
Out of place

Next thing I know im hearing her hands slapping against my skin and her struggles. I come back into reality and see my elbow pushing her neck against the corner of the wall, I start to back away until I realized she was a bitch screaming random shit at me so I push her back against the wall this time by her breast i hear and see her grunt and move in pain I hear some one jiggle on the door lock and immediately moving one of my hands up to her mouth to cover her screams for help and say "occupied" and they start to walk away. Now im pressing harder my arm sprawled against her chest. I move my hand from her mouth down to her pussy gliding my finger across its wetness catching a small unintentional moan, then back up to her neck squeezing out her last breath. I throw her down to the ground and decide to find another girl and drink to waste my time with.

I go downstairs and grab an entire bottle of whiskey and go back up the stairs wobbly. I start looking through the bedrooms hoping to find another hookup to join, dropping the bottle I just gulped down people turn to stare or look worried when the glass breaks hitting the floor. I end up at the master bedroom to find a dirty blond haired girl getting her hair pulled and bitten on while getting fucked by a guy with dark black hair hanging off to the sides of his head." what are you doing?" they ask "don't worry about it" I tell them.

I come up to the bed and lift both of them up getting under the girl inserting my dick up her ass while sucking and licking the back of her neck, I listen as her moans get louder and her hands go from his back gripping on to my torso and my hands from pulling on the sheets to her big shaking breasts. His hands move from the sides of our heads to his dick as he pulls out, i know this because both our dicks thrusting in her skinny body was an over load taking up so much space the thing stopping our dicks from touching was the flesh between her ass and vagina and the long strong sigh she let out. As he pulls his pants up and leaves the room and in a second I go from under neath her to on top of her with my dick still in her.

I stop to get a glance of her face which i hadn't while under her, her eyes are a shiny hazel brown color and her teeth are straight and white. I bring the tips of my finger up her legs and arms and I watch as goosebumps form on her olive toned skin. I watch as her eyes scan my body, her innocent pure looking beautiful eyes. The music from downstairs pumping loudly in my ears, and the alcohol running through my veins rushing around my body. When I realize I've been staring at her my mind goes to the blood and the bodies, I blink and look up to the wall I turn her around so that she is on all four of her limbs and grab a thick handful of her hair in one hand and the other hand on her shoulder pushing her back onto me, shaking the bed with my thrusting and the walls with the echo of her moans.

                        She turns around and then turns me around bringing the tips of her cold hard fingers down my chest to my pecs and down to my dick scratching the under side and rubbing and squeezing my balls. Pumping harder and harder on my cock till I squirted all over chest, then she giggles and says "oh no whose gonna clean this"she looks at me with a smirk on her face. She brings her chest down grabbing my dick in her hands and squeezes her breast bringing them up and down rubbing my cum all over her chest and on my dick. The pressure building  up all over again in my cock, with a quick movement I flip her over and fuck her all over again tugging at the hair near the scalp of her head hearing her groans and feeling her rapid pants against my neck. We are both left panting on the bed feeling the cold air against our heated skin, I head up and pull my my clothes over heading towards the door she comes up behind me reaching in my back pocket slipping something in and she squeezes my ass before before pushing me out the door and I hear her rustling around to put on her clothes.

I grab an expensive bottle of vodka and whiskey on my way out putting them in my car and heading out to the nearest hotel. I take of my shirt and my pants and lay in bed I take a swig of whiskey and find my self thinking of the blond haired girl and then think about what she put in my pocket and get up to check. There is a slip of paper with her number and her name kate which I don't intend using and her panties I smile at them and then go back to serious, thinking to myself I think only stay with girls once thats it not like they would like my ... hobbies anyway.