
The one concealed in the darkness

After the battle with Ranrok, Noah realizes that not all problems can be solved with the help of force. The essence of which he himself does not fully understand.

Strawberry_ice_tea · Video Games
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53 Chs

Part 48

 Having risen three meters above the ground, the sphere froze, and everyone held their breath.

 "What are you waiting for?" a man with a gold monocle in his left eye yelled.

 "But there's a child inside; how can we?" Kenna wanted to stop them.

 "This boy is inside the sphere! Open your eyes; he's as much a threat as this magic! Grind it to powder; there shouldn't be such a threat in our world!" The man continued his tirade. As soon as he stopped his speech, the sphere hit down on him with all its force. A dent formed on the floor, and only a pool of blood remained from the man. Everyone present gasped. The witch standing next to him screamed at the top of her voice. Everyone immediately began attacking the sphere, except Matilda, Sharpe, Tavish, and Kenna.

 "Get away from the sphere! It's not stable! We need to call for reinforcements from the ministry!" Sharpe gave the order, but no one listened to him; everyone seemed to be mad with fear, and the only thing that seemed right at the moment was to destroy the evil in front of their eyes.

 "I think we'd better get out of here as soon as possible," Tavish said, touching Sharpe's shoulder.

 Matilda recovered from Tavish's words and took a step back.

 "Did you hear that? Let's go!" Kenna said loudly and was the first to hurry away from this unfortunate place. Sharpe, Matilda, and Tavish followed her.

 The sphere emitted a thick mist among the attackers. Tavish turned to make sure that others were following, but saw no one. Everyone was inside the thick fog and didn't know where to run.

 "Follow my voice! It's dangerous out there, fast!" Before he could finish, a small spark broke out right in the middle of the fog, and everyone who was there was burned alive. Their screams of agony chilled Tavish to the bone.

 "You can't help them anymore. If you don't want to join them, I advise you to run as fast as possible!" Kenna snapped at him. The fog covered the whole room; fortunately, they managed to climb higher and not end up inside this damn fog.

 "How could this happen?" Matilda lamented. "Noah is inside this fog; we need to help him!" Sharpe stopped her before she could take a step forward.

 "Are you in your right mind to go there? You saw it with your own eyes! Even if he was able to get out of the sphere, he is no longer a tenant." Sharpe finished. Tears welled up in Matilda's eyes; she could not believe in such a tragic death of her student.

 "But we haven't seen him; what if he's still inside the sphere?" She begged.

 "Then he will face trial, and this is at best, if not the death penalty. I think such a death is even better than what would have awaited him if he were alive," Kenna said in a sad tone. They stood in mourning for a while; no one could bring themselves to break this silence.

 When they reached the cartography hall, all the large frames turned white, but no one paid attention to it.

 "We need to seal the entrance to this cursed place so that no one can enter here in the future," Sharpe said.

 "The sooner, the better," Tavish said.

 "Well, the ministry will take care of this; I will go there right now and tell them what happened and make sure that no one gets in here," said Kenna, putting her golden curls in order.

 "Then we are fully counting on you and the ministry," Sharpe shook her hand.

 "It's not worth it; it's my job," she smiled back, taking Tavish with her; they transgressed from there.

 "We couldn't save him," Matilda said, looking into Sharpe's eyes. "First Professor Fig, now Noah, it's our fault that we didn't keep track of them." She couldn't hold back her tears.

 "They died protecting us and this school. I know how you feel, Matilda," Sharpe handed her a handkerchief. Their hearts were bleeding; another senseless sacrifice within the walls of this school.

 A heavy tread headed towards Sebastian. He decided that if his life ended here and now, he would at least find out who it was and what he looked like.

 "Damn vultures, how did they know he was here," a gruff male voice obeyed, following the words, the curtain abruptly opened. In front of Sebastian stood a tall, thin guy whose hair seemed to cover half of his head like a "crow's nest," the only comparison that came to his mind. Their eyes met, and Sebastian got a better look at him, a little older than himself, a wizard dressed in a brown robe with emerald green eyes.

 "Who else are you?" The stranger asked threateningly. Sebastian was stunned by such arrogance, considering what he had just been through.

 "Who are you?! What's going on here?" A sudden burst of adrenaline gave him a moment's courage. The guy pointed his wand at him, and its tip glowed green.

 The "unforgivable spell" flashed through Sebastian's mind, and he squeezed his eyes shut in fear.