
Who is she ???

The next morning I wake up with a comforting pain in my head and I take a few aspirins.

Im walking through the town heading into stores buying clothes when I pass a sex shop heading in I see a few things that catch my eye and I decide to buy, wartenburg pinwheel, a variety of spreader bars, steel balls, blindfolds, metal ball leather gag and two floggers one with beads and a leather one.

The rest of the day goes by and its 5:00 I head back to the party to find that its packed with already drunk people dancing on top of tables and counters and couches, and people rubbing against eachother I walk further to find a crowd of people, I see the girl from yesterday she is with another guy already I think I see her look up and turn my head down immediately thinking she didn't see me I tell myself to forget about it. I keep walking close enough to a big crowd to notice its the dirty blond haired girl from yesterday. Kate. She was slowly stripping down and dancing along with the music everything starts to slow down and the music fades out all thats left is her but even with a crowd of people she manages to find me her eyes slowly blinking closing and opening until I see her pupils land on me and dialate I noticed her mouth moving into a smirk but not until a few seconds later does my brain clearly understand whats happening, she hops off the table still dancing but now slowly making her way to me getting a few ass grabs and tit squeezes from being only in her panties and topless.

                     She is right in front of  me now grabbing on to the collar of my leather jacket pushing it off my shoulders and arms joining  her clothes on the floor she puts her arms around my neck and jumps on to my waist my naughty hands lay on her ass not only for support but for fun. I take her in the movie theater room where they are playing porn, she is on my lap in the back of the room on a bean bag chair she gives me a lazy naughty grin as she drags her finger down my collar bone chest torso and stops when she hits my pants. She brings down the zipper reaches her hand into my boxers and pulls out my length. I bring my mouth by her ear and say "try not to make too much noise"and bite her earlobe I bring my hand down to slide over her black panties I lift her up and slide her onto me, she slowly but surely starts moving her hips. Bringing her mouth towards mine she intensely starts kissing me stopping just to bite my lip in between her teeth. She starts moving faster her head on my shoulder and her hands pressing my arms back and her breathing accelerating I feel a rush of all my blood pulsating to my cock. She throws her head back and I move mine forward to suck on the skin of her neck, I twist my hands out of her grip and grab her tender breasts pinching and rolling her nipples with the tips of my fingers. I feel them harden under my touch and she wriggles around her hands on the back of my neck with her nails grazing up my neck onto my head she tugs on my hair and scratches my scalp.

I bring her up carrying her by the back of her thighs still inside her I go out into the hallway and start opening doors most of them occupied I find a library at the end of the hall. I lay her down on the dark brown leather couch opening her legs onto each side of the armrest, I take out a condom I brought just incase and flexing my hips I go inside her. Thrusting into her and holding her legs down and open with her arms I push back on her shoulders roughly and tug on her hair pulling her head back I bring my tongue from the bottom of her neck up. Grazing my teeth from her neck to her earlobe down her jawline to her chin. Her moans and whimpers getting louder as she gets closer to release. Just as we are about to finish up. There is a burst through the door we both turn our heads up to find the girl from the kitchen yesterday and the guy from yesterdays short threesome, I pull out zip up my pants and she closes her legs. When out of nowhere he starts walking towards me his fist clenching by his side along with his jaw I roll my eyes figuring out whats gonna happen next. I stand up and just as he is about to hit me I give him a hard punch to the side of his face sending him tumbling backwards, he recovers quickly and wipes the blood trickling from his cheek. "YOU SON OF A BITCH I'M GONNA KILL YOU FOR HITTING AND RAPING MY GIRL" raping? Man this dude has got it so wrong, well not the hitting part although technically it's choking but I'm not gonna say anything. "You wish it was against her own will, well guess what it wasn't she came onto me and fucked me harder than she has ever even thought about fucking you like." I turn to look at her "And guess what honey while you were with me your boyfriend was fucking her" I point my thumb back. Her eyes turn into a dead stare as she turns her head to her boyfriend and his look goes from angry to nervous and scared without even looking at her face. She goes up to him and kicks him right in the balls before slapping him and saying "YOU DICK FACE WE'RE OVER" she turns away and goes out the door. As soon as she is out the door his face goes back to mad I get ready to go back to beating him up when kate comes up behind me grabs me by the shoulder and says "wait" she goes up to him and says "This is for not letting me cum" and slaps him then turning back she says "Ok go ahead". Still rubbing his cheek and balls he looks over at me I lift him up by his collar and he manages to punch me hard right in the face, I spit out some blood and give him a smile that doesn't reach my eyes and I go back to serious and tell him "Your dead".