
The one concealed in the darkness

After the battle with Ranrok, Noah realizes that not all problems can be solved with the help of force. The essence of which he himself does not fully understand.

Strawberry_ice_tea · Video Games
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53 Chs

Part 38

  It was possible to approach the passage in the cave from the side by keeping to the edge of the rock. Garrett and Sebastian walked as quietly as they could through the bushes.

  "I see one goblin right at the entrance!" Garrett whispered.

  "Probably patrolling the entrance. As soon as I say run, run, understand?" Sebastian pulled out his wand and used the Arresto Momentum spell on the goblin. "Run!"

  Garrett immediately sprinted inside the mine, hoping that Sellow wouldn't lag behind him. Noticing a room out of the corner of his eye, he turned there with a sharp U-turn and immediately heard a voice.

  "You can't imagine how uncomfortable it was to travel before I invented gunpowder."

  Garrett gasped softly in surprise; it was the Floo Network's fireplace.

  "Merlin's beard! My heart almost stopped!" Garrett protested, trying to catch his breath.

  "We need to get out of here quickly before the spell wears off that goblin!" Sebastian approached, taking off his Disillusionment Charm.

  "I've always said that traveling broadens the mind."

  "Merlin's beard," Sebastian shuddered. They both looked at each other and silently exited the room.

  "It seems I now understand what Noah was talking about when he was upset about the Floo Network," Sebastian said, and they continued walking in silence. The view of the huge, spinning gears was mesmerizing.

  "Why doesn't the Ministry clear this place of goblins? It's their job," Garrett complained.

  "I'm asking myself the same question," Sebastian replied. When they reached the enormous, open iron door, the murderer of Ranrok's supporters crept up behind them. He made a pinpoint throw with his dagger right into Garrett's hand, which he was using to hold his wand.

  "What the?!" Garrett turned around to see where his wand had rolled.

  "I know you, boy! You attacked our camps with that guy we were trying to catch for Ranrok!" His malevolent gaze settled on Sebastian.

  "If you think I regret it, then not a damn thing! If I had gone back in time, I would have done exactly the same!" Sebastian pointed his wand at the goblin.

  The assassin took a couple of steps back and pulled out his blades, and a magical protection appeared around him. He prepared to attack Sebastian.

  "What is this?! Do goblins know how to use magic without a wand?" Garrett commented without thinking. These words seemed to enrage the goblin, who then changed his stance and prepared to attack him. Garrett noticed this and started to retreat, attempting to reach his wand, but the goblin was too fast.

  "Weasley!" Sebastian's eyes replayed exactly the same scene as with his sister in Feldcroft when she was attacked by a goblin and he used Imperio to save her. His whole life seemed to flash before him, his hand trembled with fear, and then he remembered the first meeting with Noah at the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

  "Levioso!" Sebastian shouted at the top of his voice. The magic shield burst, and the goblin soared above the ground. Garrett scrambled for his wand and, with a quick turn, pointed it at the goblin.

  "Depulso!" Garrett cast a spell, and the goblin was sent flying into the dark depths of the mines. Sebastian rushed over to Weasley and helped him to his feet. From the entrance they had come through, a whole group of angry goblins was heading towards them.

  "It seems the Arresto Momentum spell has worn off," Sebastian nudged Garrett's arm with his elbow, indicating that they had little time.

  "Yes, I see," Garrett replied, still looking at Sebastian with a bewildered expression because he was still caught up in the adrenaline.

  Finally emerging from the mine, two more goblins stood in their path. They froze in place, surrounded on both sides by goblins.

  "I never thought I'd meet my end with you, Sellow," Garrett said resignedly.

  "Who told you that?" Sebastian grinned and grabbed Weasley, jumping off the bridge straight into the waterfall.

  Falling down, Sebastian Apparated them to the shore near the Marunvim Bridge. When they hit the hard ground, Garrett immediately started coughing.

  "Merlin's beard! I thought we were goners," he said, feeling a bit queasy.

  "Not as far as I hoped, but the important thing is we made it," Sebastian said, trying to reassure him.

  "I can't believe Noah has been fighting them all this time. He really is a true hero," Garrett murmured.

  "Vulnera Sanentur," Sebastian cast a healing spell, and Garrett's arm healed in a second.

  "Thank you, Sallow," Weasley shook off Sebastian's hand and smiled weakly. Taking out his broom, he looked at Sebastian and said, "Are we going?"