
The Odyssey of the Chosen One

A hardworking youth who always pray for excitement and happiness was heard by the most powerful being of the vast universe. Giving him the power to fulfill his wishes through conquering other worlds and finally becoming his successor. Can he really find his happiness on his quest on becoming a True God? Or something will happen on the way that will make all his efforts to fail? _____________________________________ Worlds: 1. Douluo Dalu - Completed 2. God Eater - Completed 3. Magi - Completed 4. Toriko - Ongoing _____________________________________ Upload: Due to some reason, this FF will only update every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.) _____________________________________ Be warned: This novel will be full of mature contents. (This is a novel where I write whatever comes to my mind.) Disclaimer: [1] I don't own the novels, animes, and movies. [2] Pictures are copied from Google so whoever you are, let me borrow it for reference. However, if you don't like, just let me know and I will delete and remove it immediately. [3] This book is a world of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents does not intent to represent real-life counterparts as this books meant for entertainment purposes only (ENTIRELY FICTIONAL) and should not be constructed as factual or a representation of real-life events or people.

Alter_Fanfic · Anime & Comics
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217 Chs

Chapter 97 - Preparations



Tsubaki's apartment,

Heading back to Fenrir, Lev and Alisa arrived at night safely. It would actually be sooner if Lev used Flying Thunder God Technique however, Lev didn't do so since he wanted to see more of the place and kill more Aragamis around.

At this moment, Lev and Alisa could now be seen eating at the dining table while the others were looking at them especially at the latter as they were surprised to see her brimming with happiness.

Lev then just shook his head while smiling as he knew what was running through their mind as it had always been like that. Alisa, on the other hand, could only eat while lowering her head feeling shy all of a sudden.

Sakuya and the others, meanwhile, then laughed and they then started talking to Alisa, especially about what happened back there when they left and also to ask whether they killed Dyaus Pita.

Lev, upon seeing them getting along with each other, decided to head back to the headquarters to see Tsubaki as she still had work even though he already reported what happened after coming back.


In the camp,

The situation of the camp has returned to normal and was even more crowded than usual seeing a group of people, especially children running and talking to Megatron with their sparkling eyes.

On the other hand, a man could be seen standing with a cigarette in his hand looking at Megatron with his eyes almost popping out as if he had seen a ghost. He has just arrived with haste just to see something very unbelievable.

"W-What the hell is this?" The man asked himself in disbelief and was confused upon seeing Megatron who hadn't even moved a muscle until now and just kept on staring back at him.

"Lindow! You're here!" Someone suddenly shouted after seeing the man. Yes, the man was none other than Lindow, who decided to visit the place after also being notified by his sister back when he was on a mission.

Hearing the shout, Lindow greeted back before directly talking to him about the situation of the camp, especially what happened to the mountain and the robot that was staying still.

"Well, this robot is called Megatron. A person named Lev together with a woman named Alisa came here last and left this robot with us today before they left telling us that it will serve as our protection against Aragami since the mountain has been destroyed." The person said while looking at Megatron as he still couldn't believe to saw an actual robot. They tried everything they could to talk to it and yet it didn't give any response until now. So, they could only stop and let it be.

"Megatron, huh." Lindow murmured while thinking about Lev. Seeing the appearance of the Megatron, he was sure that it was a robot that he once watched on TV. Seeing it with his eyes, the mysteriousness of Lev gradually rises in his mind after being curious about how the hell he picked up such a thing.

Lindow then just looked at it for the last time and couldn't help but feel grateful knowing that it wouldn't harm a human. He then stops prying and decides to talk about this with Lev after coming back to the headquarters.

Following that, Lindow and the person walked toward a room as Lindow had several questions in mind after seeing that the whole mountain had been destroyed. The person with him also notified the leaders of the camp and they then started a discussion.


Tsubaki's room,

Lev and Tsubaki didn't immediately head back to the apartment and stayed for a while in Tsubaki's room inside the headquarters. With that, they immediately had sex after work, and they had done it multiple times already as Tsubaki really was so eager to have Lev for herself.

"Lev, there might be a joint operation with your unit together with Unit 1 tomorrow." Tsubaki suddenly said while closing her eyes feeling the warmth of Lev's body as they could now be seen just embracing each other after such intensive sex.

"Hmmm, so it's already that time, huh." Lev said as he remembered that something like this also happened in the story and thought that the end of the anime was only around the corner.

"Also, Operation Meteorite was already on the way." Tsubaki followed as she remembered that its scheduled time was coming near since they had been preparing it for a long time now.

"Mmmm." Lev nodded as he also knew about this, and this might also be the last step that he needed to finally complete his mission in this world.

'System, show the quest panel.' Lev ordered inwardly as he thought that he just really needed a little more since he didn't forget sneaking outside from time to time and massacring a whole city of Aragami.

[World-level quest

Description: Gather the following;

Small Core: 487,290/500,000

Medium Core: 89,548/100,000

Large Core: 46,376/50,000

Rewards: World Ticket x 15, Weapon Enhancing Card, Random Bloodline Card

(Note: The host needs to complete the quest before he can go back to Earth.)]

Lev looked at the numbers before a faint smile appeared on his face as he thought that it should be finished during Operation Meteorite. He then also looked at his Oracle Power and thought that it was still a little behind, but he wasn't worried as it would reach its peak soon.

"What are you thinking, Lev?" Tsubaki suddenly asked after seeing Lev smiling absentmindedly. She then just looked at his eyes before moving her hand toward the hard thing that started poking her again.

Hearing Tsubaki, Lev then just looked at her before seeing her hand slowly stroking his cock which was still hard even after having sex.

"Hehe. Nothing." Lev replied with a smile before moving on top while looking at the seductive Tsubaki. Right after that, another round of loud moans then echoed throughout the room before they headed back to the apartment and finally rested for the night.


---The next morning---

In the wasteland,

Just like Tsubaki said, Lev's unit together with Unit 1 aside from Lindow was already at the place where their mission was located. Though they already arrived, Lev ordered both Units to stop gaining confusion from everyone.

"Is there something wrong, Lev?" Tsubaki through the communication device asked from the headquarters after she saw them stopping while looking at the monitor.

"This is a trap." Lev then replied as he knew what would happen if they just recklessly entered inside without knowing the hidden trap of Aragamis. He then just summoned out Infinities as he wanted to finish this soon since what he was really after was the start of Operation Meteorite.

Sakuya and the others also heard what he said and were confused as no matter what they saw around the place, everything seemed very normal to them.

"Lev, mind explaining to us." Tsubaki then said. She knew Lev wouldn't say such nonsense things especially if human lives were on the line.

"You say that you can detect several Aragami readings but what we can see here were almost 6 to 7 of them. It's strange no matter how you looked at it." Lev then explained while looking toward the ape-like Aragamis in the area.

Hearing Lev, Sakuya, and the others then thought about it too, and also realized the strangeness of the place which not before long, the ape-like Aragamis who were roaming around the place started to notice their presence. With great hostility, they then immediately head toward their location since it is their instinct to them to kill and devour a human.

Seeing this, Lev then didn't explain more and immediately transformed Infinities into a sword as he started running before saying, "There is an underground below. Don't let them use their power and prevent them from hitting the ground.

With that, Sia and the rest of the 2nd unit then immediately act up leaving the 1st unit didn't know what was happening before also joining the fight a little late. In just a couple of minutes, all the Aragamis in the surroundings had been dealt with however, not long after that, they all saw Lev creating a hole in the ground gaining their interest.

"I'll be back in a while." Lev said before jumping down the hole with the plan of annihilating every Aragami in the underground since they were all important not just to his mission but also for him to level up.

Sakuya and the rest immediately ran and saw through the hole wanting to know what was happening below. As they didn't have any intention of following Lev, they just waited just like they were told and instructed to.

For the next minute or so, sounds of fighting could be heard below before a sudden silence occupied the place. Sakuya and the others gulped hard not knowing what was happening. Tsubaki, who was at the headquarters, was about to order them when they heard Lev's voice coming from their communication device.

"I'm done. The mission is a success. We'll be coming back now." Lev answered while still in the underground. He then looked around the place before heading back to the surface as he didn't like the air in the area.

"O-Okay." Tsubaki replied from the headquarters as she also realized that the mission was done upon seeing no Aragami readings appear on the monitor anymore. With that, she then ordered everyone to leave the place and head back to headquarters.


Far East Branch Headquarters,

After completing the mission with ease, Lev and the others arrived and reported back to the headquarters. They did not leave the place after that as Tsubaki told them that the director had an announcement to make which Lev and others could only wait in the operating hall while also seeing several God Eaters entering the hall from time to time.

It took a while before all the God Eaters arrived in the operating hall and that's when Director Johannes walked toward a platform while looking at them seriously. With that, every God Eater then took a seat inside while looking at Johannes who finally started talking in front of them.

"We're being driven into a corner by Aragamis that keeps on increasing. Our anti-Aragami power for the defense of the Branch is limited and resources are needed for daily survival. So, continuing the construction of Aegis has become difficult." Johannes said while looking at the faces of all God Eaters present in the hall since they were the people who would soon sacrifice their lives for the completion of Aegis.

"However, with the help of our newly developed device, our mission to complete Aegis would be finished soon." Johannes followed and he then introduced the device that was presented on the monitor to them and explained what the device could do.

While Johannes was explaining, Lev who was silently sitting in the corner was having another thought about the situation.

'Seeing Johannes started saying this. I think this was also the time when Lindow discovered the truth about what was happening on that Island. I just don't know if it would still happen since the story has long been changing and tampered with.' Lev thought while thinking if he would talk to him or not since sooner or later, he planned on destroying that place.

"We must get out of this predicament now. We must amass the core and complete Aegis and put an end to our battle once and for all!! Today, I declare the start of our greatest anti-Aragami strategy.




The start of Meteorite!" Johannes strongly announced with his eyes brimming with excitement that no one could tell.

Right after the announcement, Director Johannes left the hall and let Tsubaki replace him. Not before long, the people inside started talking to each other regarding their opinions about the said operation.


Johanne's office,

After announcing the plan, Johannes then directly headed inside his office and could now be seen sitting on his chair while seriously reading something on the screen.

'Hmmm. So, Lev has now the capability to the level of Dyaus Pita. Just how interesting. Just what and where did he really come from?' Johannes thought for a while after reading the report. Up until now, he could still not understand what kind of person Lev was and so wanted to unearth after the operation.

'I just hope that he won't put his nose to the wrong side.' Johannes said while turning his attention to the other monitor before calling someone.

"There's a rat in the bedroom. Deal with it." Johannes said while looking at the person shown on the screen while thinking of several things in his head. He thought that the plan had just started and yet a variable suddenly resurfaced which made him decide to immediately take action against it.