

I grab the other side of his collar and kick him right in the chest sending him backwards out into the hallway. He picks himself up before I can head out into the hallway to get him, I chase after him just before making it past the kitchen to the door I grab the back of his shirt and pull him back he crashes back into the wall. Everyone is staring and making sure to keep their distance he gets up holding his head, he has a cut on the right side of his forehead. He charges toward me and manages to push me down my head hitting hard against the floor, he comes down to get more hits in but I sit up a little to wrap my hand around his neck and slam him down onto the floor. Bringing down both my hands down I start to choke him, he swings his hand to the side of my face spitting blood out from my mouth onto his face I bring my legs up his body to hold down his arms and I take a stronger grip around his neck . He thrashes his arms legs and body under the grip of my legs, his face starts turning purple and the chokes for a grasp of air are starting to die down. My head has blocked out all the voices around me except for one, hers.

              I hear her start to come closer and she pulls back on my shoulder and I turn my head around to look back at her, then back at him. I look back straight into her eyes I can see her getting panicked and the first thing I think is it wont work, this wont work. I let go of my grip and walk towards the door I hear him gasp for air and I hear her footsteps behind me I walk out and a cold rush of air hits me I sit on the steps to the door leaning my head against the brick pilar. She closes the door behind her she sits next to me and she is wearing my leather jacket from earlier. The heat from my cheeks are starting to freeze from the wind.

"Just leave," I tell her.

"And if I don't?"she questioned.

"If you stay, you won't like what you see," I say.

"How can you be so sure?" she asked.

"I just am, so go away," I plead.

" How about this, I'll stay and, if I don't like it, Ill leave." She blankly says.

She doesn't know what she is getting into I think to myself, but thats her problem. She will find out soon enough. And when that happens, she will leave me just like everyone else has in my life.

"Why me?" I ask her.

"What do you mean?" She says.

"What do you expect from me?" I say with a sigh.

"I don't know I guess we will find out what I see, but I need to get to know you better." She says looking up at me, I flinch as she grabs my hands warming them with hers. I look at her then down at our hands, her lips open the slightest bit and tiny slips of her warm air comes out, first seen then only to be mixed in with the cold air around us.

I get up and pull her waist towards me and carry her to my car placing her on the front seat, I head to the other side and head back home.

                    I grab the bag of stuff I bought and put in the car when I checked out of the hotel this morning. We get inside my building and head to the 3rd floor stepping out of the elevator onto my front front door I look back at her and open my door.

"Get on the bed" I tell her. I get blindfolds and head over to her slip them on her face over her eyes. And grabbing the bag, I take out a pair of new spreader bars I walk over to the bed where she has already taken my jacket off and is laying down. I grab her arm and put on the the first part which are for the arms locking the cuffs to her wrists I connect the bars to the bed on closed hooks I installed this year. Grabbing the other part I close them down on her calfs opening the bar wider I connect the ones on her calfs to the ones on her wrists. Moving her down the bed grabbing onto her back. I go to the fridge and dispense ice into a cup walking back to her I slip a piece of ice into my mouth laying on my stomach in front of her I wrap my arms around her legs, bringing my mouth down I say "Stay still" and I slip in my cold tongue keeping it in but moving. I bring my tongue out and slip a new piece of ice this time pushing the ice in with my tongue and she writhers around, Breathing heavily.

                      Taking everything off then the blindfolds I look at her with ease as she watches me with deep inviting hungry eyes.

"Fuck me" she says.

And with a relief I give her a little smile.