
The one concealed in the darkness

After the battle with Ranrok, Noah realizes that not all problems can be solved with the help of force. The essence of which he himself does not fully understand.

Strawberry_ice_tea · Video Games
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53 Chs

Part 5

After dinner, as everyone started to leave, Noah remembered the scrolls. Just as he got up and took a few steps, someone grabbed his hand and pulled him around the corner, away from the crowd.

"Why am I constantly being grabbed by the hand?" Noah muttered discontentedly, turning around to see that it was Sebastian. Their gaze locked for about ten seconds, but it felt like a minute to Noah.

"Listen," Noah began.

"Where have you been for the past two weeks?" Sebastian asked, surprised. "I thought something had happened to you."

"Well, I just needed some time to..." Noah didn't finish his sentence as he suddenly realized, "How does Sebastian know that I was absent for two weeks, not a month?" After all, only a couple of teachers and the nurse knew he was in the hospital wing.

"I can't believe Fig is gone. I didn't know him as well as you did, but I'm sure he was a good man. I wish someone would do the same for my uncle," Sebastian said sadly.

"It's hard for me to imagine what you and Anna are going through. I hope you hear from her soon," Noah replied, trying to uplift his friend.

"I hope so too," a glimmer of hope could be seen in Sebastian's eyes, hoping that Anna would be able to forgive him. "Oh, I should tell him about Rookwood," Noah remembered.

"There's something you need to know about Rookwood," Noah's eyes darted around, unsure of where to start. "When he attacked me in front of Ollivander's shop, he said, 'children should be seen, but not heard.'"

"Wait, what do you mean?" Sebastian had heard about the fight and knew it had been difficult for his friend.

"When Rookwood joined forces with Ranrock, they both had an interest in Isidora's estate. That's why he was there the night Anna was cursed. He was working together with Ranrock. And when he saw your sister..." Noah didn't have time to finish.

"He cursed her. And her life changed forever. How cruel. Rookwood got what he deserved," a shadow of doubt briefly crossed Sebastian's face, but he quickly regained composure. "Thanks for telling me. So it wasn't a goblin. I owe you an apology. All this time, I thought goblins were our enemies. But it wasn't that simple. Ominis mentioned he had spoken to Anna. I wonder if she'll agree to meet me." After a brief silence, he continued, "I'll find out and let you know once things become clear." With those words, he turned and left.

Noah understood that such revelations couldn't be processed so quickly, and that Sebastian needed time to digest the information.

"Noah?" Natty approached cautiously and hugged him. "Accept my condolences. I'm so sorry." Noah hugged her back.

"Thank you, Natty. By the way, I'm sorry. I just read your letter today. Did something happen? You wanted to meet," Noah said, stepping away from her embrace.

"Nothing urgent, but you disappeared all of a sudden. I was worried," Natty replied with a concerned smile.

"I needed time to gather myself after everything that happened," Noah quickly came up with an excuse to return to the study room as soon as possible. "If you don't mind, I was planning to review the material a bit to prepare for the O.W.Ls." He turned to leave, but Natty grabbed his elbow.

"What a coincidence! I was planning the same thing. Shall we go to the library?" Natty said, taking Noah's hand and leading him towards the library.

They walked in silence, and Noah had given up hope of studying the scrolls that day. When they reached an empty corridor, Natty suddenly stopped and turned to face him.

"I know you weren't planning on studying," she said, looking sad.

"I'm sorry," Noah realized that Natty could see through his lies.

"I understand how you feel. I know the pain of losing loved ones, but that's not a reason to distance yourself from everyone. I just don't want you to go through all of this alone. Let your friends help you," her last words sounded more like a plea.

For an entire month, Noah had built a wall around himself, trying to hide from everyone. To endure everything he was going through alone. It was a heavy burden for a grown man, and exhaustion, both mentally and physically, was taking its toll. Noah had convinced himself that everyone close to him would either leave or die.

"Natty, thank you for caring about me, really, but I'll be fine," Noah continued after a moment of thought. "I just need some time." With those words, he turned and returned to his room.