to her soon, I promise," Noah managed to say. Dick accepted his words and Disapparated, presumably to Professor Weasley. Noah's hands dropped instantly. It seemed that after the battle with Ranrok, all his problems should have disappeared with a wave of his hand. He sat down on a chair, covering his face with his hands. "How exhausted I am."

Before changing his clothes, Noah went to the magical vivarium to feed his furry friends. When they saw their master, they came running, demanding treats. One of them playfully frolicked at Noah's feet, while another climbed onto his shoulder, tugging at the shiny gold button on his collar.

"I missed you too," Noah said, sitting down and beginning to stroke and groom each of them in turn. It seemed that Dick had taken good care of them. How nice it was here, in this private island of paradise where no one bothered him and there were no problems. Noah thought he could stay here forever. But time relentlessly flowed forward, not allowing him enough distraction from everything that surrounded him. Getting up from his seat, he noticed the sniffer scurrying away as fast as it could, still clutching the pure gold button. Noah didn't react to it in any particular way. He had plenty of money, earned through honest work: plundering ancient ruins and dungeons.

After quickly returning to the dormitory and changing into his school uniform, Noah remembered Sebastian. He looked around the room and realized he was alone. Finally, he took out the letter. Noah tried his best to smooth out the paper. There was no point in delaying the inevitable, so he started reading.

"I know that thanks to you, Ominis and Anna didn't tell the truth. I would like to meet you and talk face to face. I'll be waiting in the crypt."

Then it dawned on Noah that the letter had been lying at the bottom for a whole month. "Can I assume that the meeting is no longer relevant? I'll have to apologize to him," he thought, feeling a pang of shame. He headed towards Professor Weasley's office.

"Young man, it's a great pleasure to have you visit today!" Professor Weasley greeted him as he entered, busily filling out some documents.

"I'm sorry," Noah lowered his head, having nothing else to say.

Professor Weasley took a deep breath, set the papers aside, and walked over to him.

"I know how close you were to Professor Fig, and his absence is a great loss. But that's not a reason to forget about yourself. Do you understand?" Her warm hand touched Noah's shoulder.

"I... I..." Noah felt a lump in his throat, making it difficult to speak.

"I understand," he simply looked away, still keeping his head down.

"I think everyone has already gathered in the Great Hall. We should hurry," Professor Weasley said, turning around and leaving the office. Noah followed her.

All the students and teachers had gathered in the Great Hall, and the headmaster was preparing to make a speech. Noah sat in the farthest corner of the table.

The headmaster's speech was lackluster, to say the least, but fortunately, Professor Weasley saved the situation. In that moment, Noah could only think of his last conversation with Professor Fig.

"Just think of the pain invested in this. Miriam, George, your friend Lodgok, and countless others died for this. Now you are the guardian of hidden power. What are you going to do with it?"

"I've decided to open the vault. We can't allow such power to be stored aimlessly for hundreds of years. I won't let anyone dictate what I should do with this... with MY power."

In that last moment before the battle, Noah had only a second to see the expression on Professor Fig's face, so that it would be etched into his memory – eyes filled with disappointment.