
The one concealed in the darkness

After the battle with Ranrok, Noah realizes that not all problems can be solved with the help of force. The essence of which he himself does not fully understand.

Strawberry_ice_tea · Video Games
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53 Chs

Part 3

Unable to find the strength to read the letter, Noah took it with him to his room and threw it into the drawer of the bedside table, promising himself that he would read it later, honestly. After the morning routine in the Great Hall during breakfast, he spotted Ominis. It felt strange to see him without Sebastian. After quickly changing his clothes, Noah headed to Gringotts Bank, making sure to take the key with him.

The goblins had a bad reputation after the Ranrok rebellion. As soon as Noah entered the bank, almost every Gringotts employee closely watched his every move. There was surprise and anger on many faces. Could he blame them? Perhaps many goblins idealized Ranrok's actions, but nobody openly talked about it. Some even looked at him with pity and a hint of satisfaction. This caught Noah's attention.

"Hello, sir. I received an invitation letter," Noah said, pulling out the envelope. It was uncomfortable due to the high counters.

"Of course! Of course, Mr. Omill!" the goblin greeted him joyfully, taking the letter and shaking Noah's outstretched hand simultaneously.

"I see you've already put the key in the envelope. Now I'll retrieve the necessary documents. Please wait," the goblin said and went somewhere. Noah didn't know how long he had to wait, but ten minutes later, a goblin approached him with a folder in his hands.

"Come with me," he said, pointing to the door at the end of the hall. He led Noah to the dungeon where a cart, similar to the one he and Professor Fig rode on their first day at Hogwarts, was waiting. The goblin quickly took the driver's seat and gestured for Noah to sit in the passenger seat.

As they embarked on the journey, Noah took a deep breath. "Don't worry, this time you're definitely not in danger," the driver reassured him with a guilty smile.

"Last time..." Noah muttered, then composed himself and continued, "I hope they won't lock me up this time."

"What? No, of course not. It was the previous owners' order. Since you're now the owner, you just need to inspect everything and confirm your ownership on the papers. That's it," the goblin explained.

They traveled for about thirty minutes, their legs growing numb. Noah hoped the journey would yield something interesting in the vault. The goblin busily opened the safe and stepped aside, as if he wanted to say something.

"Will you wait for me here?" Noah asked, looking at him suspiciously.

"Of course... If you'll excuse me, there's something I wanted to ask, Mr. Omill!" the goblin said eagerly. "It was you who helped my uncle recover his stolen mooncalf, right?"

"That was your uncle? Wow, what a small world," Noah recalled the incident.

"From his description, I immediately recognized you. What a coincidence! If you ever need any assistance with the bank in the future, feel free to contact me," the goblin proudly offered.

"There's something I'd like to know," Noah said, unsure but determined to ask the question. "Why did this safe pass on to me? How does it work?" He was genuinely curious.

"Oh, that's also part of the previous owners' order. They left a device resembling a box, and if it opens, all rights to the safe are transferred to the last guest who visited. It seems like there was a key involved," the goblin explained. Noah furrowed his brow but didn't respond.

Finally, he entered the vault. As expected, there was nothing particularly eye-catching. The door through which he and Professor Fig had passed on their last visit was gone. He could have used Revelio, but why bother? The shelves were filled with gold bars, coins, and ancient scrolls. They might have been there for decoration, but he still hoped to find something of interest among them. Noah gathered all the scrolls, leaving the vault.

Looking at the goblin, he indicated that the inspection was complete. "Here, sign this document," the goblin said, handing him the folder. After signing his name, Noah asked for the goblin's name.

"My name is Kyrlard," the goblin replied, smiling and extending his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Kyrlard," Noah said, shaking his hand. With the formalities concluded, Noah headed to the study room to examine the scrolls. They could shed light on ancient magic or turn out to be mere props left by the vault's guardians for amusement. Noah was prepared for both possibilities.