
The Odyssey of the Chosen One

A hardworking youth who always pray for excitement and happiness was heard by the most powerful being of the vast universe. Giving him the power to fulfill his wishes through conquering other worlds and finally becoming his successor. Can he really find his happiness on his quest on becoming a True God? Or something will happen on the way that will make all his efforts to fail? _____________________________________ Worlds: 1. Douluo Dalu - Completed 2. God Eater - Completed 3. Magi - Completed 4. Toriko - Ongoing _____________________________________ Upload: Due to some reason, this FF will only update every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.) _____________________________________ Be warned: This novel will be full of mature contents. (This is a novel where I write whatever comes to my mind.) Disclaimer: [1] I don't own the novels, animes, and movies. [2] Pictures are copied from Google so whoever you are, let me borrow it for reference. However, if you don't like, just let me know and I will delete and remove it immediately. [3] This book is a world of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents does not intent to represent real-life counterparts as this books meant for entertainment purposes only (ENTIRELY FICTIONAL) and should not be constructed as factual or a representation of real-life events or people.

Alter_Fanfic · Anime & Comics
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216 Chs

Chapter 98 - Confession


---The same night---

In the operating hall,

After Johannes left the place after announcing the start of Project Meteorite, the people inside did not leave as Tsubaki still wanted something to announce. This is something that needs to be done since every God Eater inside was given an important role when the operation started.

"You're all here today for the set-up of the guiding device that is the keystone of the Meteorite Strategy." Tsubaki said while presenting the device again on the monitor. She then started explaining that the work would be done by a special technical team and that the sole mission of God Eaters was to protect them.

"There are five devices. So, you will be divided into five units. Now, the following people will lead each unit. Sakuya Tachibana, Harold Fad, Eric der Vogelweid, Gina Dickinson, and Lev Hendrix." Tsubaki announced which made the people all look at Lev as rumors of him using magical powers already scattered all around the headquarters.

"This is a critical mission for Aegis. So, I need you to be ready and prepared at all times." Tsubaki lastly said before dismissing everyone. The people inside talked a bit for a while before leaving the hall while thinking about the upcoming operation.

On the other hand, Sakuya and the others also left while Lev told them that he might be late for today as he still wanted to do something in the headquarters or more like he wanted to talk to someone.


In the lounge area,

Following everyone's leaving, Lev could now be seen peacefully sitting while looking at the town outside through the glass wall. He had been waiting there for a while now when suddenly a person barged in.

"I thought you already head home with the others." Lindow said while holding a cigarette in his hand. He had been roaming around the base and thought of relaxing in the lounge area, but he didn't expect to see Lev smoking. He was surprised to see him still in the headquarters as he already knew about him having a romantic relationship with his sister and the others which he found very interesting.

"Here." Lev said while taking out a pack of high-end cigarettes that he bought from the store and gave to him payback for what he gave last time. This cigarette didn't have any side effects and was more like a medicinal one. The smell of it was nothing like any typical cigarette as it had a fragrance nice to smell.

Lindow caught the pack of cigarettes and looked at it for a while before looking back at Lev thinking something must be up after seeing the serious expression on his face. He then just takes a seat and also looks at the town outside.

"How's the mission?" Lev suddenly asked. Though he knew what was going on on that island, he still wanted to know the entirety of what he saw since he only had a rough idea since it was not fully described in the anime.

Hearing Lev, Lindow wasn't even surprised at how he knew such a thing since his sister might be the one who told him about this. And even if it's not, Lev was a person enough to trust these things since he had thought that his life might already be at risk.

"There's something in there." Lindow replied as he looked at the town outside.

"Hmm." Lev then didn't ask anymore since there might ear around the place and the chance of them getting caught is possible. Though it was only a brief, it was already enough for him as he only asked to know if it was still there.

"It's getting late. Just be careful from now on." Lev then said before he stood up and looked at the town outside for the last time before leaving the area. He would now only wait for the operation to start, and he couldn't help but feel excited about completing his mission.

Lindow, on the other hand, just looked at Lev before recalling something. He wanted to say something but seeing him already gone, he could only sigh before taking out the pack of cigarettes Lev had given him.

"I never saw this brand before." Lindow murmured before taking out one and immediately lit it up, putting it in his mouth and inhaling a mouthful of its smoke.

"T-This is pretty good." Lindow said in surprise before he relaxed alone and savored the gift that Lev had given him.


Tsubaki's apartment,

When everything was done, Lev then headed back to Tsubaki's apartment where he was now surrounded by his lovers. At this moment, they could be found in the living room relaxing since they were pretty much already done with all the work.

However, it was not long after that, did the place started bustling with lewd sounds and moaning after Tsubaki was in the mood seeing them already kissing passionately on the sofa leaving everyone to feel hot and horny.

As Lev and Tsubaki kissed passionately on the sofa, Sakuya reached her limit and finally moved to see her kneeling on the floor. After that, she unbuttoned Lev's pants before taking them off eagerly.

Following that, Sia, Alisa, and Shio then gulped upon seeing Lev's cock as it was already angrily pointing at them and it didn't take long before Sia and Alisa started playing with it leaving Shio behind and just looking at them while touching herself.

Shio looked so very amazed by the situation seeing how Lev was surrounded and being pleasured by the others, but she also couldn't stay still as her body started reacting on its own. It was her first time seeing everyone making out and was very shy and curious about it, however, her body still moved on and joined them afterward.

Right after that, Lev then enjoyed the services of all his lovers and ravage their extraordinary and unique pussies aside from Shio who was very frustrated after Lev still wouldn't do it with her.


---The next day---

On the helicopter,

As the announcement of Operation Meteorite, Lev and two others headed toward the place they were assigned to install the device as per Tsubaki's instruction. They were one of the five groups who were dispatched today to start the preparation.

Lev looked around to see who was with him and could only smile after seeing only Kanon and Shio were with him as Sia and Alisa followed Sakuya at her side. He then just laughed inwardly while thinking about how Johannes would get rid of Lindow this time seeing that Alisa couldn't be part of their plan anymore.

"We're here." The pilot suddenly said after arriving at their designated place.

Following that, Lev then ordered to land in the area after seeing no Aragami could be found in the place. The pilot and the rest of the technical team weren't nervous in the slightest since they were very fortunate to be assigned to Lev's group which was probably the strongest team out of the rest.

"Keep on the lookout." Lev ordered Shio and Kanon while he was guarding the technical team who had now started doing their work.

The installation of the device did not take long before it was completed. They stayed in the area for a while to see if they missed something before reporting back to the headquarters that they were already done and were now ready to depart.

When Lev and the others were about to leave, they witnessed a rare phenomenon of how an Aragami would come to life which shocked everyone. They looked at it with their eyes wide open seeing how an Aragami suddenly came out from nothing.

Lev, on the other hand, just looked at it with interest as it was really surprising to see it in person. He then summoned Infinity and finished them off after seeing that their target was the device that they just installed.

After seeing no Aragami around, Lev, Sia, Kanon, and a group of technical teams left the place and headed back to the base with no casualty.


Far East Branch Headquarters,

Not long after completing their mission, Lev, Shio, and Kanon came back the earliest and were now roaming inside the headquarters as they were very bored since everyone was still probably back there in the wasteland doing their assigned task.

At this moment, they could be found in a lounge area inside the headquarters bored to death while waiting for everyone to come back. They really had nothing to do since all missions were canceled since Tsubaki wanted to avoid unnecessary casualties upon the incoming operation.

"Shio, how about coming back to my home? Kotomi once told me that she wanted to see you again." Kanon suddenly suggested after recalling back what her sister told her. Since they have the time now, she wanted to use this and grant her sister's wish as she really might be so bored back at their home.

"Yes, yes. Let's go there." Shio immediately replied as she also wanted to see Kotomi again after getting along with each other the last time they visited her home.

Following that, Kanon looked at Lev before blushing a little after her mind suddenly thought of something.

"Alright. I'll tag along." Before Kanon could ask, Lev immediately interrupted since he started to feel bored waiting for everyone to come back.

Hearing Lev, Kanon then brimmed with joy before the three of them hurriedly left the headquarters and headed toward the town.


Kanon's House,

Upon entering, Shio immediately called Kotomi and ran towards a particular room with Lev and Kanon just laughed at her before they headed toward their small living room.

"Sister, you're back." Kotomi, who was in her room, came out with Shio as she greeted her sister with a smile. She then also greeted Lev before she teasingly looked at her sister.

"W-What are you looking at?!" Kanon who was looking at her sister blushed as she knew what she was implying.

"Nothing. Hehehe. Let's go, Shio." Kotomi replied before grabbing Shio's hand and hurriedly headed toward her room and shut the door completely.

Seeing the two of them entering the room, Kanon sighed in relief as her sister Kotomi was really a troublemaker especially when it came to her. She then just looked at Lev with a little blush on her face since only the two of them were left behind.

"D-Do you want a drink?" Kanon shyly asked as she didn't know what to do in this situation since it became very awkward.

"Water is fine." Lev replied to which Kanon immediately headed towards their kitchen leaving him behind. He then just looked around to find a seat before settling in their living room.


Living room,

At this moment, Lev and Kanon could be seen sitting while the atmosphere was very quiet as they weren't talking or doing anything. Shio and Kotomi, on the other hand, were in Kotomi's room doing their own business.

"L-Lev, if it's okay to ask. Are you and Alisa in a relationship?" Kanon shyly asked after she mustered up the courage. She really wanted to know for a while now after sometimes seeing them kissing openly on a mission which piqued her curiosity and interest as to how and when it happened.

"Yes." Lev replied with a smile. He knew where this conversation was going and also thought that it was now time to make a move on Kanon since he had already seen her sometimes showing her affection every time they were having her special training in the wasteland.

"T-Then, what about Sia and S-Shio?" Kanon asked again but this time was with Sia and Shio as she didn't just see him kissing Alisa but also with Sia and just lately with Shio. She does not know what was happening, but one thing is for sure, the relationship between them was special.

"They were my lovers too." Lev answered before placing the glass of water he had on the table. Right after that, he looked at Kanon seriously before moving his head closer to her and looked into her eyes before running it down to her lips.

Kanon, on the other hand, couldn't utter any words any longer after knowing that Lev really had a relationship with the three of them at the same time while also thinking if the others like Sakuya were a part of it too. However, despite knowing such a fact, she doesn't seem to hate Lev and doesn't even have the slightest disgust for him.

"Kanon, do you know why I told Tsubaki that I wouldn't take any other God Eater aside from you in my unit?" Lev asked before moving his hand and putting it around her waist while looking at her flushed face down to her pink lips.

Seeing Kanon didn't reply, Lev then moved her closer and their faces were now a few inches apart.

"Because I want all my unit members exclusively to be lovers and that applied to you too." Lev followed before finally moving his head closer and lovely kissed her lips.

Kanon, on the other hand, stiffened after being kissed but she did not resist and just let Lev kiss her while giving some cute kisses back before accidentally biting his lips.

Lev broke the kiss and looked at her with a smile without minding her bite as it didn't even leave any pain and was already healed. With this, Kanon's life was finally his and no one could take it from him.

"I-I'm sorry." Kanon shyly apologizes after realizing what she just did with her head already red thinking Lev must be making fun of how clumsy she was right now.

"Doesn't matter." Lev said before moving his face closer and kissing her lips once again. He then also started moving her and let her comfortably sit on his lap so they could move and kiss properly.

Kanon could no longer find the words to say upon hearing Lev, but deep inside her, she really was happy. In fact, she started having an interest in Lev from the moment he saved her from being killed, but she just didn't show it as she didn't want Sia to misunderstand. However, guessing the fact that Lev not only has Sia as his woman but also the rest of his unit, that was when she started showing off some affection thinking that she might have a chance.

"Kanon, if you don't mind me having a lot of women then I will also love you like the others." Lev broke the kiss once again and said seriously while looking into her eyes.

"L-Lev, I--" Kanon really wanted to say yes but something was still stopping her as she thought about what Alisa and the others would feel about her if she accepted it as unlike the others, she really was nothing special.

"Kanon, do you like me?" Lev asked again after seeing the hesitation in her eyes.

"Y-Yes, Lev. I like you." Kanon couldn't stop her feelings anymore and confessed. She didn't mind what the others would think and just wanted to savor this moment and deal with them afterward.

"That is all that matters." Lev smiled before kissing her again. He then just grabbed her ass as he stood up while carrying her.

Following that, Lev then carried Kanon toward her room while kissing her passionately. No matter how horny he was, there were still people other than them inside so it would be better to continue it privately.



Tsubaki's Apartment,

It was already night when Lev and Shio returned back to the apartment. Shio was very happy after playing together with Kotomi and wanted to visit her once again. Lev, on the other hand, was also feeling great at the moment. Though they still haven't done the real thing, they have already tried things other than that.

At this moment, Lev was now together with his lovers relaxing in the living room while looking at how quiet the town was outside.

"I hope this will end soon." Sakuya suddenly said thinking about what was about to come.

"Yeah, and I just need a little more time." Lev also said while thinking that this matter would end soon after the start of the operation Meteorite.

Tsubaki and the others heard what he said before smiling as they knew that Lev's other powers would be unlocked after completing his mission and just by that, he could help repair this world back to how it was before.

Following that, they stayed there for a while before heading towards the master bedroom to talk about something upon hearing from Shio that they headed to Kanon's house earlier which they thought would not be long enough for them to have another sister.