
The Omni Money System

What runs the world? Money! Alex understood this well, born as an unwanted child, he grew up under the roof of a billionaire yet lived like a homeless man. He would have been homeless once he turned 18 years old, but his uncle helped him marry into a rich family as a live-in son-in-law.

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs


Pulling up to a house, I went to go get a few suitcases out of the car, Jenny helped me carry the suitcases to a house where I went on to knock on the door. after a moment, the house opened and a red-haired girl opened the door. she looked to be 18 or 19, she was beautiful, beautiful enough that Jenny felt unease knowing this would be my new roommate.

"You must be Alex." The redhead asked to which I nodded before she went on to introduce herself. she was Sarah, she opened the door wide enough for me to enter before she went on to show both me and Jenny around the house.

"rent would be split evenly between us. 400 dollars a month, the first of every month." Sarah said while looking at me looking at the bedroom I could be calling home. although small, and that the house only had 1 bathroom, I wasn't complaining. 400 dollars a month compared to thousands of dollars a month was a huge difference... and of course, I moved out of my mansion as soon as someone moved in.

"It's perfect," I said to which Sarah nodded before giving me and Jenny space, Jenny looked around for a moment before sighing.

"What a huge difference, now you're going to have to start coming over to my place... but the best thing in all of this is that I moved in with my sister," Jenny said with a smile. but At the thought of her family, her smile died down. the air at her home had been off lately, and she believed whatever was happening there led to her parents allowing her to move out. as if sending her away from their fights.

"how is it having the freedom to do what you want?" I asked to which Jenny sighed softly, the freedom to do whatever she wanted was nice. although now she had to deal with her sister who was having her clean after herself, and some other annoying stuff like when she had to be home.

"Well, let me help you out before I head home," Jenny said to which I nodded before she went on to help me get everything else that was within the car out. after, she had to leave, leaving me to go around the neighborhood to get used to my surroundings, before turning back home where I went on to get to cooking for the day. I learned to cook before I came here of course.

"If 3x−y=12, what is the value of 8^x over 2^y?" Sarah could be heard mumbling to herself while she came out of her room, a textbook in her hands. 

"2 to the power of 12," I said calmly, causing Sarah to freeze as she looked towards me in shock. 

"Sorry... my minds wonder when i'm acting on autopilot," I said slightly embarrassed. doing something that I don't need all my attention on, I normally just let my mind wander. 

"... is that the right question?" Sarah asked while looking at the question, before looking at the answer choices, where 2^12 was among the options she could pick. 

"I believe so," I said to which Sarah sat down to do the math, and to her shock I was right. She even checked online using an A.I. and again, I was right. 

"How? Are you one of those people who do math at a high speed?" Sarah asked as she had seen online how some kids just know the answer right off the top of their heads. there was someone who could see the question being drawn out and knew the answer to it as soon as it finished being drawn out. 

"I guess. I never really thought of it like that." I said softly, realizing I was like those people. Sarah asked if she could give me some hard questions, which I didn't mind, and just nodded my head. 

"If 2a − 1 = 4y, y ≠ 0 where a ≠ 1, what is y in terms of a? The answers are..." Before she could even give the 4 possible answers, I spoke.

"y = 2a − 2," I said calmly, leaving her stunned for some time as I was right. She flipped through the book, searching for another hard question. 

"A research assistant selected 75 undergraduate students at random from the list of all students enrolled in the psychology degree program at a large university. She asked each of the 75 students, "How many minutes per day do you typically spend reading?" The mean reading time in the sample was 89 minutes, and the margin of error for this estimate was 4.28 minutes. Another research assistant intends to replicate the survey and will attempt to get a smaller margin of error. Which of the following samples will most likely result in a smaller margin of error for the estimated mean time students in the psychology degree program read per day?" She said but this time she didn't give me the possible answers. 

"300 undergraduate psychology degree program students selected at random," I said calmly, causing Sarah to swallow her saliva in shock.

"C-can you help me study?" She asked slightly nervous, such a genius teaching her, wouldn't it not be for the best?

"Sure, but only when i'm free... oh, should I make extra?" I asked, to which Sarah was slightly awkward, she came out of her room planning to cook. but she didn't feel right just letting me cook, so she came over to help me cook while starting some small talk to get to know me better, while I did the same. 

"So, was that your girlfriend?" She asked, to which I paused for a moment.

"I'm not sure..." I said softly, were me and Jenny dating? I wanted the answer to be yes, but what if I said yes and it turned out she only saw me as a friend? that could make our friendship awkward and stuff.

Sarah didn't know what to say as she realized she might have touched on an awkward topic. but she was kind of curious, before her stood a handsome young man, with a perfect physique, smart, and capable of cooking. but she understood that she might not be seeing the whole picture. 

We quickly finished cooking before sitting down, where I went on to help her study. it was super easy for me, I didn't need to do anything like looking online. I could simply come up with the answers using my processing capability, which was light years above the normal human.

"Thanks... you can break it down so easily," Sarah said while looking at the notes she had taken. 

"I always believe that the best teacher is the teacher who is good at teaching," I said with a smile, although that was my first time saying such a word.

"what does that mean?" Sarah asked, 

"well, a teacher is supposed to teach. if a lot of students fail their class, that means the teacher is not too good at teaching." I said to which Sarah nodded in understanding and agreement 

"make sense... I will wash the dishes, I can't let you do everything and wash the dishes as well." She said while getting up. but I shook my head.

"It's alright, I don't mind," I said while she frowned slightly. in the end, we just ended up washing the dishes together, before I went to take a quick shower.

'so small...' I thought while entering the shower, I was too large for this thing. well, I went on to go ahead and take a quick shower, before brushing my teeth. after, I stepped out with a towel covering my lower body. 

Sarah who was still studying froze upon looking over, my physique was just too eye-catching. But I didn't care for such a thing and went into my room, where I got dressed and headed off to bed... on a bed which was too small, to hold me. I plan to enchant it later, but right now, I have been doing over 3 weeks without sleep, learning magic and such.

my schedule for the past few weeks had been everything but sleep. Streaming, Improving both creativity skills, trying to create a robot capable of change, mastering enchantment magic, and having to create blueprints and ideas for my uncle while making sure they are never too over the top to raise eyebrows. 

The next morning came, and I got up just in time to meet Sarah who was getting ready to head out.

"You don't have school right?" Sarah asked, to which I shook my head slightly.

"I have a few hours before I have to go to work... Do you have a car? I didn't see one parked outside." I asked to which she shook her head.

"no, I take the bus." She said, to which I nodded slightly.

"I don't mind giving you a ride," I said stunning Sarah, who nodded after some thought. so, I went to get in my Chrysler, leaving her questioning how I could afford the car, only to be left stunned hearing how it was all paid off...

"you look like it's your first time at college," Sarah asked seeing me eyeing everything once I pulled up to her college.

"It's my first time... I never went to school, i'm self-taught." I said lightly, to which Sarah nodded although confused by what that meant. She was sure no one could just teach themselves to be a math wizard.

"I wouldn't be able to come to pick you up, I will not be home until 9 or so," I said to which Sarah nodded, although confused by the type of job that had such long hours. She guessed I had more than one job, so I drove off, heading to the hideout I had built...