
The one concealed in the darkness

After the battle with Ranrok, Noah realizes that not all problems can be solved with the help of force. The essence of which he himself does not fully understand.

Strawberry_ice_tea · Video Games
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53 Chs

Part 36

  Entering the house, Sebastian lit a fire in the fireplace and placed a kettle on it to boil.

  "Chocolate frog!" Garrett exclaimed, seeing the box on the floor. Sebastian noticed this and used Accio to pull it back to himself.

  "It's mine," Sebastian said, putting it in his pocket.

  "You're greedy, Sellow," Garrett commented as he sat down at the table and took out marmalades and chocolate muffins from a bag. Sebastian poured them some tea and joined Garrett at the table.

  "So, what do you want?" Sebastian asked, fixing Garrett with his gaze.

  "I wanted to talk to Noah," Garrett said, taking a huge bite of the muffin and smearing cream on his fingers.

  "Weren't you taught basic table manners as a child?" Sebastian remarked, though Garrett seemed unfazed.

  "Those girls you scared away with a huge snake," Garrett began. "They complained to my aunt, and she made me clean all the cauldrons in the potions class. I was a few days late coming home! Then I asked her about the conversation with Noah, where he asked to stay at school." Sebastian began to listen more carefully. "Anyway, the headmistress didn't bother to tell my aunt that he was taken from the orphanage. After that, my aunt got involved, saying that we need to find and bring him to our house."

  "I can't believe someone as incompetent as Black is sitting in the headmistress's chair!" Sebastian exclaimed.

  "That's what my aunt said. She wanted to come here for Noah, but I came alone because the headmistress went to the Ministry, and all the cases fell to my aunt," Garrett explained with satisfaction.

  "I wonder how you're planning to take him with you if he's not here," Sebastian remarked, throwing marmalade into his tea.

  "Actually, I was supposed to come back with him tomorrow," Garrett scratched his head and looked at Sebastian.

  "If I knew where he was, I wouldn't be sitting here with you drinking tea," Sebastian replied, leaning against the table and looking at Weasley.

  "Why don't you know where he went? You said he was sick. How could Noah go somewhere in this state without your knowledge?" Garrett asked seriously, a tone Sebastian had never heard him use before.

  "I can only say one thing, we had a very awkward conversation," Sebastian contemplated whether to share the details or not.

  "A conversation?" Garrett inquired.

  "Yes, after that, he packed up and left. And no, he didn't recover, so I'm really worried about him," Sebastian took a sip from his mug.

  "Then we need to find him!" Garrett exclaimed, getting up from the table and starting to inspect the house.

  "A very cozy house!" Garrett went into the room behind the screen and spotted a book under the bed.

  "'Hugged her close, praying only to feel the beat of her heart,'" Garrett began to read aloud, opening a random page.

  "What are you doing there?" Sebastian, irritated, got up from the table and walked over to him.

  "Of course, I knew you liked to read strange books, but this?" Garrett burst out laughing.

  "It's not mine!" Sebastian grabbed the book from his hands, realizing it was Noah's.

  "I must have dropped it when I was packing in a hurry," Sebastian said, placing it on the nightstand.

  "In a hurry? Why the rush?" Garrett stared at Sebastian.

  "I confessed my feelings to him, and apparently, it wasn't mutual," Sebastian drooped again.

  "Wow, I don't even know what to say," Garrett patted him on the shoulder. "What did he say to you? 'Can't we be together?' Or 'I'm sorry, I already have someone I love?' Or—" Garrett could have continued, but Sebastian interrupted.

  "He said, 'Maybe when it's over.' I don't know how else to interpret it," Sebastian sat down on the bed.

  "So, it means he reciprocated you!" Garrett was delighted. "When it's over, and what needs to end? He rocked back and forth.

  "I do not know," Sebastian spread his hands.

  "By the way, he asked my aunt where Professor Fig is buried after he was refused housing for the summer. Maybe he meant after he goes to Eleazar's grave?" Garrett finally noticed how intently Sebastian was looking at him.

  "Do you know where he is buried?" Sebastian grabbed him by the shoulders.

  "I know, stop shaking me!" Garrett slapped his hands away. "Do you want to go there too?"

  "He could be there! Don't you understand?" Sebastian urgently put on his raincoat and looked at Garrett.

  "Well, then, we should hurry, perhaps?" Garrett walked over to the fireplace.

  "I don't have a broom," Sebastian walked up to Weasley and said. "Just tell me where he is, and I'll fly there myself."

  "And give you my broom? No! If we fly, we fly together! Especially since you don't know where the grave is! And I won't tell you," Garrett said triumphantly.

  "Okay, fine, I can't believe it, let's fly," Sebastian agreed, grabbing the broom.

  "No, buddy, you'll be in the back," Garrett insisted, pulling the broom toward him.