
The one concealed in the darkness

After the battle with Ranrok, Noah realizes that not all problems can be solved with the help of force. The essence of which he himself does not fully understand.

Strawberry_ice_tea · Video Games
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53 Chs

Part 37

  Taking off over Feldcroft, Garrett made sure that everything was in order and slowly flew forward.

  "Hold on tight, Sellow! My broom is old, so I can't promise that we'll get there safely!" Garrett said, turning to the passenger sitting in the back.

  "I'm not hugging you, Weasley!" Sebastian shouted, holding onto Garrett's knitted vest from behind. Slowly but surely, they reached Irondale.

  "Let's get some rest?" Garrett suggested as he carefully descended next to the old mill.

  "We have to hurry, in case we miss him," Sebastian urged.

  "But we don't even know if he will go there or not, it's just a guess. Maybe he won't be there at all," Garrett said as he took a bottle of cream beer from his bag and took a sip.

  "I know," Sebastian said, looking exhausted. Garrett was right; perhaps Noah wouldn't be there, and they would just be wasting time instead of checking other places. Noticing Sebastian's mood, Garrett patted him on the shoulder and said, "Come on, everything will be fine. If we're lucky, we'll catch him right there! And if not, we can ask the locals if they've seen him."

  "Thanks, Weasley. I feel better," Sebastian smiled. "So, where are we going?"

  "Well, we still have a long flight ahead. Our destination is the village of Cragcroft."

  "Cragcroft?! That's in the middle of nowhere!" Sebastian protested.

  "Well, think of it this way: it's the most remote residential place. It's definitely not the end of the world," Garrett replied, maintaining his optimism.

  They got back on the broom and continued their journey with care.

  "At this rate, we'll probably get there by one o'clock in the morning," Garrett said, sounding apologetic.

  "No problem, we just need to get to the coastal cave. From there, I can Apparate us to Lake Marunvim."

  "Great! You see, we're doing well. We'll definitely make it by evening!" Garrett reassured him, speeding up their flight.

  As they flew over the southern swamp, Sebastian remembered that the coastal cave was teeming with Ranrok's henchmen.

  "Wait, when we get there, let's land in the forest. We can't be seen," Sebastian warned.

  "Seen? By who?" Garrett didn't understand.

  "The entire mine is probably crawling with goblins!" Sebastian would have liked to Apparate from their current location, but the distance was too great for two people. If only he were alone.

  "Alright, then I'll land," Garrett agreed cautiously.

  They landed in the forest near the coastal cave, facing a low gate made of iron and bricks.

  "Anyway, we'll jump over the fence, then put a Disillusionment Charm on ourselves and proceed through the cave. Once we reach the other side, I'll Apparate us," Sebastian explained his plan.

  "Sounds good! Let's get started!" Garrett was eager to begin.

  Sebastian ran to a protruding stone, pushed off from it, and skillfully jumped over the brick part of the gate. Garrett watched closely.

  "Wow! Sellow, you truly deserve the title of the second-best duelist at school! I had no idea you were in such good shape!" Garrett exclaimed in admiration.

  "Less talking, Weasley! Come on, let's hurry!" Sebastian urged.

  Garrett tried to follow Sebastian but didn't get any further than the stone, hanging onto the brickwork.

  "What are you doing? Move faster!" Sebastian hissed, worried that they would be noticed before they even reached the cave.

  "I'm trying, wait," Garrett struggled to pull himself up, but for a man who had never lifted anything heavier than a cauldron, it was impossible.

  "I think I'm stuck here," Garrett admitted, sounding almost defeated.

  "Come to me, Weasley!" Sebastian went to a small crack to see his friend. Garrett slowly trudged toward the sound of Sebastian's voice.

  "If you're planning to make fun of me, now's not the best time," Garrett said with a sigh.

  "Wingardium Leviosa," Sebastian whispered the spell, causing Garrett to rise into the air.

  "Careful! My grandmother knitted me this sweater!" Garrett exclaimed as Sebastian canceled the spell, causing Garrett to fall to the ground.

  "And what if I'd gotten hurt? Why did you throw me around like a bag of Mandrakes?" Garrett complained.

  "It's been an unlucky day today," Sebastian replied.

  "What are you implying, Sellow?" Garrett kicked Sebastian, who was squatting on his heels.

  "See? They have a commander and a troll there!" Sebastian explained, peering through the bushes. Garrett crouched down next to him and carefully pulled out a Thunderstorm Potion from his bag.

  "We won't attract too much attention to ourselves. We'll pass quietly and unnoticed," Sebastian cast a Disillusionment Charm on them. Garrett awkwardly put the Thunderstorm Potion back and took out the Invisibility Potion.