
My addiction

As im walking back to the bathroom I hear her calling out my name "Nickkkkk you still there  these things hurt... but not as much as you inside me would". "Im coming" I yell at her. I walk through the bathroom door and set the things aside. I open the shower door to find her on the floor with her legs spread apart, she looks up at me and says "you good?" I nod and turn the shower back on, I head back out to grab the supplies. I come back in and she looks at me with a worried face

" what are you doing?" She asks.

"Hey listen if your into this weird kinky shit I don't know about im willing to try it?"she says with consideration in her face.

"Just don't worry and stay still" I tell her.

She nods, I set the clay cutters down and put the razors in my right hand.

" What the fuck are you doing?" She says starting to try to wiggle out from the handcuffs.

I grab her head and she tries to move out from my grip I pin her head back once more hard against the glass door this time almost knocking her out, there is worry and despair in her face. I turn on the razor and press it against her head gliding backwards, her hair falling down to my feet. I keep going until all of her hair is on the floor, by now she is in tears yelling like a crazy person... crazier than me. " Your fucking sick" she yells

I move my hand from her head to her mouth still pushing back against her she tries to bite me but with my thumb I keep her mouth shut from her chin. Her annoying muffled sounds trying to come out are pissing me off, she needs to shut the fuck up. I feel my fists balling up by my sides "Shut the fuck up before You regret ever opening your mouth ". I decide against punching the shit out of her right this moment and instead I grab the string of metal with wooden pegs to the side. "You know this string if used correctly it could cut right through the skin of your throat, and you would be bleeding to death while choking and while hearing your groans of struggles" I tell her by this point her tears are choking herself. I grab the clay cutter and loosely wrap it around her neck twice before starting to tighten it, she starts fiercely thrashing her arms her hands still handcuffed. With every breath she takes it gets me more blood thirsty and I tighten it even more until she is turning purple, drops of blood running down her neck only to be washed away by the drops of water falling from the shower head.

Until she just stops, her head droops down to her side her face expressionless. I let go, letting the water clean my mess. I step out of the shower to start picking up all the hair out of the shower, I put it in my kitchen sink turning on the garbage disposer. I walk back to the shower to see her lying there her face purple and lifeless, I decide to remove the handcuffs and clean them with the shower still running. I drop them off in the room, and go back under the water slowly dragging my hands from my neck down my inked chest. I run my finger down from my stomach down to the tip of my dick, I run my finger around the circumference of my cock then take a firm grip around still feeling the stickiness of her saliva. Im moving my hand up and down and with the other hand squeezing and grasping my balls, my moans getting louder with each pump.

After jerking off for a little longer I finish up my shower put on random clothes to do something with the body. I clean her up for any of my finger prints and stuffed her in a trash bag. I put her in my car and drive off 3 hours from there and burry her 6ft underground in the woods. I go home and clean my self again. I lay in bed thinking of what just happened not only terrible pussy, but I just killed two people in one day and I loved it .I could keep doing that all the work was worth it. Was I addicted to killing people ? Was this going to become a thing ?