
The Odyssey of the Chosen One

A hardworking youth who always pray for excitement and happiness was heard by the most powerful being of the vast universe. Giving him the power to fulfill his wishes through conquering other worlds and finally becoming his successor. Can he really find his happiness on his quest on becoming a True God? Or something will happen on the way that will make all his efforts to fail? _____________________________________ Worlds: 1. Douluo Dalu - Completed 2. God Eater - Completed 3. Magi - Completed 4. Toriko - Ongoing _____________________________________ Upload: Due to some reason, this FF will only update every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.) _____________________________________ Be warned: This novel will be full of mature contents. (This is a novel where I write whatever comes to my mind.) Disclaimer: [1] I don't own the novels, animes, and movies. [2] Pictures are copied from Google so whoever you are, let me borrow it for reference. However, if you don't like, just let me know and I will delete and remove it immediately. [3] This book is a world of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents does not intent to represent real-life counterparts as this books meant for entertainment purposes only (ENTIRELY FICTIONAL) and should not be constructed as factual or a representation of real-life events or people.

Alter_Fanfic · Anime & Comics
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215 Chs

Chapter 99 - Operation Meteorite


---Two weeks later---

It has been two weeks since the preparation started and it was finally tomorrow that Operation Meteorite will start. As time got closer, every God Eater was very hyped while the others were very nervous since this operation was very important and one wrong move would make all go to waste.

During the two weeks, a lot of things were done together with the arrival of another God Eaters from the other branches throughout the world. In the span of two weeks, a lot of training and improvements happened especially Kota who just got an idea with regards to being a support but Lev still thinks that it wasn't enough since they didn't know about the use of Bio Factor in the God Arcs unlike what happened to the original story and he didn't even plan to share it to them as he plans to kill all Aragamis by himself on site to finish his mission.

On the other hand, Kanon still hasn't moved into Tsubaki's apartment even after Lev told her about it. Sakuya and the others already knew about their relationship and were very happy to know about it. They were persuading Kanon to move out however, Kanon herself rejected it since she still had a sister to look for. However, she promised to immediately move out when Kotomi could finally live and decide on her own which the others then accepted.


---The next morning---

Tsubaki's apartment,

Inside the master bedroom, several women could be seen sleeping soundly on the bed. Anyone could tell what was happening inside seeing how messy the room had become. Alisa, Sia, and even Kanon were there sleeping with big smiles on their faces as if they were having a nice dream.

Lev, on the other hand, could be seen together with two sexy and mature women in the bathroom doing something early in the morning. He was lying in the bathtub together with Tsubaki and Sakuya. He was seen being too engrossed in kissing Tsubaki while feeling bliss from the playfulness of Sakuya's hands down to his cock.

"Lev, let's finish this soon as I need to be early in the headquarters." Tsubaki suddenly said. They have been teasing until now and not doing the real thing. Aside from the need to report early, she also had already reached her limit.

"There's no need to rush. We still had time." Lev just replied before kissing her once again as he couldn't get enough of her lips. His hand also starts not behaving properly seeing them squeezing Tsubaki and Sakuya's breasts.

"By the way, Lev. Alisa often shared with me for the past week that she sometimes dreams of carrying a baby. I think she might be pregnant." Sakuya suddenly said while getting jealous of looking at the two of them passionately kissing each other.

"Really?" Lev suddenly broke the kiss after hearing Sakuya. Tsubaki also felt surprised and looked at Sakuya with curiosity.

"Mmm." Sakuya nodded while looking at Lev as she was also excited and jealous at the same time if Alisa really was pregnant with his child. They have been doing it from time to time and yet there is still no result. They have already discussed it with Lev and was answered with a reasonable explanation.

Hearing Sakuya, Lev couldn't express his happiness and could only kiss Sakuya passionately which lasted for a whole three minutes.

"Lev, I think we need to have more time alone." Tsubaki suddenly said after hearing that Alisa might be pregnant with his child as she really badly wanted to have one. Though it was still not confirmed, the feeling and excitement they had were telling them that it was possible.

Without further ado, Tsubaki then stood up and she looked at Sakuya as if they were talking mentally. With that, it didn't take long before Tsubaki could now be seen moving her hips up and down while Sakuya was having a deep kiss with Lev. After that, their moans echoed throughout the bathroom and even slipped into the whole apartment as the others started waking up one another after hearing it.


Far East Branch Headquarters,

After finally putting everything in line, Tsubaki could now be seen seriously looking toward all God Eaters present inside the operating hall. This gathering is important especially to the God Eaters of other branches since the operation will finally commence early the next day.

"Members of each branch, thank you for traveling this long distance. I wish I could go straight into the strategic plan but, first, I'll announce the personnel who will take part in this mission." Tsubaki seriously announced and greeted the other branches' God Eaters as this would be the last instruction for tomorrow's operation.

"Lindow Amamiya. You will command the advance base camp in charge of supplies and reinforcement." Tsubaki announced. Although she wanted Lev to take this position, Lev told her that he wanted to be in the front.

Hearing his, Lindow then stood up and presented himself for everyone to know who he was. Just like Lev, he really planned on taking the frontline but was convinced by Lev who told him to be in command and let him do the work. Though he had many questions to ask, he still followed what she said and accepted the role of being a commander.

"The primary goal of this operation is to obtain enough core to complete Aegis." Tsubaki said after seeing no reaction. She then also proceeds to announce that everyone must focus and carry out the mission as the success or failure of this operation will impact the completion of Aegis. He also told the leader of each team to their own position and Lev took the role of being the unit leader in charge of Vajras or was called "Area A" together with the rest of his unit members.

As Tsubaki was announcing necessary information, Lev was just there listening while thinking that there might be big trouble that would happen as he now had no idea as to what method would Johaness use to dispose of Lindow or if the plan changed and he was now included. He then just listened and waited for the meeting to get over.


Tsubaki's apartment,

After the announcement, each and everyone then mind their own business. Some were resting, while some were busy in the training room, especially Sakuya's unit. Lev and the rest of his unit members, on the other hand, were in Tsubaki's apartment relaxing on the bed.

"Lev, do we really not need to train like the others?" Kanon suddenly asked as she thought that their team was the most relaxed of the rest of the other teams. She was not downgrading the capability of their unit, it's just that it looked bad seeing the others working and training hard while they were slacking.

"There's no need to train anymore. We just need to do what we always did during missions and that's all." Lev replied as he thought that it didn't really matter anymore as he planned on taking them all with him.

"But how about Sakuya?" Kanon followed as she was worried about her as she wasn't part of their unit.

"She will be fine." Lev answered with assurance as he wasn't worried about her safety as he had already given her something that would greatly help her as a last resort and also, he was always ready to the rescue if something bad really happened.

"Instead of thinking about the others, I think you need to think about yourself first." Lev evilly said while looking at Kanon before moving her closer to him and starting to kiss her lips.

Seeing this, Sia, Alisa, and Shio looked at each other before also joining them as they already started finding a good spot on the bed. Right after that, with the exception of Shio and Kanon, all sleep with their pussies filled with Lev's semen.


---Early the next day---

In the hangar,

The sun still hadn't risen up and yet the headquarters were already crowded. Everyone was too nervous and excited seeing them so restless early in the morning. There were people coming in and leaving from time to time as they were now ready to depart.

Meanwhile, Lev was also in the area standing while looking at the helicopters that were leaving the headquarters one by one. He was looking at the faces of all God Eaters wanting to remember them since there was no guarantee that every one of them would stay alive.

"What do you think about this mission?" Lindow suddenly barged in and asked while smoking. He wanted to know what was running in Lev's mind since the position he was in was the most crucial since they were the ones dealing with the Large Types, unlike the others.

"This mission? Well, I couldn't wait any longer." Contrary to Lindow's expectation, Lev just smiled while looking at the horizon and seeing the sun finally rise. He could no longer wait and start this operation once and for all, and then end it together with his mission.

"Hmmm." Lindow, on the other hand, just stands there while looking at Lev. He then just smokes around before bidding his farewell as he is finally called to take off.

Lev looked at them leaving before his unit members finally arrived and were ready to leave. He then just looked at Tsubaki before kissing her publicly and telling his unit to board the helicopter and ready for takeoff.

Following that, Lev and his units then leave the place together with the units in their respective helicopters. They each give a greeting and good luck through their communication device before finally parting ways.



In the wasteland,

As noon finally arrived, Lev and the others were now at their designated area and also for the rest of the other units. They were now only waiting for the cue to start the operation as they could already see numerous Aragamis readings swarming in the area.

Several minutes later, Lindow then finally asked if all the five teams were ready which each unit leader, then reported back and answered with certainty.

"All team are ready and standing by." Lindow, who was in the base camp, reported back to the headquarters while looking at the monitor together with the other personnel inside.

"Attention! This is the headquarters. Commence with Operation Meteorite Phase 1." Tsubaki finally ordered after hearing all teams were all ready. Shen then each looked at the six monitors repeatedly wanting to see the situation of each area.

"Meteorite...Fire now!" Tsubaki ordered and that was the cue for the start of the operation.

Right after hearing the order, each Gun Type God Eater leader in every team fired synchronously into the sky at the same time which then exploded and fell down like a meteorite hitting and killing several Aragamis in the area.

This phenomenon was seen not just by Lev and the others but also by Lindow, Tsubaki, and the others in the base camp and the headquarters through the monitor, and couldn't help but feel amazed seeing how beautiful it was.

"All teams, transition to phase 2!" Tsubaki ordered after seeing the end of Phase 1. They could not make any mistake and immediately proceed to the next plan.

"Close combat teams, begin your descent." Lindow said as it was now their time to make a move.

Upon hearing this, Lev and the rest of God Eaters immediately descended from their helicopters and took position for the upcoming battle.


Area A,

Right after descending, Sia, Shio, Alisa, and Kanon started taking a position and were now looking at the swarming Large Types who were heading towards their location.

"Just like we always did. Everyone, attack." Lev then ordered with a smile upon seeing how many Oracle Particles he could get from all the Aragamis around the area.

Following Lev's instruction, Iroha and the others then got ready and started the teamwork that they were used to, however, when you looked at it closely, their position was a bit strange as unlike the others, they only protected two sides, Lev facing one side while the rest took the other side.

Without further ado, Alisa and the others then started running side by side towards the Vajras not wanting to let them get surrounded. Lev also did run even seeing him already holding Zabimarus and let loose of its ability.

Just like Lev said back then, Zabimarus, in his hands, was like a ferocious snake seeing it slicing and cutting down every Aragami that it came into contact with like it was nothing and it largely decreased their numbers to a margin.

Meanwhile, Alisa and the others on their side did not lag behind as they already started killing the Vajras with their great teamwork. Seeing Alisa, Shio, and Sia in the frontlines killing off Aragamis while Kanon was left behind to give them support with her improved marksmanship.


---Two hours later---

Hours passed by and they were still doing it seeing Lev was already done on his side and was now helping the others. He already levels up quite a bit and it makes his physical attack more deadly and destructive. With that, it didn't take long before his team finally killed every Vajra in the place seeing their area now filled with nothing but dead bodies of Aragamis while the others started to dissipate into nothingness.

"This is Lev. Area A has been cleared." Lev then reported back to the base which shocked not just Tsubaki but also Lindow who was looking at their screen as they saw the process of how they killed them with ease. It only took them two hours to annihilate every Large Type in their area and were now resting while collecting the cores the Aragami left behind.

Tsubaki who was in the headquarters was about to reply when suddenly Hibari reported something in a shout.

"Major Amamiya!! All the guiding devices were acting up and I can't control it." Hibari reported with a frown on her face after seeing the data from her monitor. It was all good earlier when suddenly it started malfunctioning.

"What?!! What is happening now?" Tsubaki then worriedly asked after seeing this situation. Despite hearing the good news from Lev, a problem then washed off and it seems very critical since this would greatly impact the mission.

"Major Amamiya, we lost contact on Lindow in the base camp." Hibari reported again seeing that they couldn't contact anyone from the base camp. All the monitors and reading were telling them nothing as if something was hindering them from looking.

Hearing the report, Tsubaki looked in horror after seeing from the monitor that all the Aragamis were now heading toward a certain location. She did not know what was happening as all the preparation was basically perfect.

"This is headquarters, ordering all the teams to immediately head towards the base camp." Tsubaki immediately ordered not just for personal reasons but also because the base camp had all the resources needed during the operation.

"L-Lev, please help Lindow." Tsubaki privately asked Lev as she knew that Lev could head there immediately since they were done in their area. Seeing the hopeless situation of the base camp, she could only rely on and trust Lev about this matter.

Right after saying that, Tsubaki then called someone and reported what was happening, however, despite how critical the situation was, the person she called just gave her instructions.

Lev, on the other hand, heard what Tsubaki said and laughed out loud as he finally saw what kind of plan Johannes took just to dispose of Lindow. He never thought that he could use such a cruel idea of plummeting the whole base camp together with the innocent lives of important personnel in the area.

Following that, Lev then just looked at Sia and the others before ordering something for which everyone started to move.


Base Camp,

As everyone outside was dealing with the situation, Lindow, meanwhile, was looking at the monitor together with the other person inside. They couldn't help but look in horror feeling that their death was already close upon seeing how many Aragamis were coming toward their way added by the problem that they couldn't contact the headquarters and even all the teams.

"Don't stop contacting the headquarters." Lindow ordered before leaving the room quietly while holding a cigarette in his mouth. Despite acting normally, the expression on his face was very sour as he was thinking of something else.

As their situation was very dire, Lindow could only look for his God Arc and was planning to fight and kill as many Aragami as he could with his life as they couldn't even evacuate the area since every Aragamis outside the parameters was also on their way to the camp.