
The Omni Money System

What runs the world? Money! Alex understood this well, born as an unwanted child, he grew up under the roof of a billionaire yet lived like a homeless man. He would have been homeless once he turned 18 years old, but his uncle helped him marry into a rich family as a live-in son-in-law.

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Moving Out

Following a night filled with teaching myself Magic, I managed to get the hang of enchantment magic to the point that I could change the shape and form of things that I was touching. sadly, I wasn't too skilled enough to rearrange things down to their atomic level.

What I found enchantment magic to be was like rewriting the world. taking a stick and making it look like a stick sword, it was like entering a program and changing the coding of a said thing. the more skilled you are with coding, then maybe one day you could even affect the core of an object, enchanting it out of a database... well, in real-world terms, erasing it out of reality. 

Anyway, the next morning I headed off to get a haircut and went shopping with Jenny. It was nice going out and shopping, I had to admit as Jenny had a better fashion sense than me. I had no idea what type of haircut I wanted, so Jenny helped me out. Who knew that hair could hold some magic, I was handsome even without the haircut, but with it, it just magnified my charm.

Buying clothing that best suited you also made this fact greater. This also made me feel... I don't know, warm is the best word that came to mind. seeing someone put me first, made me feel all warm inside.

We of course went out to eat at a restaurant, since Jenny just so happened to wear nice clothing that suited a date, she didn't need to change or anything. I on the other hand felt ashamed to enter the restaurant after realizing how bad my fashion sense had been... how could people just let me walk around like that? well, I had to change first before I went on to head over to the restaurant. 

It was magical, and soon we headed back to my place where we went on to start streaming for the day. She soon left and headed home, while I went on to start training to improve my enchantment magic...

So, time passed. the next day I returned to my uncle, but my uncle didn't want me to continue bodywork training, instead he wanted me to just focus on improving myself. this was something I was okay with, and I went on to give him the blueprints of new AirPods, I gave him many models, enough for my uncle to reward me heavily, with a good bonus. but he went on to ask me to try and improve the MacBook.

So, with even more parts coming to my doorstep. I went on to pay off the debt I was into the system, this cost 4 million dollars. but I made up for the lost money by earning millions back from my uncle over the following few days.

Zeus had hidden the sudden missing millions of dollars from my bank account, this way I drew no attention. after I finally managed to work up 40 million dollars, which equaled 1 million OM, I was finally able to unlock the system store.

{The system store has been unlocked... the store where everything exists. you need something, and you can find it here.} the system said while I went on to open the system store, and my eyes widened seeing the stuff in this store.

[Normal Apple seeds]- 1 OM

[Normal Dragon Fruit Seeds]- 1 OM

[Normal Orange Seed]- 1 OM




[Normal Glock]- 13 OM

[Normal Shotgun]- 17 OM




[low-grade mana crystal]- 100,000 OM

[1 KG Of Diamand Steel]- 100,000 OM

[1 KG of Liquid Mana] 1 million OM

I went on to go through a list of many ores and stuff I could buy. I was stunned and speechless as there were too many things. I also found some stuff that shouldn't exist in this world. What was Sea Prism Stone doing here? What was the super soldier serum doing here? Well, I of course understood why. it's by I picked this system as with Money, I could even buy anything there could, will, have, and might exist.

I also quickly realized what was up with the system, the price of this stuff was somewhat equal to the real world.

The greater the value of OM, the lesser the price. for example, a normal Glock was around 499 in the United States, divided that by 40, and you would have 13 OM. If that was so, then once the value of the OM increased, would the normal guns equal 1 OM?

But it would never go past 1 OM. how could I get this to best benefit me? if I could somehow find a place that would buy the said stuff for a higher price than the system, then wouldn't I be making a lot of money?

I had a feeling that the system wouldn't even care... also since this was an Omni system, it meant that it had everything. I tried searching for the model of Zeus I had, and indeed, the AI I had built could be bought. 

Although I wanted to use the system right away to buy parts to build my robot, I didn't know if I needed the system. if I could improve my enchantment skills, I wouldn't need it, so I first went on to master my enchantment magic until I was able to turn something like water into a rock and turn rocks into steel, and other ore.

With this, I went on to start trying to put together Hephaestus. Each part used to build him was personally enchanted by me, but this would just be like an avatar for Hephaestus to touch the outside world. His core was inside my mind, stored away and easy for me to destroy if ever needed.

Hephaestus was programmed to want to explore the world of crafting, wanting to reach a level where maybe one day he could create those powerful things from comic and anime worlds. His greatest joy is working for me... of course, his programming was deep, if there were pages, they would be over 500 pages. I had to be careful when creating such things.

but enough that, Hephaestus's body was unique. Hephaestus was weak as he was mainly a crafter than anything else. if he needs something, then he should use enchantment magic to create his upgrades.

Hephaestus was a red humanoid robot. it had a unique tank within its body that could absorb Mana from the outside world, store it inside, and use it with a level of Mana control near mine. he was of course able to walk and move around with ease, in fact creating a robot was easy as humans have already did that. I simply learned from them and improved upon it, creating a level 6 piece of tech.

Anyway, building all of this within my room and still hiding it from everyone wasn't easy. I had to enchant everything in my room, making it invisible, and enchant them to be stuck on the walls, away from everyone.

"Hephaestus, how's everything?" I asked while looking at a scanner I had built which showed Hephaestus, giving me the data on him. I had also built a sensor block, this way I didn't need to worry about people sensing Hephaestus's current capability. I also understood that some spells might be able to get around this, so, I would need to improve the sensor blocker.

"Everything is working normally. better than I expected" Hephaestus said while looking at his red robotic hands where the wires which made it could be seen.

"Alright, try and use magic. go ahead and enchant that apple into a cake." I said calmly, Hephaestus nodded lightly and although it was hard for him to get used to walking, he walked over to the apple and went on to cast a spell. it was fast, but if one was fast enough, they would have seen that the robot had failed a few times but had learned and adapted, allowing it to be able to use the magic.

"Not bad... you learned how to cast magic in 0.1 seconds. thats a bit slow, but I will leave the improvement stuff to you." I said calmly, to which Hephaestus nodded. I went on to have Hephaestus do a few more stuff, before giving it clothing that it enchanted to allow whoever who wore it to turn invisible.

with this, Hephaestus jumped out of the window. just as Hephaestus was about to hit the ground, Hephaestus enchanted himself, allowing him to float in mid-air. after, he flew away, and after getting far away enough, he landed on the ground before enchanting the ground, creating an underground cave, where he would be working on crafting Zeus' body, and also improving itself.

It would also create more human-like robots, that would stay by myside and act as bodyguards for me. I also went out of my way to improve upon the blueprints that Zeus had created for the robots and gave it to Hephaestus, in the end of the day I was smarter than the two robots.

after Hephaestus was done with all of that, he would use nanotechnology to build me a magic armor suit. but this would take some time, and in the meantime, I was moving out. why? well, I was going to move into a new roommate and take a few of my streaming stuff to Lisa's place...