
Life of the party

Two days pass and December is passing into January . I haven't stopped thinking about about what happened. And my thirst is just getting worse but I try to contain myself, but I try to convince myself i didn't like what I did or that I wont do it again but I cant.

Day after day girl after girl its the only thing keeping me from killing again sex and I have had it all from car sex to porta potty sex and from recorded sex to foursomes. I just kept going to random places just to hook up with girls all in 48 hours. I start heading to a two day long party filled with a limitless amount of them.

                     I get there to find the place packed i get there and immediately grab a shot of tequila and a drink. I start scanning my eyes for girls my throat still burning  and my eyes land on a girl on a counter in a grey tank top and black leggings, tattoos running across her arms straight dirty blond hair unevenly cut. Knowing she would be more of a challenge or maybe not i start walking towards her when im close enough her eyes find mine her eyes intriguingly invite me she is sitting on a counter, when I get there she smirks and opens her legs I look down at the meal and she pulls me closer by the collar of my white tight v neck shirt.

She starts kissing me I get a subtle taste of  liquor and weed, she is definitely high possibly drunk. She pushes me back a little still wrapped around her legs she reaches down to her pants and rips a hole by her pussy sliding her panties aside, I see her already soaking wet dripping from her clit. She pushes my head down into her. On my knees and Im slurping her all up she is so warm and sweet. Neither of us are affected by the fact that there are tens maybe even a hundred people here some even staring. She starts giving out little weak breathless moans. Biting her lip to stop the other moans on the way, I can feel her back arch and her legs crossing around my shoulders her hands still on my head slightly pushing harder then before. Caught up in the moment I take my hands under her legs carrying her on top of my shoulders still sucking on her coming up only a few times to see where im heading and to take a breath.

I stop in front of a random door in my path opening it I realize its a game room I lock the door behind me, I lay her down on the pool table knocking a few balls out of the way. I stop to take off her clothes and take off my shirt, I take my tongue start from her neck licking and wetting her skin going down to her tender breast, with my other hand not supporting myself over her I bring it over to rub and squeeze the breast im not sucking on. She starts to rub herself, her hard harsh breathing turning into moans. She quickly turns me around pulling my pants and boxers down with her feet and they fall to the floor, we are both completely naked laying on each other and she is rubbing all on top of me. She turns around so that her face is on my cock and my face in her pussy. "You know what to do" she says trying to sound seductive but it comes out slurred. "You first" I tell her and she quickly goes.

                   Taking in all inches of me she gags first, then her head goes back up the tip of her tongue plays around with the tip of my dick. She goes at it again this time her tongue hanging from her bottom lip rubbing against my dick and her top lip closing putting a little pressure  and her head going up and down, her hand pumping what she can't fit in her mouth without choking. I continue what I started outside and i catch her by surprise when she moans. Bringing her hips closer with my hands I go faster my tongue slipping in and out while she sucks on me. I flip her over and turn her around to kiss her, her nails digging into my back behind my shoulder blade. Her tongue slips under mine rubbing together I feel her grab ahold of my wet dick teasing herself and myself with it by rubbing it against her wet pussy.

I put my hand on hers and insert into her hole she lets out a high pitched moan almost a scream from the top of her lungs. "Oh my godd that feels so good" she says rolling her eyes back leaving her mouth in an O shape. Im grabbing on to her she is gliding up and down from the green felt table gripping on to the sides, biting her lip to cover up her moans even though with the music going on in the background no one would be able to hear. Holding down her breast from bouncing, I take my dick out and take a scoop full of cum falling from her pussy spreading on her breast and taking another scoop and sucking it off my fingers tasting more of her warmth. Gulping down her entire breast with my mouth. Im completely in that moment this is the best I've had so far. I finally notice thats she is screaming in pain and not moaning I take my mouth of her tit but she is still screaming I look down at my hands and notice i was squeezing her sides so hard with my hands and nails, there is a little stream of blood falling down her  skin I let go of her and she backs away into the corner of the room. "What the fuck is wrong with you" What happens next im not even controlling. My body is just acting responding.